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Subject:  Please Help Me With Math - Pesticide Rates

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South Dakota

I have the Tree & Shrub formulation at 1.3% AI. I want to figure out how much of this 1.3% I need to equal an application of 4 tablespoons of a 75% AI wettable powder, 75WP. Also, when treating a newly planted out pumpkin with this Merit ingredient, do you go half strength or full dilution? I think in the past I have under applied as it did not seem to work very well. How many gallons of solution should a person apply per 1000 sq ft? Spray or drench or combo? How often should I reapply? I have tried to apply through drip irrigation, and that did not seem to work very good either. I want to stay on top of this this year and need some guidance from more experienced growers. Thanks in advance. Grow Big!!

5/4/2022 9:03:55 AM


Plymouth, MN

Concentration X volume = Concentration X Volume.
So for you 1.3% X ? = 75% X 4 tablespoons
?=230 tablespoons.
Seems like an awful lot. Are you sure you don't mean teaspoon for the 75%?

5/4/2022 9:45:04 AM

McMillin Giants

Salem Ohio

Merit 75WSP rate. 2tsp. Or 9.86ml per gallon of water.

5/4/2022 12:05:34 PM

McMillin Giants

Salem Ohio


5/4/2022 12:06:25 PM


Syracuse, NY

In any event, as I've said before elsewhere, hit the bugs themselves with the spray as well - don't wait around for them to bite into your plant; A bullet in the head is worth TWO in the gun - eg

5/4/2022 1:44:47 PM


Kutztown, PA

I think someone here called Merit a "revenge" insecticide. Might have been Pumpkinpal2. I cant help you with the math because I put it on in granular form in early April. I did in the hope that my plants would absorb enough of it to kill SBV's before they eat to much. I plan to use Carbaryl during the season since it's a contact killer.

5/4/2022 3:00:07 PM


Kutztown, PA

If it takes 9.86 ml of .75 to make 1 gallon then it takes 57.69 x .013 to make a gallon of the same concentration. 57.69 x .013 = 75. So it takes 75 ml (16 tsp) of .013 to make 1 gallon.

There are .33 tsp in a tbsp so you would need 12 tsp to make your 4 tbsp concentration. That's 6 x the recommended application.

5/4/2022 4:14:45 PM


South Dakota

Thanks for the input. I was off on the 4 tbls, that's how much of the T&S I had been using in the past. My 3 year old bottle of T&S is about gone. Can you buy very small amounts of Merit or other generic?

5/4/2022 5:06:17 PM


Diamond, Ohio

Search generic merit on Amazon. Get what you need for about $40

5/4/2022 9:39:12 PM


Central Illinois

If you're treating the soil how many sqft are you treating, how large is this plant?

5/5/2022 5:39:26 AM


South Dakota

Just one plant being transplanted into hoop house this weekend. Hoop is 6x8 so I thought I would treat the area inside the hoop for now and follow up later.

5/5/2022 7:51:27 AM


Central Illinois

Merit 75WP & 75WSP..3-4 level teaspoons per 1000 square feet
or for 1000 sqft use 2.97 to 4.42 grams for 1000sqft
one tsp = 1.7 grams (aprrox)

1.47% liquid product use 5.35 to 8 ounces for 1000 sqft or .008 oz per sqft

The amount of water can vary widely, you're only using it to get the product where it needs to go.For the last 5 years I have used 1 tbsp in 5 gallons of water and applied it to a 10 foot area around the stump and
about another 7 feet down the main for a plant covering 1000sqft. I am not trying to kill pests in the soil
If I was I would spread it out over the entire 1000sqft using more water.

I use a 7.9% bifenthrin product at 1 oz per gallon for 1000sqft of plant, this is a contact killer that will kill most insects whether that are directly sprayed or if they move across a leaf after it has dried, I use it once per week

5/5/2022 8:09:28 AM

Orange U. Glad


LJ, I am a fan of Keystone pest solutions for Merit. Here is there merit link:


5/5/2022 9:24:00 AM


Central Illinois

slightly over 1/2 oz will treat the 6 x 8 area and Keystone mentioned above
is a great company for most chemicals

5/6/2022 6:14:35 AM

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