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Subject:  WR Melon Graft

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Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Does anyone think that grafting is the REAL reason for the new world record watermelon? Just curious if grafting plays as big a role as some seem to think. I mean, the guy has grown some monsters in the past. Maybe his growing region had perfect conditions this season? Could it be a combination of grafting and other stimuli?

7/24/2012 10:43:22 AM

paul f

Southeast Texas

dammitt..if thay grow a 307 in euorpe this year.just wait til.the big growers in the u.s weigh there's.

7/24/2012 11:50:16 AM


El Paso TX.

I would think that the grafting definitely played a part in getting the fruit that large -- figure the whole reason for doing the graft was to give the plant a root stock that grew faster and stronger than the root system the genetics of the plant would have provided which in turn makes the plant able to support a larger and faster growing fruit. Surely that is not the only factor that produced this record but it did contribute.

Would it have been possible without the grafting we'll probably never know unless someone manages to break that record without using a grafted plant.

7/24/2012 12:55:04 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

It was probably maple syrup and a shade net....

7/24/2012 3:44:53 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

It was only 75 days old,grafting was a definite factor.If enough people are against grafting the GWG could rule the grafted melons out of the prize money.It is a majority rules club.

7/24/2012 5:12:54 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Actually Mark, the board members rule. We don't get to vote on anything. But I am sure they sometimes consider our feelings. But we have been through this too much already. It is not possible to outlaw grafted plants and keep everyone honest. So the dishonest growers would then have a unfair advantage.

7/24/2012 6:05:34 PM

moro (sergio)

Cologne Brescia Italy

I know the real motive Bartoli grafed his plants, he told me a mount ago during a visit I did to his farm, he it's growing watermellon for his job he live with watermellon, so all his field are for only watermellon, he tol me the grafed is because the rot of this luminaria is very very resistent to all disease present in the grownd the other plant he grow for job already are resistent itself, bat the plant of this giant no! non possibility to rotate, so the better way is to grafed with a resistent speciment
Sorry for english

7/24/2012 6:58:35 PM

Just Bill

Bottom of ohio

what was the grafted root stock ?

7/24/2012 8:59:31 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Thank you for the information Sergio. Please pass my congratulations along to Gabriele. Your English is not perfect but is very understandable by the way.

7/24/2012 9:48:47 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Thanks Sergio!

7/24/2012 10:06:28 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Moro (sergio), please email me at coolvol@comcast.net. Thanks.

7/24/2012 10:10:52 PM

moro (sergio)

Cologne Brescia Italy

Tenessi you have e mail, if no, contact me at

7/25/2012 6:43:14 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Thank you Sergio.

7/25/2012 7:29:07 AM

Total Posts: 13 Current Server Time: 3/6/2025 10:00:21 PM
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