General Discussion
Subject: Deficiency or disease
Date Posted
GT |
Dana Point, CA
Plant was really chugging along nicely but recently has started looking like this. Leaves turning bright/light green with dark veins starting from the tips and moving in towards the stump.
Anyone familiar? Hoping others can help me diagnose? Deficiency or disease?
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nsOJD-sVnqrOltUfRjL-luE_n5NGhRpt/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o0Ph3ewTa6lnOp8o1HoJgyjJ9tYUpXHU/view?usp=sharing
7/3/2023 1:34:37 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I don't think thats disease. I do think your soil is acidic, or you may be overwatering. Ammonium ions would exacerbate acidity... if you have been using a lot of ammonium. If you have any disease, its in the roots. Just opinions, not saying I know anything for certain.
7/3/2023 6:40:43 PM
So.Cal.Grower |
Torrance, Ca.
Looks Bacterial or a virus to me? Give it a week, if it continues to bunch up like that on the end of the vines pull it before it spreads to the other plants.
I hate that crap!:(
Where's Matt D when you need him?
7/3/2023 8:01:29 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Recommending pulling the vines when it may only be nutritional could be bad advice. Let's not go there yet... Can u tell us anything about watering/ nutrient amounts/ a soil test?
7/3/2023 8:41:57 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
But I think its safe to say miracle grow will not help. Step on all y'alls toes...
7/3/2023 8:55:43 PM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
I don't know for what, Gritty butt I'm just gonna say 'Lol' for now, lol---eg
7/4/2023 1:32:30 AM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
It looks similar to this butt I dunno what the other plants' growing tips looked like, whether 'bunchy' or not: http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=338802 C'mon, Little Kins - What does that weed under the tip of it tell ya, that seems to be doing well? It is very sandy and pebbly soil to me. FYI - I have a 1511.5 Haist squash that a week ago was still looking like a loser and now is beginning to 'strut', lol---What a diff a week doth make. All the epic rain in CNY lately and you know what else, lol---eric g
7/4/2023 2:02:47 AM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
PS1---I think the veins are simply the right color, still and PS2 - You have a baby pumpkin! ('Wehhhlll, what pumpkin leaf did they find YOU under???') eg
7/4/2023 2:07:45 AM
cojoe |
YVD, those growth tips stacked tight is the tell.Pumpkin will likely come to a halt.
7/4/2023 2:08:20 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Zinc deficiency.
7/4/2023 2:20:48 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Miracle grow bloom booster contains no zinc. I'll shut up for a couple weeks if I am wrong...
7/4/2023 2:24:17 AM
dale |
Australia eastcoastcitrus@hotmail.com
probably virus dark veins with paler leaves usually iron deficiency zinc deficiancy often called little leaf as leaves on plants with zinc deficiancy end up smaller than normal
7/4/2023 6:06:20 AM
big moon |
Bethlehem CT
THis is a tough one. It could be nutritional (which would make it easily solvable). or it could be a disease like YVD (a bacterial disease) which would make it pretty much "season over". Others may disagree but I have not seen a benefit to immediately ripping out a plant with YVD when it shows up in my patch. I haven't seen any much harm in watching.... it seems the disease is going to spread where it is going to spread and by the time you see it in one it could be in others. If the problem is nutritional you could try adding some micronutrients and wait a week or two. If you have other plants that are healthy and you really want to play it safe.. what the heck pull it. It will give you more time to work on the others. IF not I would treat it like a deficiency and give it some time.
Question to west coast growers is YVD prevalent in your location? (Cojoe seems familiar with it and so does SOCAl when he spedulates that it is a bacteria) To the best of my knowledge you would need the squash bug to be the vector. (I am not aware of YVD being able to transmit through any other vector) Your West coast arid growing conditions are very foreign to me so I am reluctant to give to much advice, I would give the advice of others in your climate 's advice twice the value as mine.
7/4/2023 9:15:22 AM
big moon |
Bethlehem CT
THis is a tough one. It could be nutritional (which would make it easily solvable). or it could be a disease like YVD (a bacterial disease) which would make it pretty much "season over". Others may disagree but I have not seen a benefit to immediately ripping out a plant with YVD when it shows up in my patch. I haven't seen any much harm in watching.... it seems the disease is going to spread where it is going to spread and by the time you see it in one it could be in others. If the problem is nutritional you could try adding some micronutrients and wait a week or two. If you have other plants that are healthy and you really want to play it safe.. what the heck pull it. It will give you more time to work on the others. IF not I would treat it like a deficiency and give it some time.
Question to west coast growers is YVD prevalent in your location? (Cojoe seems familiar with it and so does SOCAl when he spedulates that it is a bacteria) To the best of my knowledge you would need the squash bug to be the vector. (I am not aware of YVD being able to transmit through any other vector) Your West coast arid growing conditions are very foreign to me so I am reluctant to give to much advice, I would give the advice of others in your climate 's advice twice the value as mine.
7/4/2023 9:15:31 AM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
I’ve never had anything look like that, so I agree with Chris that it would be great to hear from Matt D, Mr. Wolf, Ian or Stuart, Ron or pap, or any of the other great growers (sorry too many to list) and someone will know without hesitation or guesswork.
Here is Matt’s link to a great pdf on foliar deficiencies, viruses and other issues that affect our plants.
7/4/2023 10:51:31 AM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
big moon, we are the far end of the West Coast and we don’t have vine borers or cucumber beetles and mainly only get aphids and whiteflies, the occasional cabbage butterfly larvae also.
7/4/2023 11:00:19 AM
BravoV2 |
Elk County, PA
Virus or Iron chlorosis is my guess.
7/4/2023 11:57:34 AM
So.Cal.Grower |
Torrance, Ca.
lol, is all I can say and why none of the greatest growers post here any more little kins`....
cojoe, big moon, northshore are on point and thanks Glenn.
I usually don't speak out but sometimes you just have to. Its all about helping each other here and giving the best advice we've been given over the years.
Back to private emails I guess.
I wish Matt still came around but he got shut down so much here he doesn't post much anymore. I follow him on YouTube now.:) Happy 4th all and have a beautiful day!
7/4/2023 1:16:57 PM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
Your a class act So.Cal.Grower, don’t ever change.
7/4/2023 1:24:36 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
There's always been a pumpkin pariah on here, someone that no one else likes. I'm not the only one who has ever rubbed people the wrong way. But look on the bright side, I am not a nuisance anywhere else but here :)
7/4/2023 1:43:48 PM
So.Cal.Grower |
Torrance, Ca.
It has nothing to do with not liking,, its about all of us helping each other grow bigger fruit. We all grow different and there's many ways to grow a very large pumpkin.
Just give your opinion and the growers usually end up emailing if they like your advice.
Ken works to hard on this site and after talking with him for over an hour a few months ago, its getting even harder with all these bot attacks on websites like theses. He was telling me the hours he spends a month on bp working and fixing things, I'd hate to see it disappear because nobody goes on anymore.
That being said, I wish everyone a personal best this year and work your tail off all the way to the end!
7/4/2023 1:57:18 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I would rather just stick to the original topic... But yeah the best things in life are $15 or less :). I hear you, we probably barely pay his power bill, but hopefully we at least pay that. Much appreciated brainspace here, Ken.
7/4/2023 2:38:01 PM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
So, even according to the pages 44-52 of the above-mentioned Leaf Problems Document (So awesome!) there is still no remedy mentioned in this discussion other than wait and see and/or remove the plant - the whole time the plant is either suffering from its terminal illness or still in need of something that it is lacking; In any event, fortifying a plant with additional nutrition would always be helpful in my honest opinion. http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Attachments/Leaf_Problems_Summer_2011.pdf Personally, although of no advantage with my lack of actually having had this particular problem, I'd like to see a larger portion of the plant or the entire thing and I do hope this literally works its weigh outta there in light of that pumpkin in the works. later---eg
7/4/2023 8:04:43 PM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
PS---LK, MG BB = .06%Z PS1--LK, J's 202020 = .0025%Z PS2--LK, MB 4-18-38 = .05%Z Just FYI - It is our secret code, eh? Later---eg
7/4/2023 8:12:42 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Its a conspiracy lol:
I dont see the zinc on my MG label.
Anyhow, gourdo, good luck with it! My advice is to know what it is before pulling the plant! If you do a tissue test, post the results, please!
7/4/2023 11:18:16 PM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
Yeah - Per your example 10-52-10, which I have inadvertently thrown the papery box out for weeks ago, there is no mentioned Zinc in the formula; My 24-8-16 and 15-30-15 each have .06% and good catch, Buddy, as I have stopped using it until the next week or two (until MORE male flowers appear) and it'd be good to be on my own same page, lol. It is out there, though, in my present formulations. eg PS---MG boxes of any kind, esp. the plastic ones, are great for shipping plants! Go figure.
7/5/2023 4:45:16 AM
HankH |
Growers are not being helped by some people rambling over every post. It is hard enough to be new but to have eight things thrown out there just to type something is not good esp. when there is one that has been told by a grower and the other seven are wrong. Have the advice experts shown any of there work so you can see if you want to listen? Do they have any work to show from ANY year?
7/5/2023 8:09:34 AM
GT |
Dana Point, CA
Thanks so much for the feedback and advice everyone. Greatly appreciated!
I have bumped up the feeding on this plant, but I'm thinking now that it's not a nutritional problem as this plant has received the same program as others and they're thriving.
Thanks for the link to Matt's leaf doc. To me, my plant looks just like the photo on page 53 of confirmed Fusarrium. I think I'll give it a few more days and then pull it. :-(
7/5/2023 11:21:32 AM
KC Kevin |
Mission Viejo, CA
I've not known YVD to be a factor here in Socal, but that's not to say it isn't a thing here.
Gourdo, I have some stuff for you to try. It is a Fusarium killer. Purportedly. Come see me.
7/5/2023 11:40:18 AM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
Great offer KC Kevin, never give up Gourdo.
7/5/2023 2:55:42 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Is it possible its not getting fertilizer the same as the others? Soill something? Took a vacation and eft the plant care to someone else?? Looks hammered by fertilizer salts throwing things out of balance, just my opinion if I am entitled to one. Just a thought. I would think fusarium would cause wilting but I dont know if thats the case, I'm just observing that in the pics the leaves arent wilted.
7/5/2023 6:29:41 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
*Spill *left
Its too hot to type or think. Maybe just another swing and a miss.
7/5/2023 6:32:02 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I guess you figured it out already, sorry... excess heat getting to me.
7/5/2023 6:42:58 PM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
Sorry, Hank H and I'll work on not chatting quite so much with anyone so far off topic that it maybe should be in an email instead. I know that half the reason for remarking anywhere is to hear what anyone has to say in return; I'm assuming it was myself (or cumulatively) because it was right after one of my comments that you responded and I'll keep it in mind. If not, no need to even acknowledge. It's all good that ends good.
On the other hand, to hear numerous ideas that might not have been thought of by any one person can be beneficial as well. Case in point is gourdo's latest reply of boosting plant feeding, looking at the suggested document of plant leaf problems and also potentially removing the plant if deemed necessary, if it IS Fusarium or anything just as bad; For these reasons, though, I am off of this particular post. No probs---eg
7/5/2023 10:09:45 PM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
Great points Hank, Thank you for posting that. Ive stated many times that it’s really not helpful when someone posts a reply to an honest question and all they get is “guesses”. Please folks, when someone is asking a legitimate question, please don’t post your “best guess” or an opinion that is not based on science, knowledge or first hand experience.
7/6/2023 9:09:36 AM
So.Cal.Grower |
Torrance, Ca.
We're taking care of him on the phone now. He's in good hands.:) KC Kevin reached out and its much easier helping this way. Get a group text going and you can get different opinions and even call the person with ideas.
7/6/2023 10:08:23 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I was probably right. Fusarium, bullocks. But whatev's. Lets face it, none of you are any smarter than I am.
7/6/2023 10:37:24 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Maybe the heat and deyhydration has gotten to me, but I feel like there's a lot of pot calling kettle black going on here... whatevs. I don't think I gave any bad advice, sure took a lot of flack for caring though. Lots of kettle calling pot black here? Sheesh, you guys.
7/6/2023 10:48:13 AM
KC Kevin |
Mission Viejo, CA
I don't think this plant is suffering from Fusarium. I've got that crap in my soil at high levels and have never seen a plant look like this. My experience is that Fusarium degrades the leaves and stems to the point where it causes canopy collapse. Or maybe that is the Pythium. Or the Phytophthora. I have them all dammit.
7/6/2023 12:31:18 PM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
Thanks So.Cal.Grower and Kevin, that sounds super “smart”.
7/6/2023 3:26:18 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Speaking of leaves, why exactly are we unable to turn a new leaf here. Im really not trying to antagonize you guys. Same old same old on here...
7/6/2023 3:42:08 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Its a competitive sport and you are competitive men and the Patons are undermining your egos by doubling your personal bests so you you all feel inadequate. Man up already, fools and and bring the alpha dog trophy back to North Anerica already! Dont focus on me, I'm not stopping anyone from being the best in the world.
7/6/2023 4:04:49 PM
So.Cal.Grower |
Torrance, Ca.
I know Kevin and I speak to the Patons when we have hard questions. Love those 2 and have been cheering them on for the WR record for 10 years! I'm hoping its this year!:) The biggest problem is every year they don't grow the WR, the poor wife doesn't get a summer vacation! lol Straight from her mouth. This year boys, this year!!
I can speak for Kevin and northshore,, we grow pumpkins for the love of the hobby, just trying to get 1 pound bigger than the year before. If you have an ego, trying for the WR, in this hobby for money or getting first place,, I feel bad for you.
This hobby is my happy place and being in the patch is the only place I can tune out work and normal life and just enjoy myself digging in the dirt.:)
We've taken care of the original question by getting the guys email and sending off an email. We're now in contact with him and we can directly call the Patons, Ron W., Steve Dalates,,,, you name it and they're just a phone call away.
I don't think anyone is focusing on you, but you're are focusing on yourself to much.
Have fun, grow, do your best and the best part enjoy yourself!:)
There's so much fun in this growing!
7/6/2023 4:37:03 PM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
I'll keep saying whatever I want and think never twice about it. If the person asking for help gets it from anyone in/excluding me and they do what they feel is best and it is the best then good for them and more power to them as well. I guess there'll always be an attitude of certain folks, most of them here, that think they know just how and what to do and if not, 'Here, ignore the porch pumpkin growers and we'll get you some REAL HELP.' It'll be a very quiet website if only growers whom have had the EXACT problem of the questioner are the only ones to ever reply hereon. What's the phrase - 'Crickets', I believe? Well I'm glad gourdo is getting help now from Allstate - Seems there was another blowout last year at about this time, with the same usual suspects. Anyone on this website, for the time that they are on this website, has nothing better to do. Think about that, and not in a BAD weigh. I'm done with my plants for the day and have come in and have been seeing lately that it's not okay to come up with ideas of what might be wrong for someone or make suggestions not based on experience with it. I'll be AMAZED if there's a majority of posts anywhere that do NOT have guesswork woven in down through the responses. Carry on---eric g
7/6/2023 6:02:32 PM
KC Kevin |
Mission Viejo, CA
This thread makes me confused as to what season it is. It sure feels like Winter! Brrrrrrr.
This bickering isn't good for bp.com nor the community as a whole. In an attempt to make peace, how about we all just move along now, eh?
Yours Truely, A current and former porch pumpkin grower.
7/6/2023 8:02:20 PM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
I am all in on that, lol; I have the saving grace of not having a porch, also. Good prompt>>>Thanks---eric g
7/6/2023 10:29:15 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
No kidding, its never felt so cold in July. Guys, I am open to criticism that is well & deserved, but everything else is unnecessary drama that doesnt relate to the original post. No one adds pepperoni to ice cream, so just don't.
7/7/2023 12:19:17 PM
Smallmouth |
Upa Creek, Mo
Little Kins, in your 3rd of your 16 total comments, you state "Step on all y'alls toes..."
You know what you are doing, don't play victim.
7/8/2023 8:52:13 AM
So.Cal.Grower |
Torrance, Ca.
Luke, I wasn't going to post again,,,,,,,,,,, but there's a group text going around and " victim " was brought up twice!;)
ok, I'm done here.................
7/8/2023 9:51:43 AM
So.Cal.Grower |
Torrance, Ca.
I guess this is the bad part about taking a year off,,,,,,,, you have plenty of time to check the board. lol
7/8/2023 9:53:46 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I know I am sharing my opinion. If you want to dismiss my opinions as foolish, thats perfectly fine with me. I dont like it when some people (who are no doubt smart, yet not as smart as God) step in to play arbiters of truth. Thats what steps on my toes. Even scientists like Jose or DeBacco only get it right half the time, and only know half their is to know. Quit putting people on a pedastal. We saw this with the covid masking... It was 100% pointless. And it's all because we put people who don't deserve to be up on a pedastal, up on a pedastal. Yeah, more like running over your toes with a dump truck now. I know.
7/8/2023 11:10:09 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I have done enough tissue tests and observations of my own plants and watching plant nutrition videos to have an opinion. But thats all, I wont put myself on a pedastal, I swing and miss a lot and I dont hit stuff out of the park any more often than a A league ball player. But anyhow, a kitten got ahold of a thread on this thread and really unravelled it down to nothing... there's not much left here, this is well-run-dry. Moving on.
7/8/2023 11:22:17 AM
Smallmouth |
Upa Creek, Mo
Little Kins, I am not trying to stop you from having an opinion, I personally like how you think outside the box. Just state it and don't poke the bear. Just my 2 cents.
With so many varieties of climates, pests and diseases by locations, there are few blanket answers for most questions. Gathering so many opinions and deciphering them can be confusing. I don't get 95% of E.G's posts. lmao
Good luck and hope ya got it figured out, Gourdo.
7/8/2023 2:22:16 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I fully apologize for anything harmful.
7/8/2023 3:43:09 PM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
Lol, I went and put a couple of fellas back in the “block box” and I missed all this drama but Luke’s comment got me interested again for a moment, then nope…back on block.
7/9/2023 12:20:07 AM
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