Watermelon Growing Forum
Subject: Attention to all
Date Posted
BatCaveN8 |
The North Coast
From here on out I will be know as BatCavius the Gr8. Since this board is totally boring I may as well just soak up the silence and bask in it's muteness.
Also, I am so freaking happy that I didn't go down like a sucker! Ah...Told you all so. Also I am so freaking happy I didn't go down to someone from Michigan. Being a buckeye, it makes me proud.
Go Bucs!!!
11/27/2013 3:19:47 PM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
That is interesting Nathan. I am glad you feel vindicated. Will you be willing to do any grafting for fellow growers in 2014 ? I am beginning to practice my own grafts in case you are unable to assist me. I know I am unlikely to ever grow a record melon, but I have a lot of fun trying. Anyway, congratulations on enabling Chris to grow another world record and thanks for all the help you have been to the rest of us. I am happy the world record is back in North America. I think you have helped a lot to advance our hobby.
11/27/2013 3:37:14 PM
BatCaveN8 |
The North Coast
No grafts this year but as I develop new technology to smash all melons before...you will be on my short list of recipients.
Grabbing some left over turkey and watching another pure out whippin on Saturday will surely make my year.
11/27/2013 4:02:31 PM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
That sounds good.
11/27/2013 6:02:34 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
Do you have a problem with Michigan??LOL Mr.BucBatCavius??Or do prefer BatBucTavius!!!LOL!!
11/27/2013 8:05:42 PM
BatCaveN8 |
The North Coast
Big one...but not you so much. You get an exemption.
11/27/2013 8:09:09 PM
tallcorn |
Linden, Mi.,
Well I have a big problem with OHIO It may be hard but I hope Michigan kick your OHIO but all the way home and then steps on your watermelons !
11/27/2013 8:34:34 PM
tallcorn |
Linden, Mi.,
"GO BLUE" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11/27/2013 8:42:07 PM
TruckTech1471 |
South Bloomfield, Ohio
11/27/2013 9:48:00 PM
BatCaveN8 |
The North Coast
On my melons bro!!! You done crossed the line.
11/27/2013 10:09:02 PM
BatCaveN8 |
The North Coast
on this day of giving thanks here is what I am most thankful for
I am thankful for my competition and the masses against me. It makes it even sweeter. sorry it didn't go light and sorry if it demoralized the competition. that was my intention
I'm thankful for being me. greatness flows like lightning from my fingertips
I am thankful that I control the future as well as the past
I am thankful that I finely found an appropriate host garden for my plan
I am thankful for BatCaveN8 he had to do a lot of hard work to advance the hobby.
I am thankful that he is no longer needed.
I am thankful that I don't live in the smelly armpit of the country. there is a certain order when the wind blows from the northwest
I am thankful that I don't have to be politically correct anymore to advance my own agenda and desires
I am thankful that not only can I talk s***, I can bring it.
And believe you me I am thankful for the opportunity to give you folks legitimate reason not to like the glorious person I am
now please excuse me while I strike up my favorite Hulk Hogan pose and dance all over your party.
11/28/2013 7:47:30 AM
BatCaveN8 |
The North Coast
i o
11/28/2013 7:52:01 AM
lbright |
South Arkansas
Too much has probably already been said on this topic. Without all the back and forth stuff, it would have just been another growing technique some growers would choose. Without the back and forth stuff, Guinness would likely have had no interest in the topic.
11/28/2013 8:02:45 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
Thanks for the exemption.I rarely get one.Looks like some unresolved issues here.As for the Michigan- Ohio thing.I never have been caught up in the Sports rival thing.I have always said competitive athletic sports are for people who cant grow giants.LOL!
11/28/2013 9:05:18 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
Your right Nathan.snoooozzzee city!
11/29/2013 11:36:25 AM
Josh Scherer |
Piqua, Ohio
I'm sure the graft helped the 350.5, but chris is a good enough grower that melon would've been a record anyway, just my 2 cents not meant to offend anyone
11/29/2013 5:02:16 PM
Marvin |
Fenton, MI
Nathan I don't see why you would want to try and make this in to a State thing. There is nothing wrong with Michican or Ohio. So why even say junk like that, you are just opening the door for some one.
Keep in mind that Chris Kent grew that melon no one else did it for him. ( NO ONE ) I for one think it could have got that big or bigger if he would have grew it on a traitional plant.
11/29/2013 6:00:58 PM
Spudley (Scott) |
Yea Marvin me thinks Nathin had little to much wild turkey before he started this post,lol. Mr Kent with due respect to Nathin did the hard work along with his years of experience growing watermelons that made it happen. I start thousands of seeds so I can sell starts in the spring. It would be silly of me to take credit for their success once they leave my care.
11/29/2013 6:59:44 PM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
Marvin, you write that you think the Kent melon could have done as well or better on a non grafted plant. Then why the separate category for grafts ? I will never understand this.
11/29/2013 9:09:00 PM
Marvin |
Fenton, MI
TD. I say that because from what I here Chris's plant had some trouble with the vine or stump at the last. So if that is true then the same 291 traditional may have done better. The 291 Kent does have some great genetics. If I am wrong about the plant then it may not have done any better. I saw two of Marks plants that he grafted and they were the best looking plant, vine and stump that I have seen. So the grafting can be done for 100% plant out put.
11/30/2013 3:14:30 AM
kentucky |
The graft or non graft is still just a seedling, we all can have tons of the same seedling, grafted or non grafted and in the end , the champion melons will only come from great growers, with their on technique and skill plus a few secrets,
The only thing that matters in the end is who grew the melon and how big was it.
Otis :)
11/30/2013 3:11:41 PM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
Amen Otis. The grower who takes the greatest chances may create tho opportunity to reap the biggest rewards. If nothing else, grafted rootstock may help level the playing field for growers who have limited space and hence soil disease problems from years and years of planting in the same plot of land.
11/30/2013 4:38:24 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
Amen Marvin,Good to see some input on the forum.Chris deserves all the credit.He grew the 350.5 hands down by him self,well the rabbits & mice helped a little.lol
11/30/2013 9:27:37 PM
Spudley (Scott) |
Ohio State's defense sucks! Good thing they have a great offense. Michigan should of took the tie into overtime. I'm a Buckeye but I'm worried they're gonna fall one game short of the National Championship.
11/30/2013 9:34:59 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
I heard most of the grafts that were grown this year went down to disease in the U.S.It heard Chris Kents and mine were the the only ones that didnt.I was 2 for 2 plants on Grafts that survived.the 178 & 171 melons.Cold cloudy year for sure.but disease free for sure.If you want to know the secret to keeping them healthy.I will share this secret with my 2014 melon members this spring.All who join the 2014 Worldwidegiantgrowers.com will be in on this Secret!! Mums the word till then.SHHHHH!!!
11/30/2013 9:49:22 PM
BatCaveN8 |
The North Coast
It is easy to see that I had/have some screws loose that may of resulted in me coming completely unbolted. That being said, here are a couple undisputed realities about your growing community and the year.
Mr Kent, in 2013, chose the best genetics available in the world and pushed them far and hard. He has the highest 3 (or 4 for that matter) melon average ever. His best ever traditional plant is 297. The WR was grown on one of my plants...one of my hand crafted creations and it finished in rarefied air.
If I chose not to work with watermelons this year there would of never been a 291 graft or a 350.5 Kent. Take me out of the equation and it is all gone. Also, there was a 0% chance that if it was non grafted that it would of been that good. It is like saying - Oh just put regular gas in that funny car...it will still run the same. Not sure what is more crazy, me or that statement.
You take the best plant in the world, put it in a garden of a grower that has a near infinite amount of Advanced Nutrients and the odds are good that it will work out. Yes, this opportunity did benefit the goal.
12/2/2013 3:35:24 PM
BatCaveN8 |
The North Coast
The online watermelon growers community is so....uh, lame. It is an egregious act against the future growing community that you are so mute. It comes down to a lack of leadership and generosity within the community. The tomato growers community is so much different, helpful and fun. Seriously, we have had 2 enormous melons grown with 2 totally different techniques. How can there me nothing to talk about? Not like I should care...cant fix lame.
All that I got from the 2013 season are great memories, not a penny more. Well, except "my story" being proliferated. An email that was sent to the curator of the NY Botanical gardens was ultimately forwarded to the head of the GPC...who forwarded it to MR. Kent...who then put it online in thanks for a great season. Wow, looks like I will be putting the 'do not forward under the penalty of law' statement on the rest of my emails. I am not looking for friends, I just love big melons.
Oh yah, gotta love the tight lipped nature of the mystery Michigan melon. Gotta say that you did a good job in cloaking your prized melon in a cloud of secrecy. That is just your style. You definitely had your crownies toeing the line. However, it did not take me long to find your weak link and with hardly and effort he revealed everything I was looking for. It was a good fun and a relief to know. Another way to see that the community is...
Finally, it is easy to see with our differenting views that you would better without out my 2 cents or is the other way? While you folks do grow some big melons, the way it is going I cant recommend that the most of you should quit your daytime jobs.
I was hoping that my last communication with the community was my "I O" entry, like every addiction I was drawn back. So with all my goals being accomplished and due to the vacuum of knowledge that exists here...I bid you adieu.
If you have any pride in what you do, please help Otis out. That is what it is a
12/2/2013 3:35:35 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
Sorry for your bitterness But I would have supplied Chris with a 291 Graft if needed.You were just closer.I do agree with you on the mystery melon.Its plain childish to lie to your friends about anything.I myself find it offensive to be lied to.
12/2/2013 5:06:33 PM
BatCaveN8 |
The North Coast
Not bitter...but like a kid, I dont know why people dont want to come out and play with me. Awesomeness happened in more than one way this year. I only like to expand mentally, I cant take the resistance.
12/2/2013 5:17:57 PM
BatCaveN8 |
The North Coast
Ya...I was actually hoping for an "unknown mystery mishitigan grower" maybe it was someone new and fresh...then I found out it was just the same ol' same ol'.
12/2/2013 5:38:55 PM
So.Cal.Grower |
Torrance, Ca.
Interesting over here on the watermelon side.............
12/2/2013 9:20:59 PM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
The Edwards melon was a nice one, tight lipped or not. But I feel any grower who is unwilling to embrace new technology is embracing future mediocrity. I wish everyone well, but the times are always changing and those who do not keep up with change are soon left behind. I want to say this is true even if they choose to adopt silly rules in hope of somehow protecting their position. If their position was strong, then they would not be the only organization to have such a ignorant rule. This stand by the GWG has taken a lot of the fun out of growing for me. You are entirely correct Nathan, much of the camaraderie we used to have on here is gone. A lot of excellent growers now choose to avoid this site due to all the bickering that has gone on. And many others no longer have the enthusiasm they once had for helping others. I know some of the blame goes to me, but I feel this is a battle worth waging.
12/2/2013 9:27:22 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
Yes Dennis I for one have lost interest in the melons,There is much more excitement in the kins.Some folks didnt like our debating,but it was entertaining.lol! What we have here now."Is a failure to Communicate"This is the way some guys want it.So this is the way they will get it. Sometimes its best to get things out in the open.Blow some steam get it off your chest.We should however stay respectful to each other.I have crossed that line a couple times myself.I think we all learn from each other.Good or bad.But we learn.We all walk to the beat of different drummers.We should keep our respect for each other 1st priority.I wish more people would post in a healthy way.So ya get a little egg on your face once in a while.Who cares! Better to have been egged a few times,then to lived in a shell.
12/2/2013 10:10:11 PM
Holloway |
Bowdon, GA
If your going to talk smack about Bill just keep in mine he is about 200 pounds ahead of you. And you wonder why he don't come here.
12/3/2013 12:32:39 AM
BatCaveN8 |
The North Coast
You too...my 118 pound melon was a project in understanding GSB. It was knowingly infected when planted and never received a single fertilizer, pesticide, nor fungicide treatment all year.I watched and took notes as the disease defoliated the plant by August. All things considered it was a heck of a melon. I am not giant watermelon grower, nor did I ever claim to be one. I'd much rather do my work in the off season and help guys like you out. the idea of spending hours in the garden everyday tending watermelon plants really is not that attractive to me.
You are one of the new great minds in this hobby. in fact you had one of the last great ideas that is now become standard practice. Good job.
12/3/2013 7:51:04 AM
BatCaveN8 |
The North Coast
Oh ya, the melon off of my plant was over 350 pounds. the biggest off of any of his plants is...
12/3/2013 7:54:19 AM
BatCaveN8 |
The North Coast
I will try my best to honor the forum by taking my 2 cent and bucket of loose screws and bolts somewhere else. So help me God, if I poke my nose in here again please feel free to tell me to hit the road...
With all due respect, it has been a fun ride.
12/3/2013 9:02:22 AM
Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG) |
sevierville, Tn
Wow Nathan, could you be more of a rude & obnoxious prick ! You had/have some great ideas & insights, but your writings here are just wrong. I make a point of not getting into public spats, but you have really gone overboard. Who would want to do anything with you with this kind of attitude Mr GR8 ! Really ! Without someone to prove your concept, what would you have had, a 3 week old graft ! That’s all !!!! Without you we would be close, without us your great idea would be nowhere! It took 5 months of hard work every day to make it a success. If you wonder why people won’t play with you, just read what you wrote. Is that the way you want to be talked to?? I gave you everything you asked for and then some. I worked to prove your concept for 2 years because I felt you were on to something. You sound like some spoiled child with your rantings here. I could go on, but I hope you get my point !
12/3/2013 1:19:24 PM
cheddah |
norway , maine
12/3/2013 1:24:06 PM
Barbeetoo |
SW Ohio
So let me see if I have this straight.
If I have a big melon growing and I don't tell everyone on this board, I am tight lipped and a sneak and liar.
Also, if I give a spare plant to someone and they do well with it, I am to be thanked publicly on this board and given credit for it. What about if it's my seed? Can I take credit for that, too?
And...if I choose to grow a watermelon the traditional way and not use a graft, I am a mediocre grower.
Finally, if I don't post on this board but choose to stay in touch with other growers thru live chat or by telephone or email, I am lame and not generous.
And you wonder why no one posts here @@
12/3/2013 6:24:50 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
Good point Susan,but why give the message boards to the rude & insane?The mystery melon was more then not just telling.There was a big fabricated story told about someone else having the melon.It was a total lie.I'm not sticking up for Nathan.He is totally out of line here.But making up stories about a mystery melon being somewhere else is just sneeky.Why didnt they just not tell anybody.You dont have to tell,but dont make crap up!Good Blast Chris!!Nathan had it coming!!
12/3/2013 7:46:16 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
And dont take this wrong,Im not mad at anyone,about the lie.Jusy sayin for the newbies.This is not part of the game.In my book you can keep it hush hush if you like.Im not superstitious and dont beleive you can jinx yourself.But if you are ,please tell your storys to someone else.I dont care to hear them.
12/3/2013 8:19:10 PM
Ottercreek |
I would like to cross the 350.5 with the 316 and the 316 with the 350.5 what do you all think.
12/4/2013 7:55:27 AM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
Maybe I am wrong Barbee, but what I meant by mediocrity is I have doubt that a world record CC will ever again be grown on a non grafted plant. Like a lot of us, Bill Edwards has been on a quest to grow a world record watermelon. Unlike many of us, Bill has the talent and knowledge to accomplish this fete. But, with the advantage gained by grafting onto a good rootstock, I fell Bill may never reach his goal unless he makes the decision to embrace this process which has now produced the last 3 world records. If Bill can outgrow grafted plants on non grafted plants and get his world record, he will in my opinion be the greatest grower ever of giant watermelons.But I think in reality Bill will have to embrace grafting in able to grow the world record he desires. Maybe I am wrong. I wish Bill all the good luck in the world.
12/4/2013 8:51:21 AM
Tim Pennington (Uncle Dunkel) |
Corbin, KY
Be a great Cross Frank, Now if I only had the seeds.
12/4/2013 9:32:57 AM
Barbeetoo |
SW Ohio
Tennessee Dreamer, Bill Edwards grew a 316 lb watermelon. The biggest watermelon ever grown by traditional methods. Whether he chooses to graft or not, is his business... and he should not be ridiculed or called names or be forced to embrace anything he chooses not to. The man deserves some respect!
Now Bill grew a 316. Chris grew a 297. Frank grew a 290. All by traditional methods. The weights are going up and up and the ceiling is not even close to being hit in my opinion. How far can we take the weights of traditional grown melons?
Frank that sounds like a dream cross to me. Like a 239 Leonard on high octane gas.
12/4/2013 12:10:39 PM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
Excuse me Barbee,what name did I call Bill Edwards ? You don't need to go around accusing people of saying things they did not say. Surely you have better things to do than to take cheap shots at me. I have nothing but the highest respect for Bill. My respect for you has been somewhat diminished however. Am I not welcome to state my opinion ? I am not trying to force anyone to do anything. All I said is I doubt if Bill will ever grow a world record by traditional means. And that is just my humble opinion. I hope he proves me wrong. Weights will keep going up using either method I am sure. I just can't get over the belief that whatever weight is grown on a traditional plant would probably have been even heavier had it been grown on a healthy grafted plant. And since some of the best growers in the world are now using grafted plants, I think it is unlikely the best non grafted weight will ever top the best grafted weight. Bill is a fine gentleman, I have never disputed that or called him any names or tried to force him into changing his growing method. I simply state what I believe.
12/4/2013 4:11:31 PM
Marvin |
Fenton, MI
Well said Chris & susan. I also think the 350.5 and the 316 would be a great cross.
Why we are at it look at the genetics that Chris, Bill and Frank and more have come up with for all to grow from if they want to. Frank grew a melon 100 pounds bigger than the mother seed. If his 290 does that we are at 390 pounds. The watermelon world has came a long ways in the last 3 years. And it's just a start, if you are about my age ( almost 70 )I feel there is still time for us to see a 500 pound melon.
TD. Don't worry about Bill and grafting, he took 6 or more grafted plants to spring meeting of the Michigan pumpkin growers to show other members what they looked like and gave them away to anyone that wanted then. So if he wants to graft he sure can do it.
There was other GWG members that may not joined that category but did try growing a grafted plant. I am sure that there will be more that try it again, after all it is still a new way and may not be for everyone.
When the GWG members join they tell us what way they want to grow,that gives us 100% feedback of what they want. In my book there is nothing wrong with still having a choice in this world.
12/4/2013 4:13:47 PM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
Choice is what America is all about Marvin.
12/4/2013 4:19:48 PM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
Marvin,I never thought Bill would have any problems producing grafted plants. Anyone who knows as much about growing as he does is not likely to have any major problems making a graft work. But I will not change my opinion on his chances of ever getting a world record without using grafts. His 313 was awesome though and I am sure he will get even better as long as he keeps growing. But the Bartolis and Kents of the world will also keep getting better in my opinion. And if Bill Edwards does grow the world record, I will think: wow, I wonder how much bigger it would have grown had it been on a good grafted rootstock. Bill's 285 was a world record that was never recognized because the melon went down too soon. And his 313 is the largest non grafted melon ever grown. I have great admiration for what Bill has accomplished. He probably is the greatest grower ever.
12/4/2013 4:45:31 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
I for one am really impressed with Bills 316 melon.Still wondering how he did it in a crappy cloudy season that we had.August nights in the high 30s.we had several periods where the sun didnt shine for more then 1 or 2 hours a day.This would last 3-5 days.This went on for weeks.I truly believe with better weather,Bill would of hit 350 also.The graft may not be the answer to the 500 lber.I think there maybe much better ways of maxing these melons out.Time will tell.So lets try not to get much egg on our pretty little faces.lol
12/4/2013 6:59:18 PM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
Is there a picture of Bill's 316 anywhere on this site ?
12/5/2013 7:24:20 AM
Marvin |
Fenton, MI
Hey TD I will send you one.
12/5/2013 10:26:09 AM
Marvin |
Fenton, MI
TD I just sent you some, it came back so I need your email. You can send it to superbangbang@msn.com
12/5/2013 10:36:18 AM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
Thanks Marvin, my email is coolvol@comcast.net.
12/5/2013 8:35:39 PM
removed_20180906 |
Valencia Spain
the 297 x 316 would be a brilliant cross
12/6/2013 12:51:16 PM
BatCaveN8 |
The North Coast
My apologies... that's it. Not my best moment. I will try to make it up to the community behind the scenes. Feel free to tell me to hit the road. My bad big time.
12/6/2013 1:05:12 PM
Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG) |
sevierville, Tn
BatCaveN8 is welcome, But that "BatCavius the Gr8" better not come back ;)
12/6/2013 5:03:28 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
Its'awl forgiven, It,s awl Good!
12/6/2013 6:04:46 PM
LIpumpkin |
Long Island,New York
Thats ok. Its not like we read it and know how you really feel.
12/6/2013 7:53:44 PM
Smallmouth |
Upa Creek, Mo
I don't grow melons nor ever care to but thanks for the read on my phone while I was dropping a log at work today.
12/6/2013 8:42:19 PM
Orangeneck (Team HAMMER) |
Eastern Pennsylvania
Bwahaaahaaahaaa Luke! That's what brooks would say! Zing!
12/6/2013 11:04:44 PM
Peace, Wayne |
Owensboro, Ky.
Been out of town for a while, but am a bit curious?? What is a good root stock, compared w/a good graft? Given that the best(ie world record melon) would prbly make the best graft....how do you pick the best root stock to graft to? Prbly wrong place to ask this ?, but certain that others out there are are curious???Peace, Wayne
12/7/2013 2:07:30 AM
Peace, Wayne |
Owensboro, Ky.
awl links are welcomed!!! Peace, Wayne
12/7/2013 2:08:32 AM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
Thats what Im talking about Luke! Lets keep the forums going.Makes for a good read.lol
12/7/2013 7:54:06 AM
kentucky |
Gourds are mainly used for rootstock, Choose the one you like best, Personnely I like the giant zucca gourd.
If you goto youtube.com and type in grafting you will find lots of how to videos on grafting.
12/7/2013 2:28:53 PM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
Wayne, personally I like cucurbita ficifolia best. I had no problems with infected stumps with it.
12/7/2013 4:20:10 PM
BatCaveN8 |
The North Coast
Permission to answer the question to the best of my ability from the forum...
12/7/2013 6:39:33 PM
Western PA
LMAO Luke !
Peace Wayne, welcome back ! Have not heard from you for quite some time.
12/7/2013 7:55:15 PM
kentucky |
Please answer question
12/7/2013 8:00:10 PM
Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG) |
sevierville, Tn
maybe answer in a new thread for future reference.
12/7/2013 11:38:02 PM
MSJanet |
wow Santa will be bring alot of Coal THis YEAR!!!
12/19/2013 8:23:45 AM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
Good its cold here will burn it!lol
12/19/2013 6:55:27 PM
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