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Subject:  Watermelon Record?

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Spudley (Scott)


Hey Chris did Guinness recognized your watermelon? Show me the certificate! Personally I never claimed a world record title until Guinness accepted my claim and sent me a certificate. You may have received it and I just missed it no harm no foul.

7/6/2014 4:03:03 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

i'm sure they would have if i sent in the claim, but i haven't. If i ever get some time to wade through their paper work i may. (If you want to do it for me let me know)...until then i have the GPC offical title. :) Right now i'm way too busy growing !

7/6/2014 8:48:41 AM


Bowdon, GA

Spudley also holds the world record for biggest pain in the butt

7/6/2014 10:34:03 AM


Valencia Spain


7/6/2014 11:19:27 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

point to Jake ! LOL

7/6/2014 12:12:27 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Who cares about Guinness? its a book.A book I dont even have.lol

7/6/2014 2:05:09 PM


South Arkansas

A GPC title probably is probably as good as you will get with watermelons. The weight is measured on certified scales following preset guidelines, the persons certifying the weights are chosen prior to the weighoffs, the weighing is open to the public, and there seems to be little politicing on who should have the record and who should not.

7/6/2014 3:43:08 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

What did Spudley grow?Im sorry forgive me,But I dont have the book.

7/6/2014 11:35:51 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Okay that's what I suspected. Rather than take the chance that Guinness wouldn't accept it. You are just claiming it to be so. Really Chris? If it's that one plant from one seed rule you're worried about don't be. Put the chips on the table and see what happens. It's quite easy to file a claim online so I don't buy I ain't got the time I'm too busy. I would like to know what Guinness thinks. Otherwise it ain't a world record period. I'm sure all the pumpkins growers on this site who have broken the pumpkin record over the years have taken the time to do it right. Now that it's clear what's going on here I would hope Ken will correct the record at least on this web site. Sorry to be so blunt but that's how it is Bro!

7/8/2014 8:24:56 PM


Bowdon, GA

Chris if you break the hotdog eating record or get a full body tattoo call Guinness. Otherwise I wouldn't worry about it. Pick up the book and see if you find a list of veggies anymore. We know what their priorities are.

7/8/2014 9:37:44 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Yea Jake the Guinness Book of World Records has allot of screwy things in it. They hardly ever publish a complete list of the vegetable records whether they be heaviest or longest. They do however keep a record. All you have to do is file a claim attempt and they will tell you who the current record holder is the weight/length when and where the record was set. It's that simple. I just feel like there is way more to this story than what's being told. Anybody that's that competitive and grows competition giant vegetables wants that Guinness Certificate. Let me see GPC or Guinness, com on man, for real!

7/9/2014 5:53:11 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

I say we start the Book of Bubba World Record Veggies & disregard Guinness.

7/9/2014 6:48:18 AM


The North Coast

They are better at making beer...

7/9/2014 8:54:32 AM


South Arkansas

Actually the GPC recognition is important to big watermelon growers. In 2012, Gaberiele Bartoli traveled from Italy to attend the GPC Convention's awards ceremony where he was recognized for his world record watermelon. Chris Kent attended the 2013 GPC Convention's awards ceremony and was recognized for his world record watermelon. This website, bigpumpkins.com, is followed by lots of big watermelon growers. As I understand, the GPC has been generous with grant money to assist in developing and maintaining a quality bigpumpkins.com website. I applaud the GPC for its efforts to promote competitive watermelon growing.

7/9/2014 11:02:37 AM


SW Ohio


I can fill you in on the details since I was present at the weigh off in Hamilton, Ohio, where the watermelon was weighed. Myself, Tim Tootle, and Joe Gerchy measured the melon. We also checked it for damage. It was clean and sound. The OTT was 234 inches and the estimated weight (by the GPC chart) was 348 lbs. The scale was a platform type that had been calibrated for the weigh off.

I watched Chris drive in with the melon. I watched a crew of 6 guys unload it from his car. I myself measured and checked it for soundness. I watched them wheel it up to the scale on the hand truck and I watched the guys transfer it to the scale. I saw the weight on the scale and it was 350.5 pounds. There was no funny business going on. I can assure you of that.

7/9/2014 1:03:26 PM

Spudley (Scott)


I never doubted the melon weighed what it weighed. The question I'm asking will Guinness allow a watermelon grown on a grafted plant to displace the last record holder who grew it traditionally? They are not one in the same. Two different plants were used not one in order to achieve what Chris did. Guinness is always open to creating new classes but you need to apply. File a claim attempt for heaviest watermelon grown on a grafted vine and see what they say. It's that simple. But doing nothing and claiming the title seems a bit suspect, IMHO.

7/9/2014 2:54:36 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

OMG scott, give it a rest. I'm happy with what i did. It will probally be a moot point in 3 months anyway when the record falls. I really am that busy and they wantsd stuff like notorize statements and videos, so it wasn't just fill in a online form ! I have been working on 2014 since the day 2013 season ended in october ! .... or get with Bill edwards and have him claim the title. See if they accept that over bigger ones.

7/9/2014 3:09:06 PM

Spudley (Scott)


OMG? Verification is all they want and you can't be bothered, really? I guess if Chris doesn't care then why should anyone else. Don't know Bill but if he has grown the biggest melon traditionally then YES he should be considered the World Record Holder.
Mr Edwards please fill out a Guinness claim attempt form online and claim the title. In Chris's words he don't care. You must be the champ.

7/9/2014 4:22:43 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

BTW scott, i also didn't fill out the Guiness stuff for the tradition WR melon in 2010 (291) that i grew.... so it wasn't just cause it was grafted !

7/9/2014 4:48:01 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Okay then it's settled.
Mr Bright is still the World Record Holder according to Guinness.
You know Chris when someone ask who's the World Record Holder for the heaviest watermelon ever grown they don't go to the GPC site. They look to the Guinness World Book of Records. You do yourself a great disservice and you help make a mess of the record keeping by not filing. IMHO.

7/9/2014 4:57:39 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Scott, just curious, do you grow watermelons????
also, we don't take orders from the king of england, times do change ! I don't recall Guiness haveing a monopoly on records.
Your lucky its finally raining, otherwise i wouldn't have the time to answer you ! I would be in the garden.

7/9/2014 6:42:20 PM


Bowdon, GA

Actually they would google the record and find big pumpkins or giant watermelon growers.com.

7/9/2014 6:53:01 PM


norway , maine

Perhaps Guiness should seek out the grower of the largest melon...if they dont care why should anyone else ?

7/9/2014 8:40:19 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Yes I do Chris, my best is a 168 pound pot grown melon. Me growing a watermelon in Alaska is akin to you growing giant cabbages. So what's your point?

7/9/2014 9:10:22 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Chris I really do admire what you have done. But I wish you would follow through with Guinness and get this whole grafting thing behind us,Imho,Scott.

7/9/2014 9:21:44 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

i just didn't see any new GPC entrys for you and couldn't remember if you grew. Thats great in a pot !
Those cabbages are cool, yea, way to warm here for them.
Hey, be helpfull, what the WR for bushel gourds?? I'm growing them this year.

7/9/2014 9:37:25 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Thanks for the atta boy on my pot grown watermelon. Chris you just kinda made my point when you asked what is the gourd record. Guinness is the only world wide data base that can answer that question.

7/9/2014 9:59:19 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Well the GPC doesn't have them as a tracked fruit yet !
So whats the answer???

7/9/2014 10:13:18 PM


Home of happy lil plants

World record number of post about a world record watermelon?

7/9/2014 11:25:57 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Chris you need to file a claim with Guinness and they will tell you what the record is and who holds it. That's only if they keep track of gourds. You see if you're attempting a world record you need to ask the ultimate giant vegetable record keepers. Not the local yokel club.

7/10/2014 12:32:53 AM

Spudley (Scott)


I'm a local yokel that's why I consult Guinness

7/10/2014 12:37:20 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Who cares Spudley Get a life

7/10/2014 7:21:09 AM

Dutch Brad


Actually the world is a lot bigger than GPC. In the world of world records, almost none are grown by GPC members. For instance, none of the Dutch pumpkins/squash/tomatoes/field pumpkins/long gourds, etc and none of the giant veg in Great Britain (except some pumpkins) are ever GPC. And we have grown some of the biggest squash (including a WR), long gourds and tomatoes in the world. Not to mention all the other types of giant veg including dozens of world records. Never recorded by GPC but all official.
So winning the GPC title means little. That's why we have Guinness.

7/10/2014 7:52:02 AM

Spudley (Scott)


Now hey there Bubba! For someone who goes around pretending to be Bubba Elvis. Making videos and taking pictures of himself all the time. Then posting thousands of them online. Well I think we can all see who needs to get a life but hey what ever blows up your skirt, lol! I get it you and Chris are good friends.

7/10/2014 2:36:05 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

All this just because i didn't fill out a claim, golly gee .
Better to waste the electrons on talking about growing. ;)

7/10/2014 4:55:37 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Scott, if you have any questions, you could just email me....
christopherkent@mindspring.com its listed on my diary too. I promise to answer you !

7/10/2014 4:58:51 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters


7/10/2014 6:11:31 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Really No LOL here. Its truly sad that you have nothing better to do but cause trouble on here.I have a garden to care for. Have a great summer.I hope you get the help you need.

7/10/2014 6:29:36 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Yea sure thing Bubba. You have a good summer too. There is no help for either of us, lol.

7/10/2014 10:43:26 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Chris if the GPC is your only source of information regarding world records then it really doesn't matter what you grow or how much it weighs, now does it. Just take your giant whatever gourd somewhere with a certified scale and call it a World Record. Yahoo!

7/11/2014 10:48:46 PM




Apparently you can't see the point, Weather Chris files or not is none of your business, and who cares about Guinness anyway, We Americans have the right not to care about Guinness.

Unless you have grown a world record you do not have the right to question Chris or Bill or anyone else.

7/11/2014 11:37:29 PM

Dutch Brad


lol - Scott (Spudley) has grown more world records than you have fingers on which ever hand you choose.

7/12/2014 4:26:23 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

I guess looking in that book gives them a little chubby!

7/12/2014 6:17:02 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

still no email ??

7/12/2014 7:37:02 AM


norway , maine

world records or not its none of his business...dude is to busy growing melons to care about spuds book or list or whatever...Guiness is a bunch of bell-ends anyway

7/12/2014 9:13:03 AM

Spudley (Scott)


Chris unofficial bushel gourd record is 536 lbs. No personal email required. What I have to say is for everyone to hear and respond to like it or not.

7/12/2014 6:17:07 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Bubba I thought you went back to dressing up like Elvis and taking selfies! Com-on bubby!

7/12/2014 6:26:49 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Hey a question for you hunters. Which big game record book would you rather be in. Boone and Crockett or the Safari Club?

7/12/2014 7:30:51 PM


South Arkansas

Sometimes how you play the game is more important than who wins or who loses.

7/12/2014 9:51:26 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

536 LBS, Really. who ,what, when, where??

7/12/2014 9:58:40 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Amen, Lloyd. You are right on the money with that statement. I think it gets right to the heart of the matter.

7/17/2014 10:18:41 PM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

Amelio is back!

7/18/2014 7:28:00 AM

Spudley (Scott)


Which game? Everybody uses Guinness as their go to data base for the records. Nobody has keep better and done it longer than Guinness. It's sad that folks aren't willing to follow through with the verification process that Guinness requires in order to keep a certain amount of legitimacy and a centralized database up to date. Without it heck anybody can claim just about anything. Guinness has stricter standards than most clubs but that's for a good reason. LEGITIMACY!
Our Alaska State Fair Giant Vegetable Competition uses the Guinness rules book and guidelines. I was put in between a rock and a hard place last year when I took in a red cabbage that weighed 43 pounds. One pound heavier than the World record. Except our state fair record is a 45.25 pound red that Mary Evans grew back in 1994. Wife of legendary grower John Evans. For whatever reason they didn't submit it to Guinness so it never made it into the records book yet they still claim it as the current world record. Our state fair doesn't they do.
So all I'm saying is follow through. In today's world it's easy! If you don't and someone else is willing to take the initiative, well hey now tuff sheet for you. You just grew the world's largest tall tale/fish story.

7/20/2014 2:37:33 PM


norway , maine

Dude congats on your 2nd place red cabbage!

7/20/2014 3:06:07 PM

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