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Subject:  Not enough nitrogen?

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My watermelon plants keep trying to set watermelons, the only problem is the vine is only 5 or 6 feet, and not growing as quickly as I would like. Does this mean that there is not enough N and too much P and K? The patch next to it got manure last fall and the plants are twice as big but they are regular watermelons.

6/23/2012 9:45:39 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

From what you have described, IMHO you need to add some nitrogen, some liquid kelp sprayed on the leaves and some fulvic or humic acid or both. Did you have a soil sample analyzed this spring ?

6/23/2012 6:16:30 PM

Dave Bhaskaran

Rochester, MN

It could also be that the plant was stunted...did you keep it in an undersized container? They don't seem to recover well from that...just a guess.

6/24/2012 12:02:18 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Maybe Dave, but I had a stunted plant that was started in late February and it is doing fine now. One of my plants went down to stump rot and this plant was so small I was able to move it in with a shovel without disturbing it too much. So after a lot of growth stimulants it is beginning to grow and may go on to produce a good melon. Recovery from being stunted can be slow but I also think it can be complete.

6/24/2012 7:16:21 AM



I gave them so calcium nitrate, the plants have been in the ground since late April and were not pot bound so they should be bigger. They should catch up quickly upper 90s Thursday/Friday and warm nights. Maybe this means they will have a better root system, they are healthy just not big plants yet.

6/24/2012 9:58:09 AM

Total Posts: 5 Current Server Time: 3/6/2025 9:10:51 PM
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