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Subject:  World Record Pool

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East Tennessee

Tying to find out if there would be any interst with the growers in starting a pool for the next world record. If there are enough the GWG would track participation and money. This would be totally funded by participants and cost the GWG nothing. This would be a yearly thing till a new WR is grown wether it be this year or whenever. If not broke this year then it would carry over to the next and so on. First we need to see if there are enough to make it worth while and if so then figure out an exact format. Comment below if this is something you would wanna do. If we see enough here to go forward the GWG will send an email to every member for those who may not use these boards very much.

I would be in!

3/30/2017 7:46:21 PM

andrew943 GWG

Liberty nc

I would

3/30/2017 7:59:38 PM



I'm in!!!

3/30/2017 9:08:43 PM


NE Arkansas

I'm game...

3/30/2017 9:42:54 PM

Charles B.(Team GWG/WWGG)

Grant, AL

I'm in too!

3/30/2017 9:53:46 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

what the ante, i'm in

3/30/2017 10:33:37 PM


Hamilton Nj

Im in too

3/30/2017 11:07:40 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

I'm in, and will pay the ante...for Bill, Frank, John&James, if needed!!! LOL Peace, Wayne

3/31/2017 12:27:03 AM


Fenton, MI

I'm in and like Jeremy said I will keep your records and $$

3/31/2017 7:37:03 AM


Spring Hope, N.C. - USA

I'm in

3/31/2017 8:54:49 AM


Chapel Hill, NC

Ok I'll bite

3/31/2017 2:42:38 PM


Home of happy lil plants


3/31/2017 3:34:39 PM


East Tennessee

Ok looks like this may just go forward so now give us your ideas on how to run it and what the ante should be. Thinking the deadline will be June 1. Lets come up with a plan so Mr. Mittchel can get email out soon.

3/31/2017 8:51:01 PM

Charles B.(Team GWG/WWGG)

Grant, AL

What about something like a $10-$20 ante per year that would be included in your yearly GWG dues. That way Marvin would know if a grower pays more than the regular $25 dues that the grower is in on the WR pool and he can add the additional money to the pot! The amount for the ante could be adjustable based on how fast we want the pool to grow. What do yall think?

3/31/2017 10:31:46 PM

ClearlyMoronic (TeamTrenchant)

Deal With It


3/31/2017 11:09:06 PM


NE Arkansas

What I think would he awesome is for the GWG to add $5 to memberships and that extra $5 Go exclusively into a WR fund... if you have 50 members then that would add $250 To the fund... if you have 100 members it would add 500 that year... just a thought but I'm game for a $20 spot or $25 starting out... I just want some of Kent's money...

4/1/2017 12:08:59 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

would be cool if the fee could be handicaped, based on last years results. the top would pay more , the bottom less. New members would be a set amount.
like top 10 =5.00
next 10 = 4.00
next 10=3.00
or something like that

4/1/2017 8:03:18 AM


Fenton, MI

In the past we have had members say no to extra dues for a world record pool. Saying that who ever grew a world record melon would get the GWG top prize and at that time it was $1000. now it is $1200. So I think it would be best not to have it in with the dues. We also had some members say that they would give the club this much $$$ and did to be put in the W R pool and that is how it was done the last time.

We have some members donate money to the club every year for other category's, we have a great club and we can work this out. Some times is best to just keep it simple.

So just come up with what you want to put in to start with, then I will send the membership a email and those that want in can do so.

4/1/2017 8:25:23 AM


East Tennessee

I'm thinking a contribution of $20.00 yearly and I believe we have to have a rule that you have to contribute every year to win.

4/1/2017 10:16:56 AM


NE Arkansas

Ok Jeremy Terry... what if no WR for next 2 years... and Bob the builder hasn't been in the last 2 years wants in the next year? How does that work?

4/1/2017 11:20:30 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

lindley, i think if you pay your in, and if not, then no chance.

4/1/2017 12:24:30 PM


East Tennessee

Well thats y im asking. Would it be fair for bob the builder to come in the 3rd year grow a wr and take the pot from the 2 previous years? This is a discussion lets hear ur ideas.

4/1/2017 6:06:49 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

so what would ya do, make someone pay past year(s) to get in the pool ?
like a buy in ?

4/1/2017 6:55:13 PM

Charles B.(Team GWG/WWGG)

Grant, AL

Yeah I think that sounds good that if you don't pay each year then your out of possibly winning the pot. The only way to get back in is to pay in for the years that you missed. We would have to have a running list of growers in on the pot for each year to know who is in.

4/1/2017 7:09:50 PM


Fenton, MI

So if I get this right: 1 you have to be in the WR pool to win. 2. If you miss the 1st year and no W R and you want to get in you have to pay for the 1st and 2nd before the cut off date to get in and so on.

That's is what Charles and Jeremy T.is saying.

Because I do the dues for the club and have all the email address I could keep the kitty for it and make a list of who all is in and email that list to all that are in.

4/1/2017 8:04:12 PM


Fenton, MI

So you guys set up what you all want and I would do what ever you want me to do to help run it. If you want help.

4/1/2017 8:12:14 PM

andrew943 GWG

Liberty nc

I think a person should pay to be in it. I don't think a person should be penalized An half to pay for years that he was not in it. If a new grower was to come in An join the gwg should he or she have to pay all the years it's been in here to be able to win prize money? .....the answer is no! If you want something to grow it must be open to everyone who wants to pay that money to get in. You pay before season starts then it's up to you to put the effort in! The more you can get to join the more dollars you can win!

4/1/2017 8:43:59 PM


Hamilton Nj

I think id like to see a cut off date for entering contest

4/1/2017 9:05:48 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

I think that it should work like the lotery. To get in it cost $20 for that year.the only people who can win the pot are the people who put in that year. If their are no winners then the pot rolls over and you do it again. If you wont in again you put in another $20 and the pot continues to grow. If you dont put in that year you can't win.just luck of the draw.

4/1/2017 9:10:17 PM


East Tennessee

So $20.00 ante due by June 1st,open to all GWG members. No penalty for year(s) missed. Is that the vibe I'm getting here? Is 20 a good ante or would you like it lower? Thoughts? I'm certainly open to anything.

4/1/2017 9:29:07 PM


East Tennessee

Like Chris said, like the lottery

4/1/2017 9:30:07 PM

andrew943 GWG

Liberty nc

20 sounds good

4/1/2017 9:36:54 PM

Charles B.(Team GWG/WWGG)

Grant, AL

Yeah 20 sounds good to me too

4/1/2017 9:43:27 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

I,d hate to take yalls money....

4/1/2017 11:06:41 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

IMHO...here's the dealio...we all (1st year entries) pay all the money! $20. And give again for a couple of years (doubtful),but $20 each year!! And then some alien from another planet, pays the $20 once, and wins the $4.5 million dollars? Doesn't seem right to me? Should be some buy in price (larger than the yearly fee), to get in after the first year of contest!!! Maybe a graduated ante would work? 1st year, pay $5, and pay that much every year...2nd year new entries, pay $10, and pay that much every year...3rd year new entries, pay $20, and pay that much every year...etc.? Peace, Wayne

4/2/2017 1:58:31 AM


Fenton, MI

Looks like Jeremy has got this set up good. Keep in mind that the money in the pool may be there a few years or maybe only one year, but it will add up. I would add just one thing: If two growers are in the pool and they each have a new WR the same year, the biggest one wins the pool. We may not think that it could happen, but that's when it will.

4/2/2017 7:11:52 AM


Fenton, MI

I also think that $20. is a good price to get in the pool. With 20 in, the next world record holder will get a $400. bonus. That's nice!!

4/2/2017 7:17:43 AM


NE Arkansas

Stop talking about in 3 years about how big the pot will be... It's coming to NE Arkansas this year...

4/2/2017 12:34:28 PM


East Tennessee

Looks like The Finders are in, SWEEEET!!!

4/2/2017 9:01:24 PM

Charles B.(Team GWG/WWGG)

Grant, AL

Good to hear the Finders are in. That is 20 more bucks for me... I mean in the pot! It might just come to NE Arkansas this year Lindley... if I bring it up there and show it to you after I win it lol. This is going to be even more fun than it already was!!! In the words of JT, SWEET!!!

4/2/2017 9:27:02 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Okay, I'm in regardless!!! & will still pay for Frank, Bill, John&James VanHook if necessary!!! Looking for a winner from Kentucky!!!!!! LOL Peace, Wayne

4/3/2017 12:35:37 AM


Fenton, MI

Jeremy, I will get a email ready to send to all the GWG members and send it to you. If you are OK with it I will send it to all the GWG members and we will get it started.

4/3/2017 8:13:38 AM


East Tennessee

sounds good

4/3/2017 11:43:30 AM


Hamilton Nj

Wat happens if i break the worc
Ld record and then someone beats me is it who breaks it first ???? Pizza

4/3/2017 7:05:46 PM

Charles B.(Team GWG/WWGG)

Grant, AL

Hey pizza I think Marvin covered that on a previous post. The bigger of the two would win the pot. That's why if someone breaks the WR then we would need to wait till all weighoff are over just in case someone re breaks the new record. Man that was confusing lol

4/3/2017 7:14:42 PM


NE Arkansas

Charles is correct... send your checks to me and make it easy on Marvin... lol

4/3/2017 10:18:33 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

One other quick ?. Is this Carolina Cross only? Or if I grow a 210# Jumbo Black Diamond...would that qualify & win the pot? Peace, Wayne Sorry Chris!!! & I am growing your seeds this year!!!

4/4/2017 12:24:07 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

its the heavest melon Wayne. you have to beat 350.50 or whatever the high weight is.

4/4/2017 6:39:04 AM


East Tennessee

Email should be coming out today with the details so watch your inbox.

4/4/2017 7:02:24 AM



Ha Ha i have my 316's and 350.5's up and running look out.

4/4/2017 7:45:14 AM


East Tennessee

PAID UP !!!!!! Good luck all!

4/4/2017 1:51:15 PM


Fenton, MI

I am in. Let's see a new world record. Thanks Jeremy for getting this started.

4/4/2017 1:56:07 PM


NE Arkansas

I'm paid up

4/5/2017 11:02:36 PM


Fuquay Varina, NC

If cancersurvivor is in I'm in. Need to support him..lol

4/5/2017 11:35:58 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Thanks, Chris...thought you would have been a bit more supportive!!! LOL % over old world record or something!!! Just kidding!!! Where do I send ante's? Peace, Wayne

4/6/2017 12:48:14 AM


Fenton, MI

Peace Wayne if sending a check send to:

Marvin Mitchell
6441 Bennett LK RD
Fenton, MI 48430

4/6/2017 8:24:10 AM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Marv, is paypal possible? Peace, Wayne

4/6/2017 1:39:31 PM


Fenton, MI

Wayne, I will send you a email with all the information on this.

4/6/2017 3:19:19 PM

Total Posts: 58 Current Server Time: 1/14/2025 6:27:07 AM
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