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Thursday, June 06, 2019
Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)
Lebanon, Oregon
Entry 15 of 233 |
If you want to be in the top 10 for tomatoes, it is imperative (vitally important) that you put the extra time in. This work from a tilled garden to this point took me 12 hours. I still need to make another row tomorrow, then I can plant my seedlings. We are talking about 1 pound from the top 10 to top 30. You cannot just depend on your good seed. Prepare you garden in the Fall, add amendments in the Spring and till in. I spread a good organic tomato fertilizer then used a broadfork to mix in. The broadfork goes deeper than the tiller. Then I laid down the solar mulch. It heats up the soil 8-10 degrees down deep but weeds won't grow. You have to have loose, fluffy soil. Put down boards to walk on. Producing a 5-6 lb tomato is no problem. It's the 7-10 lb I am working on. After good luck with the weather THEN the proper seed will get me there.