A few more tomato plants. The amount I'm going to put in the garden has been steadily increasing. I'll be pushing over 30 than the planned 20. Included are the Big Marley's, 4.10 Sherwood, 5.96 Treece, 7.10 Foss, 5.56, 6.06, 6.02 Spaziani, 4.45 Spaziani MegaMutt Z, 4.41 Spaziani MegaMutt D, 7.19, 6.52, 6.93, 5.13 LaRue, 5.95 Konieczny, 4.0 Marley (5.03 Boudyo), 4.70 Spaziani Zacheart F2, 4.12 Spaziani MegaZac, DelBrut, 6.06 Schmit. I had some Domingo's but they dried up when they germinated. No Porkchop, no Clayton Domingo's.