Watermelon Growing Forum
Subject: Merit and Honeybees
Date Posted
gwarren |
Chapel Hill, NC
Anybody else have any hives and used merit? I haven't used it yet but since I have 4 hives and merit is systemic I worry about using it and it's effects on my bees.
9/17/2016 11:09:18 AM
Porkchop |
Central NY
Eesh...sounds like a recipee for disaster ...
9/17/2016 1:00:16 PM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
You should avoid it if you value your bees.
9/17/2016 4:17:17 PM
gwarren |
Chapel Hill, NC
Yes I really haven't needed it so far. I've only seen maybe a couple squash bugs if that is even what they were
9/17/2016 4:34:09 PM
bambam |
Citrus Heights, CA
I use Merit and there's a beekeeper with hives on the property. I don't let any flowers open naturally. I actually don't let many male flower even grow. Merit has definitely been linked to the bee colony collapse problem. I would not use it if you cannot remove the flowers. Ron
9/17/2016 6:50:53 PM
brotherdave |
Corryton, TN
Been keeping bees since I was 17. Over the last 40+ years of keeping bees it seems I lose 20-30% of my stands each year to something until recently. Disease, mites, mice, hive beetles, etc. or they have just vanished. The vanished part has always been there but now they have labeled it sudden hive collapse. I've grown commercial melons about 10 years and I've used a generic Merit the entire time, still do. I can't tell that there is any "merit" to the claims that it causes problems. What has helped in recent year is to replace brood foundation every 3 years. An old timer told me this over 20 years ago but I didn't listen. Started 3 years ago and no vanishing hives since. Still have to deal with the other issues. Also re-queen every year to maintain strong hives.
9/18/2016 6:53:58 AM
bambam |
Citrus Heights, CA
brotherdave, that's good news that you haven't seen any correlation to merit. I know from talking to the bee keeper on the property I grow on he doesn't think its related to merit either. His biggest problem is mites. He used to take his hives down into the san joaquin valley when the almond trees were blooming. He lost so many hives that he wont go anymore even though the pay is very good. He thought it was something that was sprayed on the trees, but didn't have any hard evidence. In California the use of Merit has been restricted during blooming times for certain crops.
9/19/2016 1:18:26 AM
gwarren |
Chapel Hill, NC
Yes that is good to know. I will use it if it ever becomes necessary but hasn't been so far.
9/19/2016 11:00:55 AM
brotherdave |
Corryton, TN
bambam. If your grower friend is having trouble with mites encourage him to consider re-queening some of his hives with New World Carniolan (NWC) queens. They do a very good job at self eliminating parasites. Research Sue Cobey at Ohio State and NWC bees. She may be back on the west coast. I took a class from her several years back. She knows her stuff.
9/23/2016 8:15:42 AM
bambam |
Citrus Heights, CA
brotherdave, thanks for the info. I will let him know.
9/25/2016 7:27:39 PM
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