Watermelon Growing Forum
Subject: GWG World Record Trophy
Date Posted
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
The GWG web site states: "Chris Kent currently has the Floating World Record Trophy and will keep it until one of our GWG members sets a new world record." So I take it if Gabriele Bartoli holds the record at the end of the 2012 growing season the trophy will be sent to have his record inscribed on it and then returned to Chris to keep until a new world record is set by a GWG club member. Is that correct ? If Gabriele joins our club next year he would then have to beat his own world record to be eligible to receive the trophy as a GWG member is how I understand this.
9/16/2012 9:00:12 AM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
I think we will have a few new GWG members from Italy next year. :o) I think it is great for us to grow to more countries throughout the world. Can anyone tell me how many countries the GPC is in ? I think that one day the GWG membership will also have members in most of them.
9/16/2012 10:34:06 AM
removed_20180906 |
Valencia Spain
u need to translate the page in spanish if u want spanish members
9/17/2012 2:25:11 PM
Marvin |
Fenton, MI
There are 85 years of watermelons champions listed on this trophy. Chris Kent currently has the Floating World Record Trophy and will keep it until one of our GWG members sets a new world record. I would also like to see more growers from other countries two TD but to have or be on this trophy you must be a GWG member. For any awards or benefits from the GWG you have to be a member.
9/20/2012 7:18:23 AM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
I can understand the trophy being in possession of a GWG member.My understanding stops when you call it a world record trophy and ignore listing new world records. Perhaps you should rename it the Giant Watermelon Growers record trophy. I don't think you can legitimize calling it a world record trophy and listing all past world records you know of and ignoring all future world records that do not belong to a club member. How silly is that ? What is the motivation behind ignoring these records ? Do you think it will help grow our club ? I know certain criteria need to be met; but the Bartoli melon was weighed on a certified scale at a Great Pumpkin Commonwealth event. I think we should give credit where credit is due. Although I completely understand not sending the trophy to Gabriele; I think to not give him credit for his world record melon is just plain wrong. I challenge you to put that to a test and let our club members vote as to whether they would like to see a true reflection of world records on this trophy or only records set by club members. We are the best club going right now and I think we will continue to be if we keep to the sense of fairness that has defined us to this point.
9/20/2012 9:24:48 AM
lbright |
South Arkansas
Actually the trophy lists Chris as a champion. I don't think the term world record is on the trophy. At the end of the season after all weights have been entered, the GPC will announce the winners for the year. The GWG will do the same. If the current top watermelon weights continue to stand, you should be able to meet Mr. Bartoli in person. He will likely be at the GPC Las Vegas Convention in February due to the heavy melons he has grown. You know he will be invited if he maintains his current position. The convention dates are already posted.
9/20/2012 10:07:44 AM
JDFan |
El Paso TX.
One question that comes to mind is what happens if a GWG member grows one larger than Chris' but smaller than Bartoli's does that member get listed on the Trophy and the trophy sent to him(her) or does the trophy only get updated if the new grower beats the Bartoli melon (thus becoming the World record holder. In other words is it a trophy for the largest GWG melon grown to date or an actual World record Trophy for records set while a member of the GWG.
9/20/2012 10:36:32 AM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
Excellent observation JDFan. The GWG web site states "Chris Kent currently has the Floating World Record Trophy and will keep it until one of our GWG members sets a new world record". So if say Lloyd Bright grows a 292 this year he will not have set a new world record and thus Chris Kent would hold on to the trophy. Am I correct ? Or does the wording on the our web sire need to be changed ?
9/20/2012 1:55:20 PM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
I personally believe this trophy is a floating GWG member record trophy and has nothing to do with any future world records other than there is a good chance a GWG member will get the record back. So the trophy will list only GWG records in the future ? If Gabriele Bartoli joins the GWG does he have to grow a new world record to be recognized ? What if he grows a 301 as a member ? Would the trophy be inscribed with 326 or 301 ? I do think there are questions here the committee needs to resolve.
9/20/2012 2:02:22 PM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
Lloyd, what you say is true. But Mr Bartoli speaks little or no English and I know it is a long expensive trip from Italy. And I belong to a club that advertises a "GWG Floating World Record Trophy" that he will not even get his name on,although he will likely be the new world record holder at the end of the season. Does he not have the right to view this as false advertising ? I do not believe that Gabriele has a claim to this trophy since he is not a GWG member. I do think we should show him the respect he deserves and put his name on it. There are many names on the trophy and I think you & Chris are the only members whose name appear on it. I just don't think it should be both ways. Either it should include only GWG members who have held the record or it should include all heaviest watermelon world record holders. I think Mr Bartoli has as much right to have his name on the trophy as A. B. Turner does who is not around to even appreciate the fact since he grew his last big melons in 1930. Am I wrong ?
9/20/2012 6:11:19 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
So if Mr Bartoli joins for 2013 he should get the trophy when he becomes a member!Yes or no??
9/20/2012 9:59:57 PM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
LOL Mark. But if not, would Gabriele get it at the end of 2013 if he grew a 292 or better to beat Chris Kent as a member ? And how about if Mark Clementz grew a 325 next year ? It would not be a new world record so would Chris keep the trophy since he was the last member to actually set a world record ? LOL
9/20/2012 10:09:39 PM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
And if Gabriele grew a 292 as a member in 2013 and it was the largest melon grown in 2013 and it was then considered the GWG world world record (as opposed to the actual 326 world record ), would the trophy inscription list his 292 melon that beat Chris' 291 as a GWG member or would his 326 then be OK to be listed ? LOL This is funny stuff!
9/20/2012 10:32:31 PM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
Marvin, I would not consider recognition on a trophy as a award or a benefit. I would simply call it recognition. Did A. B. Turner's name on the trophy serve as a award or a benefit to him ? I don't think so, as he has been dead a long time.
9/20/2012 10:45:39 PM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
We need to decide if the trophy is for recognizing all world record holders as it should be or if we want to be narrow minded and recognize only world records that come from our club members. But as you may be able to decide from some of my last few posts, if we decide to be narrow minded about the matter, shades of grey will have a way of creeping in making it nearly impossible to make a decision that is entirely correct.
9/20/2012 10:51:04 PM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
If our board members decide to allow only GWG members names to appear on the trophy inscriptions in the future, I think we should call the trophy what it is and not what it is now being called. Marvin, I think it should be called the GWG record trophy if that is what you guys want it to be.
9/20/2012 11:11:41 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
I feel Sergio should get the trophy when he joins the club.A world record should be recognized by all.I would almost say a world record holder should be given a 1 year membership & a big congrats with the trophy.It's an amazing feat & should be meet with open arms.
9/21/2012 5:58:41 AM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
In all fairness to the GWG Dennis.We need to give them time to make a decision on how to handle this.I really think the club has made some really good decisions thus far.So lets kick back till the season ends & see what they do.All we can do here is run in circles & put on a Jerry Springer type show!LOL!
9/21/2012 6:19:16 AM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
Raising my chair!Screaming like a girl!!Woot Woot!!LOL!
9/21/2012 7:28:48 AM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
That is very true Mark, we do need to give them time. I know our board members move slowly and deliberately. And it is a especially busy time of he year for many of us. I am in no hurry at all to have anything done. It is what it is for this year. I would simply like to see a GWG club officer come on this thread and acknowledge there is a real problem here that they will really address.
9/21/2012 7:44:21 AM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
Anyone with common sense would spend $20 to join the club after growing a new world record. Here is one problem with that though, for Gabriele; he doesn't speak or read English. Mark, I certainly see nothing wrong with your suggestion about a free one year membership and the trophy. Are we going to be so self centered that we refuse to recognize a world record that is beyond our club ? Recognition of a world record for someone outside of our club would be a small bit of generosity that would bathe our club in a very warm and inviting light. Just now I think we are starting to look like a bunch of cold hearted bastards who are unwilling to recognize accomplishments beyond our own circle.
9/21/2012 7:57:27 AM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
Mark,it isn't like you are suggesting that we actually give away something valuable. The trophy is always on loan to a deserving person and our club is already offering a free membership or two. Let us bask in the appearance of generosity. Good will often times goes a long way in this dog eat dog world we live in. :o)
9/21/2012 8:38:31 AM
Ice Man |
Garner, NC
Hey Dennis, right now the season isn't over, so I can assure you one's name is going on anything until ALL melons are weighed. At the end of the season, when All melons are weighed, then The board will figure things out. I can assure you nobody's intent is to look like a "cold hearted bastard"
9/21/2012 12:43:10 PM
moro (sergio) |
Cologne Brescia Italy
Mark, I'm not Bartoli, I know Bartoly but I did not set any GW record LOL!! I will tell to Bartoli Gabriele to join the GWG for the next year
9/21/2012 1:01:15 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
Very good!You should all join up.I'm still sorting you guys out in your picture with the 327.Are you the guy on the right?
9/21/2012 7:46:20 PM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
Thank you Todd. So be it.
9/21/2012 8:38:46 PM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
Mark, I am almost positive that Sergio is indeed the man on the right side of the picture.And Gabriele is in the middle.
9/21/2012 8:51:40 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
lol The names & pics had me lost.lol!
9/22/2012 6:20:53 AM
Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG) |
sevierville, Tn
Thats what happens when you live in "muddy waters" you get lost easily Mark ! LOL
9/22/2012 8:48:54 AM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
I have a snorkle & goggles I forgot to put them on.LOL
9/22/2012 11:00:35 AM
moro (sergio) |
Cologne Brescia Italy
Mark I'm the one with the grasses in the pictures
9/22/2012 12:45:48 PM
removed_20180906 |
Valencia Spain
hey sergio is it possible to ask bartoli if u can give me his email, got an italian guy who can translate my spanish into italian
9/23/2012 3:45:25 AM
removed_20180906 |
Valencia Spain
is calabaza pelegrino the graft that bartoli used
9/23/2012 3:45:57 AM
moro (sergio) |
Cologne Brescia Italy
it should be longissima, not pellegrino
9/23/2012 4:00:06 AM
removed_20180906 |
Valencia Spain
is longissima the same as long gourd, i think it might be
9/23/2012 12:56:52 PM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
So Sergio, our question is, did Gabriele Bartoli use what we call long gourds for his rootstock ? Or was it perhaps bottle gourds ?
9/23/2012 1:49:42 PM
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