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Subject:  LED grow lights

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I bought an LED grow light and will be using it for my melons this season. I was just wondering if others are using them or not, and if they work any better or worse then the traditional grow lights.

4/6/2013 12:16:34 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

I bought a LED grow light last year and do not like it as well as my metal halide and high pressure sodium lamps. LED lighting is a more efficient use of electricity though. Most fluorescent light fixtures just don't put out enough light in my opinion.

4/6/2013 11:27:05 PM


Taylorsville, California

If you are looking for a good light to start seeds check out a t5 flourescent with a grow spectrum bulb. T5 bulbs provide a good amount of light for newly sprouted plant while MH and HPS can easily scorch these babies if not used very carefully. After 2-4 weeks an HID or natural light will provide better growth as Dennis alluded to above. I personally haven't used LED setup s but have some friends that have, some happy with results and some not. Best feature of LEDs are low energy usage. Here is a great system to start plants with.


4/7/2013 12:14:02 PM



Well I did a trial run with the LED light and I was not impressed the plants just don't get what they need.

4/23/2013 6:27:30 PM

Total Posts: 4 Current Server Time: 3/6/2025 9:38:13 PM
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