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Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Little Ketchup
Grittyville, WA
Entry 174 of 265 |
Why do the megas develop slower, proportionate to their size, than the singles do. This small single has a deep round shape and it weighs at least as much as the mega. They were no doubt pollinated at around the same time.
So I think what this means is that the plant will divide its energy equally despite one having way more potential than the other. This equal division of resources means that the single may reach its full potential while the mega will not. I cant imagine what mechanism would cause the resources to divide equally. Presumably this happens when the resources are limited (that is the case with this plant, because its been severely neglected). If the plant had unlimited resources, then presumably the little single would only be able to consume so much and all the rest would go into the mega and they would both reach their full potential.
The only conclusion I can draw from all this, is that in many cases I dont need a bigger balloon, but I do need more of what fills the balloon. And what is that exactly. And why does it divide itself equally between the two flowers. I am totally stumped.
I'd think this hobby would be like a textbook and eventually I'd reach the last page. But it never ends... there's something new to learn every single day.