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Subject:  Leaf curling

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Sugar Hill , Georgia

I am getting some serious leaf curling , two days ago i did a foliar feeding of some magnesium because my soils level were on the low side , though it was not apparent on my plants , since then it hasn't rained and I havnt watered , it's been relatively hot but nothing ridiculous , and when I checked today my leaves were curled significantly , the beds are a bit more raised for these plants so could this be a water deficiency ? Also I have two melons set but I feel as if their growth is slow , what is normal wieght for a 2 week old melon? Next time if something isn't broke I won't try to fix it but for now I'm not sure what to do

6/9/2012 9:25:18 PM


Sugar Hill , Georgia

I know I have a lot of questions on this forum , but I am only 17 and this whole experience is my first time and to be honest I'm very captivated by this sport , seriously , I am addicted to raising melons! So I just want everyone to know I appreciate their help a lot .

6/9/2012 9:28:36 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

I think I would water the plants really good. Check your stumps and make sure they are sound. Remove any decayed or dying organic matter from around the stump. If you do have any problems with stump rot then you may want to keep the stumps covered to keep them from getting wet. Also a good systemic fungicide may be in order. Hey, we can't learn if we do not ask questions. I am 60, have been a gardener most of my life and I am still asking questions. :o) I think the basic purpose of this forum is for asking questions although sometimes we get way away from that.

6/9/2012 10:28:18 PM


Arden, NC

water your plants. Run a soaker hose about two feet away from the crown and give em a good drink. Raised beds can dry out quicker so stick your finger down into the dirt and if the ground is dry for the first inch, its time to water. But then again I just saw the weather report and I'm pretty sure you have some major rain on the way.

6/9/2012 10:30:42 PM

wv melonman

Watervalley Ms

Zlatic how big are youre plants? Have you been spraying for bugs? If not check for them. If you have had a melon on the plant for 14 days and it is a good size plant and you haven't had any rain you should start watering. The leaf curling could be many things, water or calcium lacking. The temps can afect weight gains and the amount and what type of fertilizers you use. You need to get Lloyd bright's book on how grow giant watermelon's it will help you alot, need anything else just let us know. Hope this helps, Jerry

6/9/2012 10:43:43 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

I was thinking lack of nutrients could cause the curl also,time for a soil test??

6/10/2012 6:01:46 AM


Corryton, TN

Last year the weight of my 14 day old melons according to the OTT chart ran from 29-38 lbs. If it's feasible give the plants .25 in of water daily over the root zone. Monitor this for a few days. Depending on weather and your soil you may need to increase or decrease. Keep good notes to refer to in the future. We're pulling for you Z!!

6/10/2012 7:19:10 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Raised beds have great drainage. It is difficult to over water them. But be very careful of your stump health. That is often a big problem for growers as far south as you are.

6/10/2012 7:37:06 AM


Sugar Hill , Georgia

Takin notes ! Haha thanks guys , my plants are totaling about 50 ft of vine per plant give or take 10 feet , I did a soil test and didn't like my magnesium levels which is why I did a foliar feed , my stumps look good but they are incredibly thick but I'm sure that's normal , I pruned about half my plants a bit and now I am regretting it :/

6/10/2012 9:15:34 AM


Sugar Hill , Georgia

I havnt applied a fungicide as I havnt deemed it necessary , is CC downy mildew resistant ? I was looking into tht but the more I look at it the more I don't think it is , also I have absolutely no bugs , I did kill a lighting bug think it was a beetle though , lol , is this maybe because this is my first year planting at this location

6/10/2012 9:18:23 AM


Long Island,New York

Fungisides should be used preventatively.....that means when you see it its too late, some toll to the plant has likely occurred.

6/10/2012 9:53:12 AM


Sugar Hill , Georgia

Just an idea for you guys to maybe consider in the future btw , if you want more youth to participate why not create a $1000 dollar or so college scholarship for the high schooler or person in college with the largest melon ? If you advertise the scholarship correctly ( like on scholarship search websites that I frequently use ) I think you will get quite the turnout , just a reccomendation :)

6/10/2012 10:50:25 AM

wv melonman

Watervalley Ms

sounds like your plants are small that could be a reason for slow growth, and set fruit 14 days ago real real small plants to set fruit on.

6/10/2012 11:00:07 AM


Sugar Hill , Georgia

I though I read on another post that 50 + feet was the right size to set on ? Regardless growth seems to be accelerating now

6/10/2012 11:13:39 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

You can set a melon on 50 feet of vine I did last year,60 to 75 feet would be better though.

6/10/2012 1:03:40 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

The balance between roots and vine size is critical also. Too much top will not grow the biggest melon. And too little top will keep the melon very small. I don't think anyone knows what the optimum balance is between the two and even if you know what it is there is no way to determine the size of your roots. I can tell you that most of the winning melons are grown on size controlled plants these days.

6/10/2012 2:11:56 PM

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