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Subject:  watermelons stolen

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Valencia Spain

my best watermelon waqs stolen and also the second best

found one broken on the wall wheres theres a gap in the fence in half, probally couldnt carry it even though they werent big compared to everybody else, the biggest was only 142 ott, atlesst i can get some of the seed but im not sure which watermelon it is, i dont care they stole it but i was planning to keep the seed, but if they are hungry they are welcome to it, even though just up the road somebody i know had lots of eating melons, stole some and trampled the rest, didnt take the eating melons, so they dont realise cc has no sugar in it

good job i wasnt close to a wr record. LOLLL

8/15/2012 4:59:43 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

What a heart-breaker that is. We put our heart and soul into growing the biggest melons we can and someone comes along and thinks they want them for free. Sometimes these melons are even poison; as many of us use systemic insecticides and fungicides on them. I am sorry for your loss Westham. I hope you decide to continue growing next year and don't let this get you down too much.

8/15/2012 7:51:12 AM


Arden, NC


You are not alone with the problem. I had one stolen from the patch about 3 weeks ago. Bad thing is I saw the footprints of what could have only been a child going right up to the young melon. My patch is alongside a gated roadway to a small golf course and the roadway is locked at night. So it had to be one of the course's customers. That means an adult had to be driving and sent a kid into the patch to steal the melon. I don't know what they were thinking and Dennis is right my watermelons and pumpkins are loaded with systemics right now and they would not be fit to eat even if they were ripe....the one taken was only 3 weeks old so I know it was mostly pith inside. I'm sorry about your melons, I do know how you feel!

8/15/2012 8:10:04 AM

Phil and Jane Hunt - GVGO


It sucks to lose a melon like that. We lost one a few years back as well. It frustrated me to the point that I sent a "letter to the editor" of our local newspaper about it. We don't know if it helped, but we haven't had any problems since.

Jane & Phil

8/15/2012 9:12:45 AM


Bowdon, GA

I know the feeling too. I had one stolen by the county prison crew that bush hogs the side of the road about a month ago. The seriff's department found out it was on the bus and the gaurd had let them do it. It was about the same age as Suzie's. The warden ask me what I wanted to do, I said fire the guard and make them eat it LOL. They did fire the guard which made me feel a little better, but it still makes you steaming mad. Had been using Eagle 20 and Merit LOL

8/15/2012 4:18:26 PM


Valencia Spain

i will probally grow next year, but i know it will be stolen again

will put sign up, not nice to eat .lol

spanish dont steal rhubarb, they dont know what it is haha

8/15/2012 4:59:20 PM



Sorry to hear about everyones theft problems. I did a final cull on 80 Elberta peach trees on 10 July. I had surgery on 11 July and was laid up a few days, When I did get back to my orchard on 14 July there was not one peach left. I estamated I lost about 40 bushels of peaches and the crappy thing is it was someone that knew I was laid up and took advantage of that.

I have since installed two video cameras that remote back to my house and one still camera that is covering the watermelon patch.

8/15/2012 5:22:15 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

If there stealing them at night do what I do .I have motion lites hooked up to my stereo.The loud music makes them run like hell & it wakes me up.If they trip the lites they meet me in my boxers.

8/15/2012 9:48:19 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

I would like to see that Mark. lol I think you should catch them and drive them about 100 miles into the middle of nowhere and release them. lol I don't think they would return.Your pumpkins are looking great by the way.What is your PB ?

8/15/2012 10:15:56 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters


8/15/2012 10:18:24 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

848 is a lot but it looks like you are going to beat that easily. I hope you join the 1000 pound club.

8/15/2012 10:35:12 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

I just saw your latest diary post Mark. Are you sure that is your daughter in the picture ? I think you forgot to type in the "grand" part. lol But what a precious picture.I am sure you are very proud of her. I love Anne Geddes photography by the way.

8/15/2012 10:50:07 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

I apologize Mark. I see what you mean now. It is your daughter holding your grandson, Jackson Reed for a Anne Geddes type photo on top of your giant pumpkin. That is wonderful. I hope I didn't offend you. I just failed to notice your daughter in the picture.

8/15/2012 11:09:57 PM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

I have to keep white sheets on mine not just to shade them but it helps not to catch anyones attention either.

8/16/2012 8:25:07 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

I am sure the thieves who steal our prize melons from us have no consideration of just how much these mean to us. I bet they see it as a nearly harmless prank. I wonder if any growers on here have ever had a giant pumpkin stolen. I think it is not likely.

8/16/2012 11:12:13 AM

Josh Scherer

Piqua, Ohio

I had a pumpkin shot with a 22, of course I was at work or I would have returned fire!!

8/16/2012 12:34:51 PM


Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee

Professor Older places three stop sign-sized billboards at the front, back and middle of his patches. The signs read as follows: "Several melons are poisoned. Try you luck?"

He claims not to have lost a single melon to theives since the signs went up. BTW, I have it on good authority that the fruits are not poisoned. Regards, Clutch

8/16/2012 2:46:19 PM

don young

years ago i had empty lot behind my house and teens would cut thru yards walking from road to road that was all fine ,then i had stuff come up missing i went out to shotgun pratice area scooped up garbage can of empty shells poured them everywere they walked,for some unknown reason no more kids walked thru and no more trouble

8/16/2012 3:14:00 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

No need to apologize Dennis!Its,Awl Good!

8/16/2012 5:25:58 PM

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