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Subject:  Mycorrhizal Inoculant in patch?

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Jonah R

Chapel Hill, NC

Should I sprinkle mycorrhizal inoculant all around my patch, only in the planting hole, or only in the pots I start in? If I should put mycorrhizal everywhere, how many pounds should I put? (I have a 800 sf patch)

3/12/2023 8:04:03 PM


Lodi, California

People have tilled it in before, but I don't think many people do that. It's more effective when applied in an area with growing roots

3/12/2023 11:11:24 PM


Syracuse, NY

I was gonna inquire, Jonah if you had gotten any to incorporate into the soil. Get it, till it in at at least the recommended rate and then it'll BE THERE when your (ANY) roots grow into it. It also is to be used AT the root burial nodes and will then incorporate with any that is already in the works. It takes time for it to grow throughout the patch as it activates from the vine roots and the stump. There are the
'save money' argument and the 'He grew a record without it' argument butt for example, Joel Holland does it and grew the 2363 in 2017. I don't care who doesn't use it.
I wouldn't spend 800 dollars on it every few years if I didn't think it works.
You should get as much of it co$t-wise as any other amendment, and I would rather have Myco available than anything else.
Oh, yeah, Me and Myco Rhizae are getting married in May, FYI.
Christ, what might you get to grow in it, an 1875? (!!!)
eric g

3/13/2023 12:03:11 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

On the other hand, some top growers dont find it necessary to use it at all... imho the bigger bang for your buck will be soil test and then the Langley soil balancing... and/or a tissue test. I know these arent easy nor cheap things to pile onto a beginner though. None of these things is totally necessary.

3/13/2023 12:38:18 AM


Syracuse, NY

I think my 'Big Spender' application rate years ago was
5 pounds per 1000 SF.

EVEN coverage required, IMHO.


Regardless where you go,
get as much as you can afford and I'll try to be more
quiet, now, for a minute, lol---eric g

You'll enjoy this informative, nicely-narrated video about it:


3/13/2023 12:40:09 AM


Syracuse, NY

And let's not forget our personal bests, Little Kins, lol -
They would miss us if we were gone, but familiarity WITH us is key in THAT philosophy.
Is is not US that say we're gonna grow really big pumpkins someday?
Myco is an amendment unlike any other yet which requires no special provision other than a non-exaggerated Phosphorous level and even that is not gonna kill it; Sure, you can have a soil composition that is SO good that the plants need nothing more, but to have anything working additionally for a grower in the background with no need to reapply nor add more of once applied for years seems a win-win for me, anyway.

Me, Myco and Mildew Cure, lol.
Ohhh, baby.
Probably in that order!!! HAAAA!!!

PS---Just sent out an order for my 113 seed and in testing that seed since I had it upstairs,
I put it in a jewel case with that black foam in it and Myco @ 1/2 Tsp.
upon it. Wish I had written the date on that!
---OK, 3-11-23 - Cripes, it is sprouting already.
Perfect timing, since this post just appeared today!
I'll try and depict its growth across a sea of Myco, lol---eric g

3/13/2023 1:20:28 AM

Dorset Farmers - MarkB

Dorset UK

If I was just starting out again id rather spend the money on a good amount of manure and build my soil up that way.
FP WR was grown without myco.
And i don't even soil test lmao, but to be fair I know roughly what my soil is like.

3/13/2023 1:28:43 AM

Tconway (BigStem)

Austin MN

Last year I changed how I did mycos. I only used granular in the planting hole. Rest of the year I added liquid mycos to my finished compost teas and watered the plants and about 10ft out from the vines every direction with it.

I had the best roots Iv ever had plus this method was much easier than adding it to a trench or sprinkling ahead of vines as they grew.

3/13/2023 7:07:53 AM


Seattle, WA

If you are going to use, make sure it comes in direct contact with your roots. That means adding it to the hole are sprinkling around the seed at time of planting or when burying vines. You may have some spores already in your patch too.

I'm not advocating for or against, I think you should see what does well in your patch, but if you are going to use it, be sure to use it correctly so you can actually get infection.


If you want a really deep dive on it:

3/13/2023 12:58:34 PM


Kutztown, PA

Big Stem, I think you posted that you planned to use the wettable myco last year. I remember asking if it really dissolve well since I was having trouble getting mine to complete dissolve. Last year I buried granular at each node which is very time consuming. Some days I'd get going and even forget to add it. I think I'm going with the granular in the pot and the hole this year then using some agitation and a sprayer to apply most of it. Can you mix the stuff with anything but water, i.e. maybe humic or fish/seaweed, or soluble fertilizer?

3/13/2023 4:15:48 PM


Syracuse, NY

So far, the first article says to not do either of our methods of application, Garwolf - WHAT are we to do???As you know, I am a fan of tilling it into the soil and when a root happens to come into contact with any of it, it is there already. I have not tilled ANYthing in a couple of years now in thinking that I don't wanna destroy the fungal networks that have been there for that long, butt I also need to get some organic mater into my soil like never before. It all stems from a manure spreader that is marginally usable. Almost have it bug-free, but...
I had 'An Error Occurred' so here's the specific link to the second article:


Be sure to watch it in Hi-Def! lol---eric g
PS---If one can figure out its whereabouts,
Episode 37 caught my eyes also.

3/13/2023 11:39:07 PM


Syracuse, NY

Muh Muh Muh My Corriza;

3/14/2023 12:14:44 AM


Syracuse, NY

Jonah, you could just get 10-15 pounds of it and err to the side of 'Well, it's helping, since it's there' - rather than 'Well, I should have', lol, you know, like me and burying vines, which NO grower will do without. You'd have bunch left for vine burying AND your soil would already be ready to 'crank'---eg

3/14/2023 4:37:48 PM


Syracuse, NY

a bunch

3/14/2023 4:38:13 PM

Total Posts: 14 Current Server Time: 3/6/2025 9:11:24 PM
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