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IPGA Seed Auction and Raffle 2003

Lot Seed Cross Info

LaRue 746

Corkum 616 X Calai 846 1014.5& 910
2 Nesbitt 845 Calai 846 X Bobier 723 1076 and 3 over 800

Stucker 963

Stelts 801.5 X Lloyd 935 1082 First year out
4 Kurkowski 713 Calai 846 X Kurkowski 668 1055 & 1000.5
5 Mombert 1005 Bobier 723 X Calai 846 1088 and 2 over 800
6 Lloyd 846 Lloyd 575 X Haegans 946.5 1036 & 859.5
7 Pukos 805 Burke 1092 X Bobier 723 14 over 800
8 Wyckoff 844 Stellpflug 681 X Wyckoff 828 1279.5 & 895
9 Daletas 1230 Stelts 705 X Calai 846 9 Over 900
10 Knauss 898 Brown 1007 X Cox 1048 4 over 1000  Goes Heavy
11 Beachy 1097 Bobier 845 X Bobier 723 2 over 1100 first year
12 Werner 1076 Nesbitt 845 X Kuhn 980 2 0ver 1000 First year
13 Checkon 986 Bobier 723 X Checkon 815 1162 first year
14 Daletas 1075 Daletas 790 X Stelts 705 4 over 900
15 Pukos 735 Calai 846 X Self 4 over 1000
16 Calai 869.5 Calai 846 X Stelts 801.5 5 over 900 big and orange
17 Daletas 1016 Stelts 705 X Calai 846 Nothing under 1000
18 Eaton 842 Calai 846 X Bobier 723 9 over 800 first year
19 Daletas 961 Hester 611.5 X Calai 846 1301.4 and 905.5
20 Hester 582 Momber 940 X Holland 1026 1458, 1186.4 & 998
21 Daletas 783 Hebb 500 X Stelts 801.5 World Record holder Nothing under 1000
22 Wyckoff 797.5 Wyckoff 844 X Rose 960 1089.5
23 Bobier 845 or

Stelts 801.5

Lloyd 935 X Mettler 865

Shymanski 825.5 X Rose 562

Which ever seed that is not chosen for the Raffle

Auction Will be on Friday December 12 at 8:00 PM in the BigPumpkins.com Seed Auction Room

Auction Rules

  1. When bidding type in the lot number before your bid ( L12 $15 )
  2. All bids will be in $5 increments
  3. Winning bidders will e-mail John Maston when they have won a bid with the subject being the lot #. You will receive instructions on completing the transaction after that.
  4. Respect the bidders by not chatting during the bids.

Good luck to all and happy bidding

Raffle Information

  1. All entries will be sent to John Maston, 1725 Audrey Rd., Columbus, OH 43224
  2. Entries must be post marked by December 1, 2003 to be eligible for the raffle
  3. Entries will be 1 for $15, 3 for $30 or 8 for $60
  4. When sending entries please include e-mail address and whether you would like the 845 or the 801.5 if you are the grand prize winner
  5. Winners will be chosen Thursday December 11
  6. Seeds in the raffle include either the 845 Bobier or 801.5 Stelts (grand prize winners choice) and 846 Lloyd, 713 Kurkowski, 845 Nesbitt, 1020 Kuhn and 10 other good seeds to be determined later.

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