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Subject:  Free Dirt!

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NE Arkansas

Spencer is offering free dirt the next few days... just show up at Kent's house and get all you want!

3/16/2017 1:28:37 PM


NE Arkansas

Jeremy Terry will be there with his tractor to load dirt for anybody Friday... get there early to avoid the rocky stuff

3/16/2017 1:33:28 PM


Home of happy lil plants

hurry before the "free rawks" promotion end

3/16/2017 3:18:42 PM


Spring Hope, N.C. - USA

with friends like you and jeremy .chris dont need enemys.lol

3/16/2017 4:52:05 PM


East Tennessee

This is totally on the up and up. Chris wants to bring in new dirt for his heavy cucumber project and we jumped in there to help out. Let me know when you can be there and i will have the tractor warmed up.

3/16/2017 5:46:37 PM


Central NY


3/16/2017 7:05:57 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Now I understand...Chris is at da fawlz? Will try & leave Owensboro at sunrise, and 4 hour or so drive to Chris's house, add in b/fast? How does noon sound? Peace, Wayne

3/16/2017 11:36:12 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

I just ate pizza with chris at marks house, so i will be their in the morning with my truck !!! Lol.. (0:

3/17/2017 12:33:54 AM


Spring Hope, N.C. - USA

chris left living on a mountain.will come home to a hill.lol

3/17/2017 6:28:47 AM

Charles B.(Team GWG/WWGG)

Grant, AL

No Chris! If your with Kent then we need you to stall him and keep him up there as long as possible. This might take a while to move out that old no good melon dirt and move in some good ole cucumber soil. We'll save you some of the old melon dirt Chris but keep him up there as long as possible!!

3/17/2017 6:53:00 AM

andrew943 GWG

Liberty nc

Get that tractor warming! I'm on the way!

3/17/2017 8:12:01 AM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

Don't worry, mark has this all under control. He is driving him all over canada pretending to be taking him to some seminar!!! You know mark he should keep him buisy for a couple of days!!!

3/17/2017 8:57:05 AM


Central NY

My dump trailer is due for inspection...any shops open down that way??

3/17/2017 10:52:03 AM

Charles B.(Team GWG/WWGG)

Grant, AL

Yeah Porkchop! Me and Lindley will check it for ya while Jeremy Terry fills it up. Bring some of that snow down here and we will do an even swap for some of Kent's dirt. We gotta have something to put back in the hole we're gonna leave!

3/17/2017 1:36:28 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Okay, first load is home & truck is now empty!!! If I head out now, can I get a 2nd load...will prbly make it home again by UK game time!! Unless yer down to the rocks now? Sorry, just re-read the last post, if yer lookin for snow to fill up the hole, I guess I will suspend my 2nd trip. Peace, Wayne

3/17/2017 4:13:06 PM


Home of happy lil plants

So deep we just hit a vein of gold now

3/17/2017 5:48:16 PM


Spring Hope, N.C. - USA

gold on the way!

3/17/2017 8:02:13 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.


Got my load of dirt today!!! Making good progress!!!

3/18/2017 10:50:56 AM


Central NY

Am I too late!?.,, looks like wixom took a bunch

3/18/2017 11:44:19 AM


Central NY

Do you have to go that low for cucumbers?...I mean..Chris won't mind...

3/18/2017 11:45:00 AM


East Tennessee

Chris did get a lot!!! WE will keep digging and loading as long as we can. He really wants to grow a BIG cucumbers!!!

3/18/2017 12:54:54 PM


Central NY

Hell of a guy that Chris ....

3/18/2017 2:19:48 PM


NE Arkansas

Yes he is and Mark is doing a great job keeping him in Canada while we get rid of the "bad dirt". I got my 3 loads tilled in today... had a few rocks but not nad

3/18/2017 5:35:49 PM

Charles B.(Team GWG/WWGG)

Grant, AL

Finally got my one little load of Kent dirt home. I would've got more but the rest was just about all rocks. Wish I could've got some of that good dirt like Chris and Lindley did. I bet ole Jeremy Terry stashed some out before any of us got there! Maybe cucumber growing goes good for Chris. I guess if 350 is the best he can do on melons then he might as well give cukes a shot lol! Stay on that tractor Jeremy, I might be back later.

3/18/2017 6:41:41 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

OMG just got home, where is my dirt???

Just a bunch of rocks left.

3/19/2017 10:54:50 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Now i'm back to the beginning where i started in 2013 .

Hey, wait, that was a really good year (350.5)

Thanks guys for removing all the old dirt.

You are a bunch of real good friend to do all that work for me while i was away having fun in Niagara.

3/19/2017 10:58:11 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

No problem Chris, we work as a team here at bp.com!! How was your adventure w/Mark? I want to be first in line to request cucumber seeds next fall, hopefully your new world record cuke, will get weighed in Kentucky!! Peace, Wayne

3/19/2017 11:51:06 PM

Charles B.(Team GWG/WWGG)

Grant, AL

I only got one little load of your old melon dirt Chris. I've only had it tilled in for one day but I'm already getting some of your blueish purple weed flowers popping up. Maybe it's a good melon cover crop. Knowing my luck though I probably got the very best weed growing dirt you had in the whole patch. Good luck with the cukes!

3/20/2017 12:05:21 AM

26 West

50 Acres

Back to the " So deep we just hit a vein of gold now ", jus read in Miners Special News 10,000 men with picks and shovels expected your area. :>) ...Jim

3/20/2017 8:32:00 AM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

The FBI just found Tom Bradys jersey, now they are investigating who stoled chris kents dirt ???

3/20/2017 11:17:07 AM


NE Arkansas

Me and spencer didn't get much dirt... we got sidetracked by the gold...

3/20/2017 1:07:19 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Any remains of the mob guy, who was supposedly buried in the end zone? Peace, Wayne

3/20/2017 11:43:35 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Nevermind, that was in Chicago or New York, I think? Peace, Wayne

3/20/2017 11:44:08 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Uh-oh!!! Chris, please bring your cucumber somewhere else...I just received my giant 20.2# cuke seeds from Alaska!!! PLEASE...let me win the cuke contest in Kentucky!!! Peace, Wayne

3/24/2017 12:39:01 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Chris I just got your disease test results back.Your dirt was loaded with fursarium.lol Good luck to the new owners,lol

3/24/2017 7:26:38 AM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Bubba, you din't read the fine print!(The info was on a invite only facebook site)! LOL The dirt from Chris's was steam treated b/4 loading...guaranteed to kill all known fusarium varities!!! These guy's were lookin out for us! Obviously, the sample you sent in was from b/4 you left for the FAWLZ!! & wait a second here, I thought you were in on this deal to help Chris? Peace, Wayne

3/25/2017 1:01:09 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Chris dont need no help, He is doing pretty good all by himself lol

3/25/2017 6:12:03 AM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Well, I guess I gotta agree w/ that!!! Peace, Wayne

3/28/2017 2:42:36 PM

Total Posts: 38 Current Server Time: 1/14/2025 6:34:27 AM
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