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Subject:  GWG Committe!

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Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

I think the GWG needs a 5th Committee Member,What do you other members think?

1/28/2012 6:24:38 PM

Soopr Sizr

Littleton, Colorado

Yes, that way you don't have a tie vote.

1/28/2012 7:57:32 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Exactly maybe even 7 members would be good! 1 on each coast & 1 more down south!

1/28/2012 7:59:16 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

I would like to nominate Todd Dawson for the job. I believe he would be most excellent.

1/28/2012 8:02:23 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

So will future club officer positions be voted on by GWG members ?

1/28/2012 8:29:52 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

How about Kirk Webb?

1/28/2012 9:25:39 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

I am sure there are several good candidates. We need to find someone who desires the job. Some of us may not have enough time to devote to it.

1/28/2012 10:11:39 PM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

Who's on the board now and where are they located?

1/29/2012 12:33:28 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Chris in Tennessee,& Marvin,Bill & I from Michigan,I think we need more to get a better feel of what a Club needs & wants are.Four is not enough for a world wide club.I think we also need a couple committee officers who havent been in the Top ten.This will give us a feel of what the new guys & gals would like.

1/29/2012 9:00:47 AM


Hampstead, NC 28443

I agree with all your thoughts Handy. Make a post to have people who desire to be committee members contact you. Maybe even create regions of representation. Do it now before it gets too big and we experience growing pains.

1/29/2012 10:02:30 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

My take is that current officers should retain their position for as long as they want since they are founders. But I would suggest that any future positions added and as founding members retire, positions should be determined by member election and positions should be held for a no longer than a year or two but with re-election possible.`I do not want to see any power hungry individuals make unpopular decisions that the membership at large has no way of addressing. I'm just saying. The GPC is having some big political problems at the moment and I hope the GWG club is able to avoid any appearances of impropriety.Unchecked power nearly always eventually leads to some form of corruption.

1/29/2012 10:47:39 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

I agree Dennis,maybe a 2 tear term,for new board members.Election every 2 years for the 3 new positions.I think 7 is a good # for now.Were having a lot of split decisions right now & this would solve the issue & keep the GWG new & vibrant.Now we have to run this by Chris,Marvin& Bill.

1/29/2012 12:14:09 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

It might also be a good idea to have a woman or two on our committee. This is a sport without prejudice and I feel we would benefit from the female view. We would seem more female friendly and thus attract more new female growers. Suzie Zuerner comes to mind as a very good candidate.

1/29/2012 3:53:27 PM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

I think Sue'd be perfect

1/29/2012 5:22:50 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

I believe we need to look for certain qualities in approving any new committee members. Among those I think should be a person who is personable, articulate, enthusiastic, helpful, sharing and willing to go the "extra mile" to help further the success of our growing club. Personally, I would also like to see someone who is on this forum a lot, who regularly posts to a growers diary and is truly interested in helping provide new growers with information they need to become successful. So far, I believe Mark Clementz has done an outstanding job of doing just that.

1/29/2012 6:48:20 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

I would like to throw another name in the hat as long as I am running my mouth. Kyle Clark, aka watermelondentist, is a very successful new grower from Utah. He set the Utah state record last year and has been actively recruiting other gardeners in his area to try giant watermelon growing. Kyle has been on this forum many times and has always seemed articulte and positive in his commentary. He has also provided us with a good laugh via his recommendation for viewing Mr. Bean's Giant Watermelon.I can think of no one better than Kyle, if we desire a committee member from the western part of our great country who works hard at his hobby and seems dedicated to helping other growers succeed and to enjoy our sport.

1/29/2012 7:46:48 PM

Bohica (Tom)


I agree with Todd Dawson, but, maybe someone who hasn't grown one of the biggest fruit is a person to consider, this person may have the "smaller" growers best interests in mind and be able to better relate to the up and coming growers differently.
This is just a thought, but a well rounded leadership will be able to understand the needs of a more diverse membership.

1/29/2012 10:50:52 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

From a Ky. point of view??? Bill Brinkley, Frank Mudd, John VanSandBaggus, Dwight Slone,Tim Pennington...are possibles...investigation of their personal commitment to this job is 1st, I would guess? Mz.(Sue) Zuerner, is also a top notch pic, as her dedication speaks for itself!! Peace, Wayne
PS., Mark, curious as to what decisions are being split? But, that is none of my business??? LOL

1/29/2012 11:29:52 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Half want an all money club,half want bells & whistles Club,I cant spend a nickel right now.I wanted to buy a bag of Jolly ranchers (watermelon flavored)and put a piece in every mailing I was told NO!.I wasnt buying any candy with Club money.So I did buy some with my own money.I had to demand a vote to get Club logo sticker completed half said no to that also.I paid 80$ to have logo designed.I knew they would never agree to the spending so I paid out of my pocket.I was told to slow down & stop coming coming up with new ideas.So I stopped looking for more Sponsors after landing 3 great ones.We need more committee members.Its Split.

1/30/2012 7:13:29 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Some may think this was a bad thing to do.But I think total Transparency is the way to run a club.Maybe the club should vote on all decisions,even a bag of candy.By the way was anyone offended by the candy I sent?I was told you might be.

1/30/2012 7:18:13 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

If I had won everything I entered last year, I would still have lost money. If I wanted more money I would get a second job. A smaller cash prize along with a nice jacket and a big trophy would give me something lasting that I could show off and be proud of. And I don't believe the other club officers are in it for the money. Why do they think that is the motivation for everyone else ? Sponsorships are the way to go. It makes no sense to not be willing to spend a little money to pursue them. And if I had a weight problem or diabetes or just didn't like candy, I certainly would not be offended by receiving a piece. I would give it to someone who would appreciate it and put a smile on their face and mine. Most of this sounds like a no brainer to me. And I will be beginning to suspect that some of the officers may actually be in this to line their own pockets if an increasing amount of prize money is directed to the top five or so places and the next 15 places are not increased or not increased much. I think that kind of action would bring a glimpse of impropriety to our budding organization.And why not have each place pay somewhat less than the place ahead of it ? If I am in 19th place I would expect a few dollars more then 20th place and a few dollars less than 18th place. I think $5 increments would be fine for the lower places. Just mt thoughts.

1/30/2012 9:32:08 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Bless you for dipping into your own money Mark. The club logo is a great thing. It gives us something to identify with. Mine is on my tailgate and several people have asked me about it already. I am sorry for you if you are working with a bunch of self serving guys who seek only to maximize what they can get out of our club. But I have talked with both Chris and Marvin several times and they don't seem like that would be their motivation. I am quite sure that the little dab of money involved in this club would mean very little to a man of Marvin's means. One thing is for sure, we do need at least one more member to keep from having tie votes. And a new member or members should not be dictated or hand selected by a committee member because they share similar views. Any new officers of committee members should be voted on by all club members in order to keep this all on the up and up. What say ye ?

1/30/2012 9:44:58 AM

Frank and Tina

South East

Instead of treating the start of this club as a sprint,,lets treat it like a marathon. If we start out to crazy,,we are gonna run out of steam. Enthousiasm is great but consistancy is much more important i think. Possible commitee members might appreciate being approached privately first before their name is mentioned on here. That way they dont feel pressured to take the possition and nobodys dissapointed if they dont. Just a thought.

1/30/2012 9:50:36 AM

Moss Hill Melon Man

Trinity River Bottom

First off i think Mark, Chris ,Marv and Bill have done a great job in getting the GWG off the ground and running.
But with only 4 officers to make all the decisions on the direction the club is headed I'm not sure if that is such a good idea. I think it is time to expand. I believe 3 reaginal clup reps. would be great at this point for the GWG. I also think that certain club decisions should be put to a member vote. They should not just be the wants of the few officers.
Kirk Webb

1/30/2012 9:54:43 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Well said Kirk. Cooks,respectfully, what gives you the idea that none of the people we spoke of were approached privately before their names were mentioned ? I will tell you that I did talk to at least one person before mentioning them as a possible candidate and the feedback I received was positive. And I do believe that any potential candidate who was truly not interested would speak up and simply say "I am not interested". And what you do not know is that some of our club officers are already approaching potential new committee members on a private basis.

1/30/2012 10:07:16 AM

Moss Hill Melon Man

Trinity River Bottom

I also think these new GWG officers should have limited terms of no more than 2 years. And be elected by the members.

1/30/2012 10:10:36 AM

BPMailey TL


Lot's of great discussion here on the early days of this great club!! If everyone works together, it can only get better. I think expansion of the club officers is a good plan, perhaps even including International Reps, for those growers north of the border and across the pond!! Great job everyone for all the work put in so far to make this a top notch club!! Bryan

1/30/2012 10:15:29 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Mark, if half want "bells and whistles" and half want an "all money club", it seems to me that it will need to come down to a vote by the membership at large. And I think that if we vote and before we vote, we need to know where the potential new committee members stand on the matters that are dividing our founding members.

1/30/2012 10:29:54 AM

Frank and Tina

South East

Dennis, although i,m a member i was not aware that club officers had already started recruitment. Nor was i aware that there were any plans for a larger commitee. I just saw a commitee members suggestion and then others bouncing off ideas to.

But since its happening, let me state that i agree with Tom, that a record or large melon shouldent be the measure for a commitee position. And altough i havent asked you in person Dennis: Theres no one posting more on this site then you. You oviously have outspoken and wel formed ideas about the club direction and growing in general. Your already approaching and talking to folks, somewhat comitee work, so why not make it official. I think with your passion,,,youd be perfect. If not....then how bout coming up with several names across the nation besides Michigan and Tennesee and letting the membership vote.

1/30/2012 10:50:18 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

I think a vote is a must here .The club needs to vote what they want.I dont think 4 people should decide for 100 or more.The committee cant decide to add more board members,without a Club consensus.I think the Club will be a landslide, in favor of a bigger committee.Just like they were for the logo sticker.Is anybody against a bigger committee.Speak now please.

1/30/2012 11:12:55 AM

Moss Hill Melon Man

Trinity River Bottom

I'm for the larger committee !

1/30/2012 11:35:39 AM

Moss Hill Melon Man

Trinity River Bottom

I'm throwing my name in the hat to be considered for the south USA.

1/30/2012 11:52:14 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Cooks, I am afraid I am not acceptable material to the founding members and probably not to members in general. But I am flattered by your suggestion. I am a little too outspoken and have acted with poor people skills a few times in the past. Nor am I sure I have the time that I feel I would need to devote to such an honored position. I am back to working close to 40 hours a week. My mom is is a nursing home and I go to see her every chance I get. And I am trying to run my household by myself. It would not be fair of me to accept such a position even if I am wrong about my popularity, and proved to be an acceptable candidate. I do want future committee members to be a lot like Mark Clementz. I want members who are willing to show great transparency and even buy a bag of candy out of their own pocket when the time is right.I want a nice trophy to go to our annual winner and a few cheap ribbons for the next 2 or 3 places. And I don't want to see too big a percentage of our money paid out to the top 5 places. Come on officers, does it really have to be only about the money ? Chris, Bill, & Marvin please speak your mind. This is not an issue that is going to go away overnight. I too, am for a larger committee and definitely with an odd number of committee members. I think it is now painfully obvious that we REQUIRE at least one more member to eliminate tie votes. And it will be to the detriment of our club if any additional committee members are not selected through a transparent process. I love this club and want to see it keep heading in a positive direction.

1/30/2012 12:13:02 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Kirk, I think you are a great candidate. I also think the Cooks would be a most excellent choice. I find them to be extremely devoted to their hobby of giant vegetable growing.

1/30/2012 12:16:16 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

Mark,, one question. Did you make this post as a Commitee member and where they aware or as an individual trying to convince the commitee?

1/30/2012 12:18:43 PM

Phil and Jane Hunt - GVGO


We're with Bryan. Don't forget about us in Ontario. A lot of melon growers here.

Jane & Phil

1/30/2012 12:19:23 PM



If I am elected there will be a chicken in every pot...Just kidding

1/30/2012 12:19:38 PM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

TD, I offered the ribbons. I don't think they're cheap. :) I just need to know what places and when by. I'm not one for the time and effort needed for an officer, but I'm willing to work in support of our club. Heck, I think I can even find it in my threadbare pocket for trophy or plaque. Someone else can DUST them... heh.

Sparkey, that should be a vine in every patch !!!

1/30/2012 12:29:18 PM


SW Ohio

Jane Hunt

Female grower
International Representative
Experienced in growing watermelons
Experienced in how clubs run

1/30/2012 12:52:58 PM

paul f

Southeast Texas

i do like a chicken in my pot fer a gumbo...dammitt...sparkey got my vote.

1/30/2012 2:05:58 PM

pumpkinhead vic

Mt Vernon Ky

If I am elected there will be a watermelon over 300 in every patch

1/30/2012 2:16:39 PM

paul f

Southeast Texas

to much damm politics..if this keeps up i'll spend my gwg money in a titie bar..dammitt.

1/30/2012 2:32:01 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Cooks, you have posted a very pertinent question. I think Mark is the most forthcoming, informative and giving member among the founders. But at this point I am left wondering if he has "gone rogue". I, for one, certainly do not want to see this become a three man dictatorship.Of course there would be no future problems with tie votes. I think I'm with Paul and about ready to go pop a top. OkieGal, are you saying you offered to come up with those nice prizes at your own expense and you were turned down ? Please say it isn't so ! Barbeetoo, we have had our differences; but, Jane Hunt's nomination is another one I can certainly agree with. That would give us multinational representation and also female representation by a very experienced grower.But at this point I have no idea where we are headed. I just have a bad feeling that the three who have so far failed to speak up, might be possibly wishing the whole thing would go away so they are able to rule their club as they wish to. But it needs to be everyone's club. Personally, I think we need more voices and more votes from fellow members. This great new club of ours needs to answer to majority rule and provide us with more than big bucks for the top 5 finishers. And I think we should be always pursuing new sponsors. I think that is where a great deal of the future funding of our club lies. Mark, I do appreciate you for bringing this very touchy subject to light,so thank you for that and good luck with any consequences that may come as a result. I just wish we could all sit down for some punch and cookies and talk this thing out in a civilized manner.

1/30/2012 3:15:09 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

I apologize this is totally my fault for not starting the club with 5 0r 7 board members.4 is just silly.This needs to be a Club for the majority not the minority.In order to do this we need more Reps & Club voting on where the money goes.We had mentioned more people on the committee in prior conservations the committee was against this.I can see now in order to be a great Club we really need 7 people.5 would still be a problem.I think Jane would be great addition to our committee. I think the Club should nominate 6 people & then a vote be taken by all members including the 4 present.

1/30/2012 5:41:15 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

We vote for 3 out the 6 nominated with end result 7 committee members.

1/30/2012 6:20:23 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

So, let me get this straight. The commitee doesnt want to expand just jet. We disagree and decide to organize a vote on here? Whats the point of having a commitee if every time we disagree we bypass them?
Weather theres four or seven people, if we dont respect their discicions, its pointless.????

1/30/2012 6:28:50 PM


Linden, Mi.,

The Cooks,

1/30/2012 6:55:00 PM

Lee Taylor

Nicholls Georgia

just an idea but what about 1 rep from each state? just a thought or 1 rep for every 3 state's i know my opinon dont mean much but that would help with what growers face in there state's and then they could talke with the one who is there rep and then to the committee.

1/30/2012 6:59:33 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Mark, do you have the authority to call a vote to expand the committee ? How would the nomination process take place ? I would like to see the voting process be as transparent as possible if we do have a vote. Six nominees shaved down to 3 new committee members sounds like an excellent idea. So everyone would vote twice ? Once for his 3 personal choices and then again for three of the six finalists ? If it is indeed within your power to call for this vote, and you do not want the voting process to be made public; then I would suggest that all members email their votes to you. That would leave us all at the mercy of your honesty. I believe you to be a most honest person.

1/30/2012 7:00:37 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

No Frank its not like that.They said (2people) thats half a committee.We have split decisions.It was a mistake having 4 people make decisions theres no tie breaker.They have decided whatever I do is wrong.I beleive I have the majority of Clubs interest at heart here.If I say anything its NO.This is not good for the Club.If we have a 7 man committe it will be fair & I can except the majority rule.As is 2 is not a majority & I dont think Chris wants to get pushy with anybody.I dont mind I may not have a lot of tact but I wont stand around & watch something I care about be ruined.This is a Club NOT a 2 man buckle down & stop all progress committee.Im letting you know whats happening,If you want 2 men to make all the decisions then leave it as is.The members have the authority to ask for a larger committee.I dont!

1/30/2012 7:38:02 PM


Cleveland, Tenn

This club is still very young and growing rapidly, and the current commity members are largely responsible for the outstanding success we've had so far. I would like to hear what they have to say concerning this. there is alot to consider before the voting and promoting takes place. Just my 2 cents.

1/30/2012 7:45:01 PM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

I think it needs to be sent forward, nominate some more committee members, let's vote, and get things more balanced. The deciding number for major things is a little small if it's two.

I don't know where my offer went to, but I will be revving up shortly to produce some ribbons, 'artist's choice' for design and materials, and gifting a few starting ventures with these one-offs; to get things rolling. I will use the GWG logo for the centers art, as I have a 2.25" badge making setup (NOT badgeAminit)and the prongbacks for making rosette type ribbon centers. I will make for top 5, and rookie (if you want) and GOTY (top five weights averaged or something) (IF you want). Let me know if the Rookie and GOTY are wanted.

1/30/2012 7:46:32 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Wowzers!!! Transparency is current!!! Laundry on the line? No disrespect meant to any, but to awl...am guessing that (assuming that she has been contacted)& willing, Mz, Jane, should be on the list!!! Peace, Wayne
Deb, 2nd half of yer post should prbly be on stuff for sale board? Maybe?

1/30/2012 8:17:28 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Sorry, meant to say....Mrs. Tina!!!! Duh!!!! Of the Cooks, hall of FAME!!!!

1/30/2012 8:19:38 PM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

Wayne, that is GIFT to club so not being sold in this case.

1/30/2012 8:36:51 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Sounds good Okiegal I would like to see your work.Lets wait for Chris to see his response to growing committee.This is a majority club rules.It would be nice to hear from Chris first.

1/30/2012 9:09:01 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Mark, Chris, Bill, & Marvin: I believe we are at the point where there is an impasse in our club hierarchy. There are many 2 against 2 votes; and that is not a healthy state for our new organization. We need for a vote to change the number of committee members to be initiated. If our club truly belongs to our members then I see a big need for us to determine if we want to eliminate this impasse through a voting process. First we need to see if a majority of our members desire to add at least one or more committee members.I believe that Mark bringing up the subject of impasses shines a bright light on a failure of forethought in the inception of the GWG club. We will flounder if we do not resolve this impasse problem. And if you fellows are 2 against 2; then you could not agree amongst yourselves in a fair way to do something about this problem. So I believe it must be put to a vote. A vote to decide to make a change in the number of officers. A vote to define the term the new committee members will be elected for and how many there will be, a vote to nominate new committee members and then a vote to elect new committee members from a number of the top nominees. Please let us get started. You need to develop a process for us to follow. And the sooner the better for our organization.

1/30/2012 9:11:09 PM

John H

Dundee Michigan

I've been around plenty of clubs and organizations, whether business,academic,sporting,or hobby. Slow and steady is usually the recipe for longevity. Plenty of help and cooperation by many is a must to be successful. The founding members have done a great job with the club, but yes, should always have an odd number at the helm for voting purposes. I hope for nothing but the best for this club, but from from what I'm reading, Marv and Bill, I'm sorry your going through this. You two are veteran growers and founding members, your guidance should be more respected at this clubs young stage.

1/30/2012 9:33:31 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

I second this motion Dennis!

1/30/2012 9:41:25 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Let's do it baby !!!

1/30/2012 9:57:07 PM



Lets keep our powder dry guys. Marv, Chris, and Bill have dedicated a lot to the club. I don't thinks its about the Money for them. They have all been very generous with seeds and such. Lets not turn this thing into a soap opra. We have a great club that supports our hobby and promotes it to new growers. Those three have forgotten more that most know about growing watermelons. Give things time.

1/30/2012 10:00:03 PM


Manchester, TN

I guess could always go to 3 comittee members. There wouldn't be any ties that way either.

1/30/2012 10:02:24 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Who are you suggesting we eliminate JEB37355 ?

1/30/2012 10:23:05 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Bill or Marv???

1/30/2012 10:54:48 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Yes Im a Veteran grower to John,I think your right about the respect thing.

1/30/2012 10:56:14 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Mark, I believe the proper way to start this process is to email or mail all members and give them a few days to respond to the question of increasing or not increasing our committee members to seven. As soon as you get a majority then we need to send another email to commence the nominating process.

1/30/2012 11:11:30 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

I think if Bill and Marvin had a defensible position, they would be on here doing just that. How about it guys ? I know there are two sides to every story. Please tell us yours. You have nothing to lose.

1/30/2012 11:15:45 PM


Bowdon, GA

I have never said anything about this club pro or con, because many of my friends and fellow growers have mixed opinions. I don't want to make offense to anyone. Just my personal opinion, no one need to take it to heart and maybe I'm the only one who thinks this way. So here goes I don't think the GWG is responsible for the new intrest and bigger melons being grown this year. The 291 got everybody excited about what the future might hold. And Chris openly sharing growing tactics and seeds made it seem more obtainable. The first year was more like a contest than a club. Which is ok I guess, but how is this helping newer growers? Maybe I'm wrong but I miss the good old days when we just posted about growing and congrats on efforts on here not club politics. We used this forum to help each other. Which don't get me wrong still happens, but I think that this club has been somewhat discouraging for some non top ten growers including myself. I have continued to support the club because many of my friends (including officers) see it as a great thing and will continue to do so as long as the rest of the melon community finds it helpful.

1/31/2012 12:25:59 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Yes Dennis,We will continue this on the sidelines.E-mail me with your ideas, requests or any of the GWG board members.The lines have always been open.Anytime any member wants to talk they can.This is not the place.Im sorry but I felt there was nowhere else to go.Its been 3 months of fighting for rosettes plaques a piece of candy.I can say one thing our(your) money is safe with Marvin & Bill aint nobody spending a nickel.lol I wanted to buy Chris & Caroline a Steak dinner for all there efforts free website Thanks Caroline Free Newsletter Thanks Chris.All the work Chris put into our Auction,while his Tennessee club was left behind.60$ for a gift card to say thank you.I was told No! It would be against the law to do this.So send your hate mail to me.I started this crap on here.WE need to stop before it gets real ugly.If anybody wants to chip in on that dinner I will be buying the gift card myself.In fact lets make it 90$ & Janet can go to.Lets take the debate to our E-mails.The club will go on we can straighten out our differences and find out what the majority wants.This will be a majority Club.MarkClementz@comcast.net

1/31/2012 5:34:12 AM


Rhode Island

when ron and i headed up a re-organizational meeting of the rhode island giant pumpkin growers association (now known as the sngpg)we used the kiss method.we kept it simple.

we asked if anyone in attendance wanted to volunteer to be an officer? several people in the crowd volunteered and off we went.simple as that.many of these same people are still officers seven years later.

we also persued people we knew could help make the club a leading organization each year.everyone has a job to do and they do it well.no one of the officers or committee members are better than anyone else either.all for one and one for all is a believable thing with our gang.what you dont want and must avoid is trouble makers. they will ruin any organization with negativity.

to my knowledge we have never had to vote on any decisions. we gather as a group,talk over the pros and cons of the subject at hand and then yay or nay as the group feels.
after all, its a club, not a business where peoples jobs and well being are at stake.

one other thing,during ron and my seven years with the club? to my knowledge there has never been so much as a back stab.there in is the real secret.go after the people you know will work for the organization.

best of luck to the watermelon folks. ya got a great opportunity to get it right the first time.


1/31/2012 7:09:04 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Thanks to everyone for their suggestion. We have read all of them & are working to implement them. This will take some time but it will be done. Please email us if you have any other ideas or if you would like to be considered. We are very sorry if any hard feeling have resulted from any of the above postings. The end result will be as always, a better club for YOU the grower.

marvin can be reached at superbangbang@msn.com
bill at gwgdude@att.net
mark at MarkClementz@comcast.net
chris at christopherkent@mindspring.com

1/31/2012 11:35:40 AM

BPMailey TL


The 4 of you have done an awesome job with the creation of this club!!

On every great journey there will always be a few bumps along the way, just keep driving forward, it can only get better!!

1/31/2012 12:05:16 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Pap, r u willing and ready to be on the board of the GWG? Peace, Wayne
A New England, rep is prbly needed!!!!
or just as a club advisor?

1/31/2012 8:31:08 PM


(rocky) Bonney Lake Wa.

Mellons have been a challenge on the west coast more so the upper west. But if there comes a 7th board member. It would be nice to see more growers in the region growing W.M.

2/1/2012 3:05:03 AM

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