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Monday, May 01, 2017
Dutch Brad
Entry 3 of 25 |
Giant beets in their final position under fleece. It's been a very cold and dry spring till now. Have 9 giant (fodder) beets in three different places in the garden. Sandy soil, clay soil and inside. Seed is from the strain that grew the world record. In the small greenhouse I have two 967 Horde* squash plants. No growth on the main one (due to cold?). Placed a second one beside it. Have another backup in case necessary. Have a 137.00 and 122.88 Eaton long gourd going, as well as a 220 Bartoli and 161.5 Crews watermelon for the large greenhouse. Also have 4 corn plants going (about 2ft tall) along with a few backups. Still to start are the tomatoes, cucumbers, field pumpkins, sunflowers, runnerbeans, marrows and bushel gourds.