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Subject:  Guinness World Record Watermelon Clarification!!

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BPMailey TL


I was tired of hearsay regarding what Guinness would accept as the worlds heaviest watermelon... grafted or not grafted... So, I applied myself this year.

My application specifically said I was going to attempt to grow the World's heaviest watermelon by grafting a watermelon plant to the root stock of a gourd plant to achieve a better root system.

It took about 10 weeks for a reply.... here is what they said.... in nutshell.... Good Luck!!

Membership Number: 370449
Dear Mr Bryan Mailey,

Thank you for your application to attempt the record ‘Heaviest Watermelon'.

Guinness World Records is pleased to confirm that your record application has been accepted. In this email should be all the information you need to proceed with attempting a Guinness World Records title.

The record you have applied for is: ’Heaviest watermelon’.

The current record (current as at the date of this letter) is: The world's heaviest watermelon weighed 121.93 kg (268.8 lb) and was grown by Lloyd Bright (USA) of Arkadelphia, Arkansas, USA in 2005.

This is the current record, as of today, but records are being attempted and achieved every day. If the above record is broken Guinness World Records will not email you to inform of the new record. It is your responsibility to check with us to confirm the current record that you have to beat before making your attempt.

Your Record Guidelines

Guinness World Records is pleased to provide you with the specific Record Guidelines for Heaviest watermelon and we wish you the best of luck in your record attempt.

So... I will recant what I have previously posted regarding this subject, and wish to send a HUGE Congratulations to Chris Kent on his new World Record Heaviest Watermelon... 350.5 lbs!! Outstanding job Chris.

I may not agree with grafting as method for competition growing, but as far as World Records are concerned... You knocked it out of the park Chris!!!

Make sure you apply to Guinness

10/7/2013 10:00:42 AM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

May be a good idea Bryan, but Chris' melon was weighed under GPC guidelines, which does not differentiate between grafting and non-grafting techniques. The heaviest melon wins regardless of its size or the way it was grown. I don't ever see the the GPC differentiating world records based on a grower's techniques, as some day we may be growing giant pumpkins using similar methods. Limitations should be out the window.

Much more is to be learned by us all and, even though most of us will never compete on a world-wide scale, it is SO much fun to watch.

10/7/2013 10:31:12 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Amen TruckTech1471.

10/7/2013 1:33:29 PM

BPMailey TL


Hey Truck... that's my point!! Guinness does not care how it was grown, same as the GPC. That is why I applied, it was the only way to get true clarification. I hope Chris applies and gets the recognition from Guinness that he deserves!!

10/7/2013 5:59:30 PM


South Arkansas

I concur with Bryan in his encouragement to Chris. We should all make sure Chris applies for the Guinness record. He has certainly earned it.

10/7/2013 8:21:20 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Great initiative Bryan...closes to book on whether it can be considered "official" or not.

Either way...Good Grief....a 350 lb watermelon...WOW!!

10/8/2013 11:47:17 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Take a bow Chris - make your 350.5 the official world record please. Such a grand accomplishment really needs to be acknowledged worldwide.

10/9/2013 7:55:53 PM

Dutch Brad


Actually the application department and the review department of Guinness are two different entities. The application department is not involved in rules and regulations and only document your attempt. The reviews department takes a look if your entry follows the rules.

Your application being accepted says nothing about if your record attempt will be accepted or not.

Been there a few times.

10/12/2013 3:44:23 AM

Spudley (Scott)


Okay wait a minute, Lloyd Bright 268.8? How many times has the record been broken since then? I know from my own experience it doesn't take Guinness 3 years to update the book. That happens yearly. Maybe they haven't accepted any new records since the Brights. If so I'd have to ask why? Chris did you get your a WR certificate from Guinness for the traditional 291? Like Brad said it's not all that cut and dried with Guinness sometimes. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

10/12/2013 9:23:38 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Excuse me, it doesn't take Guinness 8 years to update their records book. Makes me wonder if they know what's going on???

10/12/2013 9:26:33 PM


South Arkansas

The Bartoli and Kent record watermelons are the only watermelons grown in the past eight years that qualify as true Guinness records for heaviest watermelon. Hopefully Chris has already followed Bryan's lead and has received an application form from Guinness. The documention data from the Hamilton weigh-off site will supply the data Guinness requires for certification.

10/17/2013 12:00:45 PM

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