Entry Date
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Tuesday, June 04, 2024
Little Ketchup
Grittyville, WA
Entry 79 of 265 |
2024 Bushel gourd spot. This is the spot that grew 2200 lbs of pumpkins last year. Judging by the appearance of the weeds and the garlic, the rain hasnt washed all the nutrients out... Im gonna mow, do a bonfire, then solarize, then put up a hoop house mostly for wind protection, but also a bit higher temps at night.... pumpkins will do ok with 50 degree nights but maybe melons/ bushel gourds want 60 degree nights.
I dont want to use pesticides and there is a full ecosystem of bugs out here including some that would like to eat Bert & Ernie, the bushel gourd plants thats why I will sear the soil surface around the planting hole with fire, and solarize the rest.
The soil has good potential... I just wonder if I should have gotten some better genetics that include Steve's 470 lber in their lineage.