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Subject:  ALL I CAN SAY IS WOW!!!

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East Tennessee

What a year for melons! So many great acomplishments this year with many setting new personal best, and several state records falling. In my opinion nothing as amazing as the work of 4 in particular. First Chris Kent with two over 300, WoW!! Next Jeremy Lindley with an outstanding year breaking the Arkansas record twice and barley missing 300. I fully expect him to get there soon. Todd Dawson finds himself in the 300 lb club while breaking his previous state record twice this year...Garner strong!!! And what can you say about Frank Mudd? Well Mr. Mudd also broke his state record twice! THREE MELONS OVER 300 EQUALLING 957 POUNDS WORTH OF WATERMELONS!!!!! Like I said lots of others breaking pbs and records this year, to many to list (that's a good thing). Congratulations to all! I know there are a few more weigh offs left but I think for the most part the melons are done. Looks like the world record pool will roll over so keep that in mind. The GWG is the best dang club around with the best members!

10/15/2017 9:50:42 PM


SW Ohio

I have Franks melon here at my house. I picked it up from Hamilton today. I cannot lie. It is a beautiful melon and its going to break my heart to have to saw it open. For the next few days, I’m just going to enjoy looking at it and yes, i have had to pet it a few times lol.

We had to stop at the gas station on the way home and ran in to get something to drink. When we came out, the truck was surrounded by people with cameras.

Its been a fun year to see all the huge melons hit the scale. I’m already looking forward to next season!

10/15/2017 10:42:21 PM


NE Arkansas

Thanks JT... I don't know if my name deserves to be up there with those 3. I have had a great year! I'm very proud of the year I've had, but Jerry and Becky Lindley helped a bunch. It's definitely a team effort here with all the stuff we grow. I also gotta give alot of growers their props too... Chris Kent and Spencer Glasgow have been there to help everytime I had a question. Along with other great growers Todd Dawson, all of the Terry's, Lloyd Bright, Andrew Vial, and many others. One thing I have learned the last 3 years is the melonheads are all a great group who help each other and share information with each other. That's the fastest way to move us forward too. For the new guys my best advice is this... Go up to the great growers like Marvin Mitchell, Lloyd Bright, Chris Kent, Frank Mudd, or any grower and I promise they will not steer you wrong. The work for 2018 starts tomorrow. Patch prep...

10/15/2017 11:07:33 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Better than very well, stated by both of the j's!!! I sorta blame Barbee for this nonsence!!! She posted & pasted till a bunch of folks started to want to grow bigguns"
I know there is a GPC award for 3/over 4K in pkns? Where is the 3 melons at three different weighoff jacket for over 950#'s for melons? Mr. Mudd deserves some recognition from the GPC!!! Peace, Wayne
May be that others deserve this award also, if so...post & tell !!

10/16/2017 12:21:41 AM


Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com

I went to 3 weigh-offs and saw 3 state records broken. Kansas, Wisconsin, and Nebraska. Definitely a good year in the Midwest.

10/16/2017 3:52:08 AM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

There were so many big melons this year. I am already excited to see what happens next year.

10/16/2017 8:06:19 AM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

I have to also agree with the 2 J's.
I've learned a lot from some great folks on this board.
I can't thank them enough.
This is the most selfless group of people I have ever met.
Always willing to help out.
It's been a great year for melons,and can't wait to see what next season brings !

10/16/2017 12:51:46 PM

Charles B.(Team GWG/WWGG)

Grant, AL

You took the words out of my mouth JT! This has been a great season for melons and a lot of growers are stepping up and weighing some huge melons. My season didn't go to good but it was exciting to see many of my good friends and fellow growers really knock it out of the park this year. That only motivates me to have my best year yet next year. Congrats to Frank, Chris, Jeremy Lindley, Todd, and many others on a tremendous season. It's absurd to think that Franks 298.5 melon was his 4th biggest! That is crazy!! Great season everyone and good luck next season!!

10/16/2017 7:43:51 PM


Fenton, MI

Growers working together is what has made the GWG a great club to be in. I am proud to be a small part of keeping it going and I know that Bill and Todd are also.
I have been growing melons for 20 years now and at 74 years (old ) I never though I would see 6 melons over 300 pounds and others nocking on the door in the same growing year.
So give me 10 more years of growing as I want to be a part of it and see 6 over 400 in the same year and the big ones along the way. YOU CAN DO IT !

10/16/2017 7:45:18 PM

Ice Man

Garner, NC

Thanks Jeremy, Seems the more we all talk, the better the weights get. The top 25 melons will be over 250, very impressive for the hobby, and shows how many growers are stepping up their game.
After watching Frank and Chris's success, I learned they both have something in common( other than huge watermelons). They are both willing to think outside the box and try something new. I believe the success we all have can be linked to those 2 in one way or another. Looking forward to next year, should be some amazing seeds to try next year.

10/16/2017 8:53:56 PM

XXL Melon

Nakina NC

Wow, is all I can say as well. Some really BIG melons showing up in the back of trucks and trunks. Attending these weigh in events and conversating with other growers is enough in its self. My wife has already put the pressure on for next year. She said that we had to have a 300lb melon. I guess that means she ihas bought into the addiction, and that what ever it takes, count her in. Trouble is, she wants to put beds in the front yard. I draw the line there, Don't mess with my lawn! Starting next season tomorrow, as I'm leaving for 3 days of company meetings with vegetable product suppliers, fungicides, micros, ferts, insecticides, and growth enhancers. Looking to take a lot of notes to try and catch that crew of BIG Melon growers at the top of the list.

10/16/2017 9:30:49 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

What a great year for so many growers. Its so nice to see the smiles of success on so many faces. Best group of growers bar none. MELON HEADS ! Cant wait to see next year. I have already seen future 300 lbs melons in some of the patch prep pictures growers have posted ;)

10/16/2017 10:08:49 PM

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