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Subject:  Cover crop rye & barley mix question

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North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

I like to get a jump on planting my fall/winter cover crop and went to get my 25kg bag of fall rye, but this year is is a fall rye/barley mix.

We’ve always just used fall/winter rye and have had an excellent crop each year. I guess my question is mainly are there any drawbacks to the addition of barley? If not, what are the benefits of the addition of barley with the rye?


9/10/2023 4:54:30 PM

Andy W

Western NY

The more species in the mix, thee better.

9/10/2023 6:02:25 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Thanks Andy, I appreciate that.

9/10/2023 10:30:41 PM

Joze (Joe Ailts)

Deer Park, WI

Depending on your climate, barley can winter kill. Obviously rye does not. Barley is incredibly aggressive in establishing itself and growing fast in the fall. The upside of a small grain blend that includes a winter killing and winter surviving species is that the stand will thin itself out by next spring, leaving less living biomass to contend with.

Some reports have stated that barley is a more aggressive mycorrhizal colonizer, but I have no way to substantiate that. Rye is reportedly really good at hosting myco too.

The answer Andy provided is directionally correct, but one should also define what their goals are by planting covers, as these goals weigh substantially on what species are ideal to plant.

Im a huge fan of small grains (rye, barley, oats, wheat) as a base for any CC mix. but again, depending on the goal, i'd look for unique strengths each species brings to the table.

If ur looking for maximum biomass accumulation and the ability to spring back to life immediately next spring, nothing beats rye. In fact, if that is the only goal, then diluting that blend with anything other than rye takes away from achieving said goal.

Fine tuning cover crop blends is a favorite part of being a biological agronomist. Its also a huge opportunity for pumpkin growers looking to maximize specific facets of their growing strategy. An area ripe for attention!

9/14/2023 3:09:59 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Thanks Joe, great information!!

9/14/2023 9:57:16 PM

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