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Subject:  whats everyones opion

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Hamilton Nj

just need a little advice do i do 3 melons with 200 sq. ft on each or 2 melons 300 sq. ft each?????
the state record in nj is 210 trying to break it!!! lol wat would everyone do??? thanks pizza

2/24/2017 3:59:56 PM


SW Ohio

I would do 3@200 sq ft.

2/24/2017 7:03:49 PM


Buffalo, MN (Billsbigpumpkins@hotmail.com)

I would be tempted to do 3 but 2 would work better for you. It will give you more room to take care of the fruit, the vines and the weeds.

2/25/2017 5:55:23 PM



3 @ 200

2/25/2017 7:12:07 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Vol, do you draw lines in the sand, and cut everything that encroaches on a different 200 sq ft area? Just curious as how you would control size of plants. Seriously curious, as I have a couple/three melons I want to grow this year! Peace, Wayne

2/26/2017 1:00:31 AM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

I would do the 3 @200 also.
If I could answer your question Wayne,
I grew last year in two different plots of 350 sq ft.
Once a vine passed the designated sq footage I deadheaded it.

2/26/2017 9:15:06 AM



I do same. I lay down walk boards when vines get to boards I cut the,m off.

2/26/2017 9:30:37 AM


NE Arkansas

I'd do 3 @ 200 and throw the vines back in as they approach the edge...

2/26/2017 9:51:08 AM


Valencia Spain

I DoNT understand square feet But I understanda metre square is10 square fert so 200 FT is 20 1metre squares and so 200 feet is 20 feet Long Times 10 feet is that right

2/26/2017 4:10:51 PM


Valencia Spain

Just trying to work if my plants get Big enough

2/26/2017 4:13:24 PM


Hamilton Nj

okay thanks guys ,westham yes its 10 feet wide by 20 long gona do a flag pattern or put plant in middle and let go both ways, pizza

2/26/2017 5:22:22 PM


Hamilton Nj

last year plant was all over and I stepped on it lol so ive bein collecting boards trash picking all winter lol

2/26/2017 5:23:36 PM


Home of happy lil plants

2 At 250 with a good walkway between them

2/27/2017 8:16:35 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

So now, someone w/some Spence, Imean sence steps in!! Sounds like the perfect idea!! Peace, Wayne
PS...but Indoor HangGliding?

2/28/2017 4:43:45 PM


Home of happy lil plants

after 34x world champ indoor balloon racing titles had to move on to something more practical

2/28/2017 8:13:32 PM

Pumpkin Farm

Going Green

Most men have a size 10 shoe. That means that 10 of your feet placed one in front of the another will be 10 foot long. A space 10 shoes by 10 shoes is 100 square feet.

3/6/2017 7:20:38 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Spence, helium or Hot Air? I am guessing Hot Air!!! LOL PS...do you use your Stihl mist/blower as a propulsion device?

3/7/2017 12:42:43 AM


Home of happy lil plants

It was more of a basket hooked to 1 blade of the ceiling fan type thing.

on another note iI don't have the stihl mist blower just a backpack pump running into an electric blower...I hate cranking gas stuff and its easier to clean tank this way

3/7/2017 2:07:59 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Sence, is the backpack x electric blower anything near "Redneck" contraption....& how long is your extension cord? & to pizza I truly apollogize that Spence stole your thread w/ the balloon racing stuff!!! So, glad that growing season starts soonly! Peace, Wayne

3/9/2017 1:02:16 AM


Home of happy lil plants

think battery powered and yep its almostttt growing season

3/9/2017 11:35:01 AM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Thanks, Spence...now I totally understand! Peace, Wayne

4/8/2017 1:29:04 AM

Total Posts: 21 Current Server Time: 1/14/2025 6:28:23 AM
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