General Discussion
Subject: 150 challenge
Date Posted
oj65 |
Spooner, WI
Can plants be grown in a raised bed?
4/22/2023 8:18:46 PM
pg3 |
Lodi, California
4/23/2023 2:12:29 AM
pumpconn |
Sharon, MA
Ashton is correct. And we have 2 150 entrants growing in a raised bed this year
4/25/2023 4:45:21 PM
oj65 |
Spooner, WI
Can you grow more than one 150 challenge plant as long as you only enter One ?
4/25/2023 6:09:48 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
when is the last day, I would have to decide if to enter this year?
4/25/2023 10:54:27 PM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
4/25/2023 11:08:44 PM
damario |
3430 Tulln/Austria/Europe
Hey gang, I am in this year!
4/26/2023 6:36:19 AM
Garwolf |
Kutztown, PA
May 30th I think is the last day but make sure you verify that in the rules.
4/26/2023 9:02:40 AM
pg3 |
Lodi, California
oj65 my understanding is that you cannot change which plant/site is your 150sf. So no funny business growing 10, then deciding one of them is better and switching to that one. Otherwise you can do whatever you like in your garden
4/26/2023 10:36:02 AM
oj65 |
Spooner, WI
Ashton I didn't think so. I just read in some one else's diary or maybe it was general discussion that they grew all their plants in 150 Sg. Ft. Then another one say he was interning two. I have enough plants to worry about .In growing my 150 in a 8 inch raised bed pictures will be posted if weather ever changes se we can get going here up north . Thanks
4/26/2023 8:23:42 PM
pg3 |
Lodi, California
Maybe I'm wrong. I'm sure Steve could clarify. Regardless being in the competition doesn't preclude you from growing a 150 square foot plant that is not entered into the competition. The reason I think you are supposed to only have one plant, is because you're supposed to take pictures and log various stages of the plants growth, and the implication is that you can't do a switcharoo with another plant/pumpkin
4/26/2023 11:57:20 PM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
Yeah, if I were trying to prove any of my seeds to a new level and figured 'Hey, I'll make them all 150 SF 'cause I know they can get to over 1K, then if I have 15 plants and at 25 days I have one at 400 pounds (usually they are 10 times the day # at 30 DAP, for ME) then that one I could say, before Day 30 (or sooner, I could do) was to be my 'Keeper' (makes me think of Jeepers Creepers, lol);
Like a few spectators at a weighoff: 'This one looks like it's gonna win - Did YOU grow this one?'. Or, so I've (over)heard, lol.
"4b) The Keeper. A photo of “keeper” is to be submitted when the pumpkin is up to 30 days old. It is expected that some sort of standard object (for size reference) be in all the pictures."
I doubt that a Keeper would be one of several on the same plant - I know that when I cull one that maybe WOULD HAVE gone on to greatness, it can upset the plant's balance and cause an abort on another that would not have happened, or was already going to anyway. It would stink to have no fruit on the 150 plant early on - I'd guess, however, that another pollination later could still be viable. Else - 'I'm REALLY out my 5 bucks!'
Now, I lay me down - Perhaps for EACH plant's 150 SF growing area, an early accompanying photo would be accepted, to indicate the 150 SF areas without ambiguity and remain in compliance. I think that once The Keeper is denoted, it is just that - The Keeper. I'd expect this to be a great weigh to get seeds on the map in a yearly, side-by-side trial. eg
4/27/2023 2:52:58 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I'd be in favor of allowing growers to enter both a squash and a pumpkin... eg, I think "a picture of the chosen keeper" does mean amongst the pumpkins set on the 1 previously designated plant.
4/27/2023 3:42:36 AM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
Okay, thanks I guess we'll see at some point and I'll LMAO if anyone has an 1885 in mind for this competition! 'For that reason, I'm out', lol--- Naaahhh, just kidding; I can't wait to kick my own seeds' booties! later---eric g
4/27/2023 4:03:12 AM
pumpconn |
Sharon, MA
Hope you are enjoying the 150 Challenge. 65 growers have entered, with a mix of Growers using Hydroponics, outdoor Growers, Raised Beds and Indoor growers. We have had a few question as follows:
1) If I grow in 150 Sq Ft can I train the vine vertically and root the vine in raised buckets of dirt. No. Must grow everthing including the pumpkin on a reasonably level plain in your garden.
2) Can I grow multiple pumpkins in my 150 Sq Ft Plot Yes and No. Yes, during "Pollination Time" You can grow 1, 2 or more pumpkins on the plant for several weeks while you decide which pumpkin is the keeper. But then you must cull down to your one best pumpkin after :Pollination Time" is over. No you can not grow two or more pumpkins up until weigh-off time and then decide which one you like best.
3) Can I or my family grow multiple "150 Plants" and enter them all into the Contest. The answer is "sort of Yes" and No. Yes your Family or Friends can grow multiple 150 Plants. But each 150 Plant must be grown by a separate person and entered separately. We have some families who have paid for multiple entries like for example a father grows one and a son or significant other grows their own 150 Plant/Pumpkin. and each has paid the entry fee.
4/29/2023 9:25:42 AM
pumpconn |
Sharon, MA
4) Can a team (of any kind or size) grow one "150" Pumpkin and enter it into the contest. Yes. It might get a little crowded being only 150 SqFt, but yes a team or entire village can collectivley grow one 150 pumpkin and enter it into the contest.
5) I don't have access to BP diary or Social media. Can I send you the photos via email? Yes you can send them to me and I will post them on my BP Diary. But this is not encouraged.
We already state that both Pumpkins and Squash are equally allowed, and equally awarded prizes at seasons end, since we are color blind to Orange or Green or other varients of color, we cant tell the difference. But only only one of these is allowed as an entry, per grower.
Have Fun. Wishing everyone good luck and a new personal best this year.
4/29/2023 9:26:27 AM
damario |
3430 Tulln/Austria/Europe
Today I set my 150 patch See —> http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryView.asp?season=2023&grower=57544&action=L
5/26/2023 2:26:08 PM
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