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Subject:  GWG Important Announcement

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GWG Committee

North America

The committee members have been discussing the recent rule regarding traditional vs. grafted growing and the requirement for growers to bring their vine and stump to the weigh-off and submit a form. We have taken into account the opinions of several current and past members we have spoken to during this process.

In order to avoid any confusion and make it easier for all our members, we have made the decision to drop this new rule of taking your vine, stump and filling out any forms.

For the 2013 growing season the GWG will still have two separate categories for members to compete in, traditional and grafted. Members can compete in one category or both categories if they chose to join both. Members competing in both the traditional and grafted categories are eligible for the prizes that will be awarded in both those categories.

We all feel that our members will be honest and fair when competing in both of these categories and take pride in what they have grown.

GWG Committee

4/5/2013 8:54:25 AM

Don Crews


It's still winter where I am so if I sound a little grumpy... I thought this was a growing contest, whatever you can do to grow a bigger melon should be allowed. You can't just put a rule in banning a growing technique because nobody else wants to do it. If that's the new method that works then that's what everybody will have to do to win. What's next?,patch inspection to make sure your plant isn't too big or your using more water than your buddy? I have People here complaining that I use a greenhouse, I say tough. Get your own or find a different hobby. If someone asked me to bring a vine in I would, just to wrap it around their neck untill they came to their senses. Yes, you won't see me joining your stupid club.

4/6/2013 12:33:31 AM


The North Coast

I have respect for the folks that head up the GWG, it would be nice to keep comments pleasant.

Once I was "disrespected" online and I wanted to jump a flight with some banned carry on items and hatch things out. It really got to me and affected state of mind for quite a while. What is easy to forget is that when you get something off your chest you put in on to someone else's chest...and that's just not right. It is time to ease up. Thank you.

4/6/2013 8:09:00 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

You are right Nathan.And I will let it be. I was just about to tear into them again for the direction they have taken and I read your post. I will just keep my mouth shut and my opinion to myself. I hope everyone has a nice day. Yes, the GWG officers are nice guys. I think everyone can agree with that.

4/6/2013 8:39:47 AM

Frank and Tina

South East

Leaders that try to look ahead and tackle problems before they arise deserve respect. The rule was made in the best interest of growers and acutally pretty progressive.

Growing is an amateur thing. Nobody does this for a living, if we would then a green house class, traditional open air class, a grafting class, pro class, etc, would have long been made. Because it acutually would promote fairness and allow equally skilled and challenged growers to compete.

Their will no progress withouth change. Yes, in pumpkin growing to. This process will be slow and sometimes painfull. Every change will be heavily criticized because nobody really likes change, but it WILL happen. If not we become a parody of ourselves!,

Leader ship is not about being popular. Its about doing what needs to be done to keep the ship moving ahead, even if this means deciding on things that nobody likes, understands or wants to do. Therefore:
we commend the GWG for making the rule, and commend them for beeing sensitve to what lives among growers and re-considering.

This proves that the GWG is in very good hands.

4/6/2013 9:48:19 AM

Orangeneck (Team HAMMER)

Eastern Pennsylvania

Thank you GWG Committee. I have renewed my membership for the traditional class via Paypal. Jim

4/6/2013 10:17:26 AM



Another way you can look at it is, If you enter both catagories you have a chance to win twice, DOUBLE Prize Money. The Committee Members are trying to work thru this to make the Members Happy Happy Happy (I just know I have heard this from somewhere, LOL) I myself do not see anything wrong with having the 2 catagories, then again the idea is growing the biggest melon. Is it fair to traditional growers if there is an advantage to grafted growing? Lot of growers do not have the know how or the time, money or means to graft at this time so should they be penalized by grafted growers knocking them completely out of the picture? There is more to what the Committee is having to decide than just one or two catagories. At least they are trying, Hats Off tou You Committee Members, it will get taken care of, maybe not this season but soon.

4/6/2013 11:45:30 AM


Will the awards for grafted watermelons be less than awards for traditional watermelons?

4/6/2013 12:00:11 PM


Hampstead, NC 28443

Well spoken Thomas. Thanks to the GWG committee to look ahead and try to head off concerns from it's member. The vicious circle has been observed in just one winter. The members were concerned about the potentially unfair practice of grafting. They reacted to these concerns by trying to make 2 classes to keep members happy. To do this fairly, they thought of the form. Now people are complaining about this too so they again have corrected and adjusted. Your opinions were heard.
You all need to understand that they cannot please everyone. Their efforts are admirable and appreciated by few. If you do not like what they are doing, do not join. If you are not a member, your opinion is needed to understand what is needed to increase membership. Go to the GWG website and contact one of the committee members with your concerns.
If your opinion will either help membership or improve the membership experience, they want to hear it. If you just want to bash the club, just do not join and keep it to yourself. I am a member and I have gotten more help and advice from this club than I have received from much of the pumpkin community. I have not won a dime and do not care if I ever do. Scott West.

4/6/2013 5:34:16 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Yes lovingitinFla The money would be less for grafted class.There most likely would be a lot less entries.

4/6/2013 9:16:53 PM

Frankie Goes

Canton Ohio

Here is my two cents. I know of at least five growers who will be using Mr. Bartoli's grafting techniques in growing giant watermelon this year. I think it is safe to say that the majority of press and fanfare will be on the new giants. I expect that within a few years it will be the norm and growing without advanced techniques will dwindle. Do you think the GWG should take the leadership and make the old method of growing a sub category. Give the growers an honorable mention but focus and grow the club on the backs of the modern day pioneers.

4/7/2013 7:57:35 AM

BPMailey TL


After being away from the computer for another great GVGO spring seminar here in Ontario yesterday, I just want to say thanks for the support for the GWG and the volunteer committee members received on this post.

The comment from Don is his opinion, and no one is forcing anyone to join the club. As a committee member on the club, I can honestly say I was a bit shocked and taken aback by his response, but have learned not to take things personally. A old saying we all know comes to mind "You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time"

As for the question by Lovingitinflorida, Mark is correct. We do have members signed up for both classes, but the number of growers who want to compete in the traditional class outnumber the growers in the grafted class. Our prize structure will be based on the percentage, and will be finalized After June 1st when the 2013 membership registration is closed.

Frankie Goes may be correct, or not, and grafting may be the way growers grow giant watermelons as the norm. Right now that has not yet been proven, and based on the membership we have, it is not the norm. We are thinking forward by supporting grafting and having a category for them, and hope the grafted growers in our club do well this year. The tides may, or may not change, only time will tell.

I think there is room for both these growing methods, and if the grafters wish to be recognized by the Guinness World Record organization, I suggest they start trying to convince them now.

I just found out yesterday that Guinness is finally going to recognize Long Gourd growers and have a separate category for the Sicilian gourds we grow. This means that Tom Wright is now the official World Record holder for his 137.75" gourd he grew last year!! Change is sometimes slow, but can be accomplished.

Good Luck to all as we head into the 2013 growing season!!

4/7/2013 9:18:07 AM

Josh Scherer

Piqua, Ohio

I won't be grafting watermelons this year as I have in the past, funny story last winter I brought up grafting and was told by BPMailey "not this cat again I won't grow your seeds" the first time I mentioned it, so I don't know where the not this cat again came from, now the first 2 melons over 300 were grafted and grafting is a hot topic, now I'm not the bad guy? Scott I wish I knew what advice you got from the GWG, but I don't know any more about growing melons than I did before joining the GWG. The 10% discount at extreme pumpkins is why I joined this year I won't be asking for any prize $. I'm not bashing the GWG but before the execs slam people for thinking outside the box they may want to think twice before posing a response, a year later and there's all of a sudden room for both growing methods? whatever! Like batcave N8 no disrespect intended, but you comments to me last winter really got to me. I wish the best to everyone involved, but I will only share my knowledge of grafting with a select few from now on. Good luck in 2013, god knows we need it!

4/7/2013 11:09:07 PM



Still trying to comprehend the reasoning for the last post and growers names being mentioned. No disrespect intended? I have definitly missed something somewhere. I am so confused.

4/8/2013 6:23:06 AM

Ice Man

Garner, NC

Josh, I hate to hear that you haven't learned anything from the GWG, it is also hard to believe you havn't. I learn something all the time from the club, and from what I mean by the club is the 140 members and sponsers we have, not just the committe members. We individually, don't know everything about growing watermelons, thats what make the GWG so great. We have people that have strenghts is certain area's, weather it be grafting, chemicals, germination, pest, or whatever, that are just a email, text, or call away. Take advantage of the outlets we have and the experience the members have and I bet you will pick up on a thing ot to.

4/8/2013 7:49:26 AM

Princeton Joe

Princeton Kentucky

God Forgive me for buttin in. With that said as someone who is "not" a GWG member but someone who loves to grow just as you all do I find this topic both troubling and hilarious. Short of saying that it sounds like everyone should just get a Trophy for growing anything in any method, no matter thee outcome, I personaly think the topic hinges on one theory. "Proof of Grafting being an advantage." I think the GWG made the right decision to drop the requirments that were to be implimented. To many regulations are not good on a fun activity like this even if prize money is in the sights. To ALL growing committies remember, The captain of the titanic also liked strong forward going leadership no matter how many people disagreed with him and all of his officers were against his rate of speed going thru those chilly waters that night.. he should have listened to the concerns of his members too..Sad analogy I know. Even though I don't know any of you personaly, You seem like great people to me so please don't lose sight in what it is your trying to accomplish here. To become a better grower doesn't really mean growing the biggest but how your character grows in the process of trying to do so. If in this course you grow the biggest then so be it and yes you should be honored and recognized for it. I like to graft but I don't think its going to be the magic button (Advantage) like so many are unsure of. Italy may just have better soil..I know the Grapes love it and if you all don't know it already..pumpkins and grapes optimal growing conditions are very, very close in numbers (California Growers take heed). In the end I think two classes are better than one but I believe both have thier limitations. Thanks and good luck to all and in the almost famous words of Rodney King.." Can't we all just grow some together?"

4/8/2013 10:28:16 AM

Princeton Joe

Princeton Kentucky

I should have stated "Melons and Grapes" also have close numbers in soil relations..sorry

4/8/2013 10:31:01 AM

Josh Scherer

Piqua, Ohio

Thomas I'll fill you in on what happened last year, I felt a little disrespected.http://www.bigpumpkins.com/MsgBoard/ViewThread.asp?b=30&p=434227 all I'm saying is as one of the people running our club Mr Mailey is entitled to his opinion, but it put a bad taste in my mouth the way it was posted. Todd I don't mean the GWG isn't helpful, I'm just saying what I have learned I already knew! I've been grafting for years, my PB is 169.4, it's not the MIRACLE people think it is, I'm limited to a 1/4 acre patch so my melons get planted in the same place year after year. I will continue to support the GWG any way I can. Ask Nathan Okorn about the hate mail he got just for posting a video on youtube to teach growers how to graft, I too got hate mail, won't mention names but they are the ones that won't get my help. I have met some really great people through the GWG. With all the crap about grafting and money it's taking the fun out of it for me, I applaud the committee for the hard decision they made, there may be dishonest people with money involved but they will only be cheating themselves. I will no longer be posting on this subject thanks for your time.

4/8/2013 10:06:38 PM

BPMailey TL


Wow Josh, I truly am sorry if you were felt disrespected by me saying I would not grow your seeds, or by calling your fruit a squelon.

First off, at the time of the post I had just been asked to be a committee member, so it took me a little while to realize that I can't say what I feel anymore for fear of them thinking it was an opinion of the GWG and not my personal opinion.

Secondly, If you read the post again, you will see Mark Clementz was with me at that time as well, and now he is grafting, and you have lots of nice things to say about him.

I am not sure what this personal attack is all about, but I want to make it perfectly clear that I absolutely did not send you, or Nathan any hate mail you are eluding to, and never ever would, to you or anyone!! That part of your post is the only thing that does not sit well with me.

My personal position remains the same, and is my personal opinion, not the opinion of a committee member on the GWG. I will not graft melon plants, now or ever, and I will not grow melon seeds from grafted plants. I am sorry if my opinion is not the same as yours or others, and again I am sorry if you feel disrespected because of it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and on an open and public forum you start a thread on, you open yourself up to hear those opinions.

I am also finished posting on this thread, started by the GWG Committee as a whole. I sure hope folks can just all get along and get back to growing giants soon, because I for one have had it with this long cold winter.

Good Luck to ALL this growing season.

4/9/2013 8:39:34 AM

Josh Scherer

Piqua, Ohio

I didn't say you sent me hate mail, but I got it! Mark wasn't a committee member. Sorry but that's why it pissed me off, coming from a committee member. I respect your opinion and am over this whole grafting thing. Maybe I should have sent an e-mail instead of posting here! I apologize to to you and everyone else I have rubbed the wrong way.

4/9/2013 10:09:40 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Gabriele Bartoli used grafting to overcome soil disease problems. I just don't believe grafted rootstocks will make enough difference to justify the separate category. I believe Mr Bartoli would have grown a world record without grafted rootstock if his soil had been healthier. And I believe my 228 was the only grafted melon in the North America last year that made the GWG payout list. And several growers did grow grafted plants last year including Chris Kent, the former world record holder. It is likely that melons grown on a good grafted rootstock will grow a slightly larger melon. But I see it as just another approach a grower can use to help outgrow his competition. Once again, just my humble opinion.

4/10/2013 8:09:11 AM


South Arkansas

I am the current Guinness World Record holder for heaviest watermelon. When I applied for the record with Guinness, there was no mention of grafting in any section of the application form nor was there ever any question asked related to grafting. I would love to see the watermelon community united in support of Gabriele Bartoli and aid him in his application for the Guinness record in the watermelon category.

4/10/2013 11:03:19 AM

Frankie Goes

Canton Ohio

I appreciate the committee dropping the new rule but I still don't know why we need two categories. I challenge the committee to admit you were rail-roaded into the rule change by one Director, ask him to resign, and move forward with just one classification for Giant Watermelons. I think that without this action our community will remain divided. Keeping the two classifications will be a constant reminder of how one person screwed with out hobby by exerting his own narrow viewpoint.

4/10/2013 12:45:11 PM


Fenton, MI

Frankie Goes - This response to your post is to set the record straight. Any decision made by the GWG committee is agreed on by all committee members or it never goes any further. No one on the committee was rail roaded to change this recent ruling or to have two categories. We all have our personal opinions, but set them aside for decisions that we feel are best for the club. Two categories were agreed upon by all the committee members, and was made after receiving feedback from the majority of our members. You're welcome to join the club and grow either a traditional or a grafted watermelon. Marvin

4/10/2013 7:06:16 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

I figure if ya cant beat-em join them.So I'm grafting,We need to get away from arguing on which color to paint the front door of the church.These are no win arguments."Seems what we have here is a failure to communicate"We have started some great clubs here, Now lets reap what we have sewn and enjoy the giants!

4/10/2013 7:40:56 PM


43.841677 , -79.086692

The GWG is just one of dozens of clubs in this hobby. We all have the choice to join or not join these clubs. We may choose not to join a club because we don't agree with its policies. That's cool, I get it. What I don't get is why a non member thinks his opinion should be heard and to be so bold as to suggest the removal of one of the executive officers. Seriously?
To the non members that think they need to put in their "2 cents", you have over stepped your boundaries. Let it go. If you are that passionate about the topic start your own club and make your own rules. I am surprised there are any volunteers left to run these clubs.

4/10/2013 10:23:51 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Arguing with "upset people " is like playing Chess with a pigeon.....they'll knock all the pieces over.....poop all over the board...... then strut around like they won.

4/11/2013 7:11:58 AM

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