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Subject:  What's your Bottom Line?

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Kutztown, PA

Forgetting about transportation cost and logistics, how heavy would you want your pumpkin to be before you'd take it to a weigh off? I've seen them range from 200 - 2000. What's your humiliation avoidance bottom line weight?

8/23/2022 8:31:40 AM


Westmoreland, KS

If you have a sound pumpkin no matter the size take it to a weigh off. These are generally family events. Just going to an event is fun if you have a fruit to weigh while you are there even better! "Humiliation Avoidance" shouldn't be a thing at a weigh off. Anybody who has grown these things for a few years knows how difficult it is to get one to the scale ... large or small. Go to a weigh off and be damn proud of whatever you have!

8/23/2022 8:52:13 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Thats exactly what I wondered the first year I grew one. When my pumpkin hit 200 lbs I was excited, but I wasnt sure anyone else would be. If you're having a bad year, chances are other people in your area are having a poor year also, so you might regret not bringing what you've got. And if you're having a great year, chances are other people are having a great year and you'll get crushed by the competition even though you brought one you were proud of... Thats how it seems to go.

8/23/2022 9:28:38 AM


Mead, WA

Even just bring to display at local fairs without them being a weigh off is cool who knows maybe that’ll be just the inspiration locals need to add another weigh off.

8/23/2022 9:50:36 AM



I took a 600lber to half moon back in 1997.I did so to meet Pete Glasier. He was my Colorado pumpkin coach. I say this because theres good reasons to take your pumpkin to a weighoff besides making the podium.

8/23/2022 3:18:24 PM


Plymouth, MN

I try to get all of my sound pumpkins to weigh-offs, but logistics are a big determinant of where I take my pumpkins. Any concerns about fruit soundness make me target an early weigh off or the state fair. I have to rent a trailer or truck to move the fruit and if parking is tricky and I'm not going to be super competitive I'll target smaller weigh offs and volunteer at the marquee events.

8/23/2022 3:59:03 PM


Jericho Vermont

There are almost 25,000 runners in the Boston marathon. How many of those ever went to the race thinking they had a shot to win. Weigh offs are not just a competition, they are a celebration of the harvest and getting a fruit to the finish line. Bring a solid fruit, hold your head up high and join the celebration!

8/23/2022 7:24:49 PM


Norwich, NY

I know without a doubt that other people at any weighoff I go to are going to “beat” me. At least until I start doing what I know I should be doing haha. Anyhow, I still go because it’s nice to get an official weight, and it’s nice to talk face to face with other more experienced growers. That alone is better than winning in my opinion.

8/23/2022 7:50:05 PM

Andy W

Western NY

I took a 600#er to a weighoff last year. It was a weighoff I'd never been to before, my travel schedule worked out, and I got to hang out with pumpkin friends a while.

8/23/2022 8:45:27 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

The smallest Clayton pumpkin:


We broke the 2500 lb, scratch that, the 25.00 lb barrier!

8/23/2022 10:02:44 PM


South Dakota

Take it and be proud of what you have accomplished. My first year I took a 337#er, got sixth place and a GPC Ribbon. One of my proudest days.

8/24/2022 10:06:09 AM


Kutztown, PA


That photo proves they're still playing soccer using pumpkins out your way. LOL

8/24/2022 1:59:20 PM

Murphy's Law

Go to Oley Cummunity Fair which is about 15 minutes from Kutztown. They have a giant pumpkin contest and everyone is from the area so they had the same growing weather season you had. That takes place on Sept 15,16,17 2022 contact info is 610-987-3469. 1st place is $500.00 2nd is $300.00 the top 6 pumpkins win some kind of $$$

8/25/2022 8:37:59 AM


Central NY

We’re growing a stink of a plant and fruit this year..tons of aborts, weird looking ugly fruit that’s hundreds of pounds off pace to break any kind of personal record. And it’s yuk season for the stem. If we get to the end , believe me we’ll be as proud as can be. “Humiliation avoidance “ is the first dumb question you’ve asked. Pulling for you!!!! Now go put mouse poison out and get those baby’s to the scale!! Best of luck to you and all the newer growers this year!

8/25/2022 9:57:25 AM


Kutztown, PA

TimetoGrow, I looked at the Oley Fair last year. They have entry rules that wont allow entries from other counties. I cut and pasted the specific rule below. Anyway, I'd like to have an official GPC weight. FYI there is one in south Jersey open to all, but it's not official either. If I can keep the one I still have intact I may go to Rhode Island since my daughter lives near the weigh off site there.

If you do not live in/attend one of these locations, you are not eligible to participate in the Oley Valley
Community Fair
Alsace, Exeter, Rockland, OVSD Employee
Amity, Oley Ruscombmanor, 4-H Member
Earl Pike, BCTC East Student/Employee

8/25/2022 11:05:34 AM


Kutztown, PA

Who would have thought the Oley Valley Community Fair would be such an exclusive event. LOL Heck, the only thing there is a feed store.

8/25/2022 11:07:42 AM


Kutztown, PA

Porkchop, I wasn't asking what my humility avoidance barometer is. I'm completely shameless. :) I just wanted to compare with others to see if I can remain shameless. :) I'll have many more even dumber questions to follow I'm sure. :) I'll put the mouse traps out tonight.

8/25/2022 11:15:43 AM

Murphy's Law

Oley Community Fair last year top 6 pumpkins were all over 800 lbs with the top one at 1295 lbs and I believe the biggest one ever enter for thar fair was 1477 lbs. It's in Berks county which is where Kutztown is.

8/25/2022 11:20:18 AM

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