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Thursday, February 23, 2017
Dutch Brad
Entry 2 of 25 |
It took more than six years, but I finally managed to get the beet seeds that grew the world record in 2005. The seeds are from an exclusive/elusive club of beet growers from one of the Dutch provinces that has around 350 members. One of their growers grew the WR in 2005 (171 lbs) and to win any given year, you need 120 lbs or more. They sneer at anything less that 100 lbs... lol
Although I can't join the club (I live in the wrong part of the country) they were very generous and sent me a pack of the seeds from the strain they have used for years and grew the world record from. The club is called "The Thirsty Beet" and I haven't been able to make out if the growers or the beets are the thirsty ones...
Just to make things clear, these are true fodder beets. There are very few growers that still grow true table beets, though many claim so. There is talk in the giant vegetable world of getting rid of the table beet class as there is a lot of cheating going on, especially in Great Britain, and because a lot of growers and judges simply don't know the difference.