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Subject:  N ew World Record Watermelon!!

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Date Posted

BPMailey TL


Congrats to Gabriele Bartoli in Italy for weighing a new World Record Watermelon at 139.5 kg (307.5 lbs)!! GPC site!!

7/22/2012 6:05:47 PM


SW Ohio

Nice! Way to grow it!

7/22/2012 6:56:08 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

A big congrats to Gabriele Bartoli !! For raising the bar! dangit!!

7/22/2012 7:07:00 PM


Corryton, TN

WOW!! Congrats!!

7/22/2012 7:19:39 PM

john boy


Congrat!!!!,,,,Like to see pictures. WOW!!!!!

7/22/2012 7:57:44 PM



Sweet !!!! Congrats

7/22/2012 7:59:09 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Wow! Congrats! Yes what seed was it?

7/22/2012 8:13:35 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Wow ! A really BIG congratulations ! I want to know more.

7/22/2012 9:30:44 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

I can't find any information about this on the GPC web site or on the two registered Italian GPC locations. And it seems VERY early in the year for a world record, since they are north of the equator just as we are here. I am getting skeptical.

7/22/2012 9:41:16 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Ok whos got the info???

7/22/2012 9:44:30 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

I put this in Google and came up empty.

7/22/2012 10:00:47 PM

don young


7/22/2012 10:03:13 PM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

Wow! I would have never thought one could get so big for such an early weigh-off. Congratulations!

7/22/2012 10:09:17 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

The picture I saw had the melon on a scale and it weighed 95.05 Kilograms.

7/22/2012 10:31:35 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

And that would equal 209.11 pounds.

7/22/2012 10:35:15 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Here is the link:


7/22/2012 10:36:29 PM


Hot West Tennessee

Weighoff was today.

7/22/2012 10:45:32 PM

don young

last years pic and weight

7/22/2012 10:46:14 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

I think this is one of those occasions where information is passed along and ends up getting accidentally changed somewhere along the line. Perhaps there was an error in translation or some other type of misunderstanding or possibly an error on someones calculator.

7/22/2012 10:47:11 PM


Hot West Tennessee


7/22/2012 10:48:03 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

OK Don, but I want to see some proof.

7/22/2012 10:48:27 PM


canal winchester ohio

With weighoff today I'm sure the pics on the website is last year.why are people hinting at ...can't be, can't be..wait 24-48 hours and everything will be clearer

7/22/2012 10:49:23 PM


canal winchester ohio

Why do you feel it can't be real?

7/22/2012 10:50:25 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Because I can't find ANY confirmation ANYWHERE on the web. A new world record should be making news somewhere should't it ?
I certainly believed it until I was unable to find out anything about it.

7/22/2012 10:58:45 PM

Andy W

Western NY

Calm down Dennis. We (GPC) got the email a little after 5PM our time, forwarded from Ian (our European rep) who was informed from Stefano and Benedetta, who were there. The melon weighed 139.5 kg. I also got a confirmation email from their site representative, Ivan Bartoli a little while later.

Keep in mind that the grower has previously had a 242# watermelon (http://watermelon.vegetabletoplant.com/Top500Watermelons.php) last year.

I'm sure we'll have plenty of pictures in the morning, if you check out the website for the contest, especially the photo gallery (http://proloconovellara.jimdo.com/miss-anguria/), it seems to be a hell of a party. They're probably still celebrating!

7/22/2012 11:08:10 PM


canal winchester ohio

Imagine that , it exists.....lol

7/22/2012 11:12:59 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

MY HUMBLE APOLOGY is extended to all. OK then, let's get to work to bring the world record back to the USA. Does anyone know if Mr Bartoli is a member of the GWG club ?

7/22/2012 11:18:57 PM



wow congrats!...That put the bar up there good luck to all!

7/22/2012 11:29:05 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

It's good to see you are still interested in the sport Janet.

7/22/2012 11:49:14 PM


Prairie Du Sac Wi

wow wow wow !!!! amazing. i hope its true. i wonder what seed he used? by the time were all old and dying there might be a 500lb. i love when records get beat!!!!!!!!!

7/23/2012 12:13:47 AM

Dutch Brad


It was bound to happen. They have great watermelon growers in Italy and 200 lb melons there are no oddity. Great job!

7/23/2012 2:32:19 AM

Bohica (Tom)


I'm just hoping that Mr.Bartoli doesn't read this, it is borederline embarrassing.
Andy, thanks for chiming in and clearing this up.

7/23/2012 2:33:23 AM


Way to go Gabriele Bartoli and Europe!!! Congratulations!

7/23/2012 6:13:51 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

A big Congrads to Gabriele Bartoli , Great job... i knew it would happen ! The 300lb barrier has been broken.

7/23/2012 6:21:51 AM

moro (sergio)

Cologne Brescia Italy

Here is a link obviusly is in italian

7/23/2012 7:38:45 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

I should not even be on this thread any more but there is still something that is unclear to me.

This link is for Mr Bartoli's melon from last year:

That was pointed out to me by Andy. Mr Bartoli's melon listed in the top 500 was grown last year and was listed at 242. But the link shows a melon that is 95.05 Kg or 209.11 pounds. Mr Bartoli has no melon listed at 209.11 and I would think the melon in the picture would be his best one for 2011.

I have done a google search for a 242 by Mr Bartoli and came up empty handed except for the top 500 list which came from the GPC and is on the list offered by this site.

I am sure the Italians are VERY proud of the 242 from last year. Will someone please show me that it was real. There has to be a picture of it on a scale somewhere. And I can hardly wait to see a picture of the 307.5. And again, my congratulations to Mr Bartoli for being such a great grower. All I really want is some better confirmation than the word of mouth that has come out so far. In this day of light-speed internet communication I am sure confirmation will come very quickly.

7/23/2012 7:41:27 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

My mind is open on this matter and I hope no one is reporting a melon larger than it really is. The Italians are very proud of their accomplishments and especially so when it comes to beating the Americans or setting a new world record. So I am sure there will be confirmation on the internet for me to view when I return home from work today. But you have to admit that scams much larger than this would be, happen in the world every day. So at least in my mind there is room for the possibility that this could turn out to be a false report. I am just saying.

7/23/2012 8:08:50 AM


The North Coast

I am not embarrassed to say that I am with TD on this one. With all do respect to the very fine Italian growers, a person really should not believe all that they read on line. The skeptical nature of some of the posts is purely due to how much of a blind side this is for all of us here in the states and there is nothing wrong with that. In due time we will all know what is the truth. If it is true we will all celebrate the accomplishment and hopefully will be able to learn a thing or two about how it was done. Cheers

7/23/2012 8:37:41 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

OK, I see the story and picture now and all looks good. WOW !!!

I would not have continued the questioning except for seeing a picture of a 209 melon from last year and then see a reported 242 melon to the GPC.

My hat is off to Gabriele Bartoli.

This as a AWESOME accomplishment.

7/23/2012 8:42:59 AM


The North Coast

I am gobsmacked...they grow 'em huge over there...wow!

7/23/2012 8:54:06 AM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Holy crap that is an amazing accomplishment!

If Italy has a GWG, sign me up! Sounds like they don't need one though.....

7/23/2012 11:50:44 AM



Looking at the picture someone posted it looks a little different than a cc melon kind of interesting.

7/23/2012 4:05:24 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Is he a member of GWG???

7/23/2012 6:43:40 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Chill Tom! He dosen't speak english so I doubt he can read it.

7/23/2012 6:45:14 PM

wv melonman

Watervalley Ms

Handy the computer can Translate.

7/23/2012 6:52:37 PM

wv melonman

Watervalley Ms

Going to take a guess that the seed came from his 242 or the seed that grew the 242. Congrat's to Gabriele, looking foward to hearing some measurements and what seed it was from

7/23/2012 7:19:18 PM

Bill Edwards

Marshall, MI

Gabriele is not a GWG member

7/23/2012 7:40:53 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Well it wasn't offensive anyway TD was just just asking.

7/23/2012 10:13:09 PM


El Paso TX.

@wv melonman -- looks like it was grafted onto some sort of pumpkin rootstock (not sure if his 242 was also a grafted plant ) so the genetics probably are not that important as even another seed with the same genetics probably wouldn't get near the same results unless it was also grafted. Will be interesting to see in the next few years what kind of offspring will be produced.

7/23/2012 11:30:45 PM

pburdon (Team Lunatic)

Goodwood, Ontario, Canada

I read on the GVGO website that it was grafted onto a non-cucurbit root stock. I'd love to hear all the details. If in fact it was non-cucurbit then perhaps we will see a 3000 lbs pumpkin some day soon.

7/24/2012 6:41:33 AM


The North Coast

Yes they did use ultimately a bottle gourd, the lagenaria rootstock is not as popular as squash rootstocks but they are obviously onto something. Syngenta seeds does have an excellent variety called 'Emphasis'.

7/24/2012 7:55:54 AM

BPMailey TL


Well this sorta changes everything for me. My personal feeling is, I still do not agree with this growing method for competition. If Guinness does not recognize this as a World Record Watermelon based on the growing method then I do not either. A great job and a great weight by Gabriele, but in my personal opinion it has been tainted by grafting. My time in this hobby is dwindling if this is the way we are heading. Too bad, because it has been fun for the most part, and this is not meant to be a mud slinging post, just how I personally feel on the subject.

7/24/2012 12:18:45 PM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

The lagenaria gourd species are all in the cucurbitacae family, So therefore the root-stock is still in the cucurbit family. It is however in a different genus. The watermelon is from the genus citrullus. The cucumber is from the genus cucumis, the Atlantic giant is from the genus Cucurbita etc. etc. As far as I know it is impossible to graft between families. http://www.cucurbit.org/family.html

7/24/2012 12:27:38 PM

john boy


I kinda agree with u BTL.We should had kept it like it was.I do congrats Gabriele on his complish. I think it would be hard to get seeds. If those seeds produce monster watermelons for next year, How would we have a chance over here.

7/24/2012 1:11:11 PM


Valencia Spain

im the only european member according to the mail from gwg on the members

congrats to the italian guy
or girl

7/24/2012 4:10:07 PM



I am with you Bryan.

7/25/2012 10:11:48 AM

Josh Scherer

Piqua, Ohio

grafting helps with disease resistance, I don't understand the big problem. Genetics are genetics. get a seed from cc at wal mart graft them, get a 291 kent and graft it, I guarantee the 291 will be bigger! From what I understand he has to graft because he can't rotate patches, I also have grafts for that reason. By the way my grafted plants do grow faster, but my two biggest melons are on non grafted plants! Grafts are no different than using drip tape, heat cables, melon caves,green houses, compost tea etc... nothing about growing anything giant is normal! Bryan you shouldn't give up because of grafting, just know all you can do is your best and in any competition people are always trying to find a new way to beat everyone else! This is my first year with grafts and I'm still on the fence about them, I'm not impressed much with mine thus far in the season! Good luck to all

7/28/2012 3:37:29 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Sounds good Josh.

7/30/2012 12:40:10 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Hey Josh! Hows your 1807 Stelts doing?

7/31/2012 6:45:37 AM

Josh Scherer

Piqua, Ohio

Mark, at first the plant was slow growing but took off filled out my 20X35 patch, nicest plant I've ever had. We had several days in the 100's that fried my other plants but the 1807 looks great no sun damage! The bad thing is all the kins aborted in the heat I set over 20 I set 3 this morning I'll probably pull all my kins this weekend. I do have a couple melons over 160 lbs at 40 DAP the Ohio record is 252 I hope to crush it this year! 224 westfall is the hot seed in my patch this year!

8/3/2012 2:35:40 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Wow! Thats big! I think we will see some new faces in the Top ten this year.

8/3/2012 3:09:23 PM

Total Posts: 61 Current Server Time: 1/17/2025 1:06:23 AM
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