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Thursday, August 29, 2024
Little Ketchup
Grittyville, WA
Entry 175 of 265 |
I was looking at some old soil tests. Both showed phosphorus as being "high". And a slew of other nutrients as being low. And yet the tissue tests I have done over the years (plus the visual symptoms) have almost always indicated poor phosphorus levels in the plant. And, the plants may or may not respond to my efforts to boost the phosphorus. Sometimes they do, sometimes they dont. It might be soil temperatures. It might be the ph, the soil biology, or other nutrient conflicts. It might be that I'm simply not adding enough. But if the soil test says there is a high amount, then why should I have to add any at all? I guess because it is largely unavailable to the plants, or because there are excesses of the nutrients that are more easily available. I think ordinary people would throw up their hands and give up on the whole thing. It seems you have to be a glutton for punishment to be a hobby farmer, (and even more so to be a real farmer?).