Entry Date
Nick Name
Tuesday, June 04, 2024
Little Ketchup
Grittyville, WA
Entry 78 of 265 |
This mustard got planted at the same time as the tomatoes (a mistake on my part). Its enjoying this weather, clearly. If nothing else, I already grew a pb mustard plant lol. There's lots of baby worms in this spot where this mustard plant is... baby worms indicates good things? I think this could help my results later... ? I will neither till nor broad fork, its easier just to feed my youthful army of soil diggers.
...Cant hardly even see the tomato plants but there are some in this picture. Not a great start, but I had crappy plants last year and when the weather changed they turned around, I hope these will too.
...Cant even describe how poor the weather is but I think this is what farmers here call a cabbage year... aka the opposite of a corn year. Speaking of corn... now would be the time.