Grower Diary Comments
Subject: Comments - CJTUCCIO 2025-01-09
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pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
Here is what I've been doing for 20 years and I love it in that it CAN be a workout with my stupidly-20+ plants every year; Variety is the spice of life, lol: One 55-gallon barrel, bottom cut out of it and the TOP has two threaded holes (bung holes, literally), one that is screwed shut and the finer-threaded one has a Home Depot PVC fitting that will thread into that AS a right angle elbow, culminating in a male hose fitting to be connected to a Drummond Sprinkler Pump or similar; I have HAD TO use common water hose shutoff valves (like $1.29 each from any online supplier, needing a dozen for over the years and expansion) three with ONE hole drilled through the ball of the valve (they ARE ball valves) at 1/16", 1/8", 3/16" and maybe one larger - at least these three for limiting the 70 PSI!!! that will be blasting from this EPIC pump for $149 at Harbor freight. Okay, next is a Whizzer-type yellow and black sprinkler from I think Sprinkler Warehouse for literally only like $2.88 each (several years ago's price, I dunno) to go onto a 3' 4" (10 feet cut into thirds) piece of 1/2-inch PVC pipe for like $3.85 at Home Depot; A fitting is needed for the end of the pipe to thread into the sprinkler, like 1/2-inch male pipe thread X 1/2-inch slip other end that'll be needing to be attached with PVC pipe glue that you'll use forever from now-on, lol; For the other end of the pipe you'll need a 'spike base' of some aluminum alloy or plastic (not preferred) to stick into the ground with the garden hose screwed into it and the base stuck into the ground, upright, firmly. Other end of the hose goes to the specialized ball valves off of the pump. Pump below barrel, now supported on top of small engine block pallet available at any auto repair garage for free, high enough to allow for barrel's outlet to swing freely.
1/10/2025 7:02:27 AM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
So, barrel gets filled with water from current water supply through timer, even by attaching to inlet of pump with a Y adapter. Use a drilled ball valve to slow the water if you'd like. Barrel fills - A mechanical water timer is set to how long it takes to fill at a controlled rate. You get home. Oh, Goody! I always use a REAL valve to shut off the water TO the assembly if connected directly (not, just flowed over the barrel edge) to avoid contamination/backflow into the house water; Add your ferts to the water; 6' PVC pipe to massively swirl it all in! Have extension cord + pump outside of diameter of sprinkler's diameter of probably 20-30 feet. Plug in. Plant gets watered, takes like 10-15 minutes depending on # of sprinklers. This pump will EASILY run 3 Whizzer-type sprinklers 2 will be crying in the rain and one will be wanting to just give up, lol! Try it or don't try it butt at least it is here as an idea for you. Good luck and I'd be OK with any pertinent questions pertaining to the items in this recipe for...NOT disaster, lol--- eric gerry/pumpkinpal2 >>>>>>>>>
See MY diary here for some pump details in '23, and later, this other guy's setup for drip line usage; You could do BOTH! (Whizzers for the AGs and drip line for the others, simply gravity-fed without the pump, if the patch is below the barrel!) http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=340389
This guy's setup is the OTHER half of my contribution: http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=289539 Good Luck!
1/10/2025 7:02:40 AM
Danbury, CT
Wow, this is a ton of great information. Thanks so much!!
1/10/2025 7:08:48 AM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
Yup! Wow, 2015 + 2023 were good years for me, lol! eg
[Last edit: 01/10/25 8:14:25 AM]
1/10/2025 8:04:34 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
@ pumpkinpal2... would you recommend he filter the water? He might need a fancy in-line filter prior to the drip tape? Not a huge deal he can probably can get one for $20-40. Barrels seem to shed rust particles (you recommend a plastic or metal barrel?) plus adding the fertilizer--there's often bits that wont dissolve. I did a setup like yours with a 12 volt pump and a car battery, it did around 40 psi. It would do a whole barrel, it could run a sprinkler at a medium pressure for 20 minutes, but then the battery would be half drained & need to be recharged. With a solar panel, set up to recharge the battery it might not be a bad way to go? ...Just my own crazy thoughts on it.
CJTUCCIO-- Mobeymike's videos were good, he shows his setup for mixing in some of his earlier youtube videos.
1/10/2025 12:54:01 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Most growers use totes because a barrel is only enough water for one small plant but if its just being used to apply fertilizer then it could be bypassed so that more water could be added. Might be easier just to get a couple totes though. Idk.
1/10/2025 12:58:32 PM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
Plastic barrel - Can be gotten for Prolly 20 bucks (I used to have a Tank Farm of 10 of these, connected!) and if going with my usual recommendation abroad, the fertwater is done one day and additional watering the next or beyond, allowing ferts to absorb fully before 'drenching'. Filter? Sure, even a rubber-ringy-thingy one with a mesh metal screen in it, cleaned occasionally or a 2-for-$20 Recreational Vehicle set at Walmart is okay, for anything, butt low-restriction in all instances. I run this Drummond pump off of two in-series extension cords at 50 feet each - there is some extra length butt I just make sure that the 'yank switch/plug puller' is reasonably taut in case of emergency. Whatever works! I also have one in my HOUSE watering system, it is SO indestructible, run off a wireless remote control. I literally could not find one that by default made like 25-30 PSI. I am happy as Hell with it, though. eg
1/10/2025 7:18:30 PM
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