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Subject:  Question for the GPC

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I'm curious with the amount of pumpkins a person can take to a weigh off and have them officially weighed and used for the awards, ie jackets, GOTY etc

I see in Spain Ruben Mendi weighed 2 pumpkins and neither are EXH. you have Stefano Cutrupi with 3 in Italy. But then I see where Ross Bowman weighed 3 pumpkins and only 1 is official and the other 2 are Exhibition.

Has there been a rule change allowing for multiple fruits? If so, then the current rules are not updated and should be.

Please Explain

9/28/2021 3:35:48 PM

KC Kevin

Mission Viejo, CA

Excellent Question Eddy- I was wondering the same thing.

9/28/2021 5:14:22 PM


Bloomfield, Iowa

I've always known only 1 can be weighed toward placing and prize at one weighoff at a time. Any others are usually welcome and can be officially weighed and recorded as exhibition only for that grower. Maybe the site coordinator needs to get that changed and show just that, exhibition.

9/28/2021 5:19:51 PM

don young

wondering if covid shutdowns, and travel/ border crossings might be a factor

9/28/2021 5:26:07 PM



Sheriff, that is the same way I understood the rules to be, If its a typo then it needs to be fixed.
Don Young. All valid points with covid and everything else, but there were and are no restrictions in Europe that I can find and I checked. I don't believe covid is a factor. If the rules have been relaxed for one, then they need to be the same for all.

9/28/2021 5:51:29 PM

Hard Rock Host

Penryn California

Excellent points Eddy. We asked and were told that one pumpkin per weigh counted. But then one of our club members was told that “Europe has Covid restrictions preventing people from traveling to other sites” so the rule was relaxed. Except that, like you, I couldn’t find those travel restrictions posted anywhere. GPC should strive for consistency and better communication.

9/28/2021 6:17:36 PM


Torrance, Ca.

That dam covid...... We still only allowed 1 fruit at our weigh off because that was the rule we were given.

9/28/2021 7:19:27 PM



Nut Tree this is the first I heard of concessions because of Covid restrictions in Europe. Again I can not find one restriction for travel in Europe, other than vaccine confirmation, masks and your good to go. My sister and her 2 daughters just returned from Spain and they had no Issues and that was from Canada. I truly can't believe they wouldn't have done some research if in fact this is true.
The whole world still has covid issues, so concessions for one should be the same for all, regardless where you live

9/28/2021 7:51:10 PM


President - GPC

Last year the GPC relaxed the single fruit per weigh off classification due to strict COVID travel and gathering requirements for the 2020 growing season only. Tough year for all.

2021. Due to travel restrictions in place for Europe, and correspondence from European Growers the GPC decided to allow European growers who could prove COVID travel restriction hardship to weigh multiple fruits at their weigh off sites providing they claim their hardship to the site coordinator for verification with approval from their GPC rep/Committee. This went out to all site coordinators in masse to Europe only.
The US does not have the any travel restrictions within states. Growers can freely travel to any weigh off site this year with only mask restrictions at some sites. The GPC decided that due to these differences there should be no ONE FIT FOR ALL exemption however, we needed to be sensitive to hardships based on Pandemic restrictions in other countries.

9/28/2021 8:45:06 PM


President - GPC

What IS important, is that WE have to support ALL of our GPC Weigh off sites, World Wide. Sites depend on growers bringing their fruits to their festivals/event. Their sponsors provide prize money based upon their successes bringing in the crowd for their extravaganza's; they have a lot of expense in doing so. Where would we be without them?

SITE Coordinators/Weigh off sites contacted the GPC on both sides of the spectrum. "We cant handle all the fruits", to concern about "Not enough fruits” for their events. Where would we be without our sites?
If growers have any concerns regarding weigh offs or issues they are requested to vent those concerns to their local GPC Rep, and if a weigh off issue better to address it onsite with the judges/coordinator at that time, rather than later on a social media website. Here is our contact URL:
CONTACT US on our GPC site Or notify your local rep will in will turn bring your concerns up at our meetings for discussion/resolution.


Your GPC Committee


9/28/2021 8:45:13 PM



So can you please supply these restrictions, I'd like to see them. Funny how I get a text from one of your own saying this was a screw up from the start. I'm just asking for equality for all growers.

9/28/2021 9:09:21 PM


Deer Park WA

We totaly agree with Eddy, the rules need to be applied uniformly. I know lot's of world class growers in my region that could easily bring 2, 3 or more pumpkins to a weighoff and win all the top spots. If the rules are flexible it will make a difference as to what weighoffs people attend.

9/28/2021 10:24:16 PM



Pretty cool site Wizzy, A lot of People I know that work in Europe use this site to determine what restrictions are out there, So select any country you like as your home and then your destination, and just like magic, it tells you everything you want to know and what's needed to travel to and from. You will see there are no restrictions on travel as long as you have proof of vaccination and you wear a mask. I don't buy your explanation. There is no country with anything near to what we face here in Canada as far as restrictions.
Frankly I'm in favor of the rule change, but you can't single out any country or any group. You guys represent each and ever grower out there and this rule should be made available to anyone and everyone.
The fact the decision you made was not shared with all sites or posted on your web site speaks volumes.

9/29/2021 12:58:57 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

If I ever have to get a vaccination to go to a weigh off... I'm done!!! Not worth it.

100% with Wizzy on this, sheesh.

9/29/2021 1:47:45 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

IF YOU believe the world is fighting a pandemic then why require any extra travel. Period. Discussion over!

9/29/2021 1:54:25 AM



Gritty, you need to re read my post, I'm in favor of the rule, I'm not in favor of it's application

9/29/2021 2:07:27 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I would call vaccination a serious travel restriction... I wont comment any further.

9/29/2021 5:46:43 AM


South Dakota

This is a sham and a disservice to the GPC. Rules are rules. A few people in "power" positions at the GPC get to hand pick which weigh offs can have more than one competitive entry? Wreaks of potential payoff possibilities. World record pumpkin weighed in at an illegally run weigh off, sanctioned by an organization that prides itself on being the premier grower association in the world. How much money is going to be made selling the seeds from that world record pumpkin? Where is that money going to end up? In my opinion, any growers who entered more than one pumpkin into competition at one weigh off should be banned from entering any other competitions for life. This is totally not a fairly run organization anymore. Rules are rules and administrators should not be able to change the rules the way THEY want them to be enforced even though it is a blatant violation of our accepted rules. This whole thing is a complete disgrace to the GPC. Sometimes I wonder about the wishy washy responses from the GPC president. Seems we are all supposed to bow down and suck up any over stretches of power within the organization. Maybe it's time for a new administration filled with people who follow the rules of their own organization and represents everyone equally regardless of personal bias's to the established and adopted rules. This is not travel restrictions, this is biased administration of the rules by our "leadership". Bummer that a world record pumpkin will always be contested because some power hungry administrators gave themselves the power to change the organizations rules at their will.

Turn the matter over to your GPC rep and we will discuss it at our next meeting. Translation: F--- you, we already did this without member interaction or input, we will continue to show favoritism to select members of the organization without regard to the fairness nor direct violations of the established rules. Live with it you peons.

9/29/2021 7:59:22 AM



By allusions to my name in this post, It is my duty to report my situation. I wrote to Gpc in August, because of the restrictions and the fear of going to other countries without being vaccinated. Due to various problems I have not been able to get vaccinated (allergies and illness) and I only report the issue to gpc asking to weigh two in a weigh off in Spain and another in another weigh off in Spain. In Spain there are only 2 weigh Off Gpc. I personally do not care if they do not give me valid, or not, but I could not risk going to other countries without being vaccinated, I could not do otherwise. It could only weigh in Spain. In Barcelona I had one, and I only attended the weighing of my pumpkin, I did not even want to stay at the growers' meal, and I renounced the prizes that were after the meal (gpc prize and money), to avoid being with many people , I was only half an hour and with a mask, I gave seeds to growers and t-shirts, they weighed my pumpkin and I left. In short, to me personally it does not matter to me, if gpc recognizes the 2 that I present in Valtierra, or not, I only report the problem I had, and I have not had an answer yet, take both to the Valtierra weigh-in and one to Barcelona, ​​no I could do something else. A week later, it was the weigh-in in Portugal, with 1000 euros as a prize, but he was not in a position to travel to Portugal without being vaccinated, and surely he would have won with 2400 pounds, since the pumpkin was still fattening. For 2022, we plan to organize another Weigh OFF in Spain, to have 3 and that it is not necessary to go to other countries to weigh the pumpkins. Who wants to go to other countries if possible. for the prize he will be able to do it, but if it is not possible due to restrictions, or whatever problem, we want to have 3 weigh off in Spain.

9/29/2021 8:08:52 AM



I understand the doubts of Eddy, and of all the growers, and personally I have never understood, that no more than 1 pumpkin can be weighed in a weigh off, not opting for a prize is already too much punishment. In my opinion it is an old norm, that perhaps could be changed, and let everyone present the pumpkins where they want, being only valid for the prizes. It is a proposal for the future of our sport.

9/29/2021 8:09:02 AM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

Personally, I am quite happy with a GPC Committee comprised of people who receive little in return for all the work they do to ensure the integrity of weigh-offs throughout the entire world. They made a decision based on their best judgement and that's all we can reasonably ask.

With that said, I do not for a moment believe their decision was made in haste or for personal or monetary gain, as some might suggest NOR do I believe they see themselves as elitist dictators of the giant pumpkin/competition vegetable growing hobby. Baseless talk and accusations to this effect are irresponsible, at best.

I can at least understand the logistical difficulty in traveling to various countries in order to get multiple fruit weighed. Here in The States, we have many options within just a couple hundred miles. In Ohio alone, we have at least four GPC events, so I don't buy the assertion that the same exception that applied in Europe should also apply here in The States. The GPC committee obviously wasn't in Europe to see firsthand, but was simply responding to concerns of European growers during a time of extreme worldwide challenge which, arguably, should not have occurred on the scale it did. Personally, if I have to wear a mask somewhere or show proof of vaccination, I'm not going.

The GPC is always looking for people to serve and I know that Eddy has already done his time, so his opinion carries much weight with me. Maybe the GPC COULD have done it a bit differently, but these were anything but normal times.

9/29/2021 9:51:30 AM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Eddy, thanks for bringing this up.

I personally know a British Columbia grower who has 3 pumpkins that will likely break the combined 4000 lb mark but due to travel restrictions (Canadians cannot travel to the USA) he is unable to attend 3 GPC weighoffs to qualify.

Wizzy, please provide verification so that our grower can weigh all 3 of his fruit in Vancouver and qualify for the jacket and 4000 lb patch.

9/29/2021 12:07:30 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Wizzy States “2021. Due to travel restrictions in place for Europe, and correspondence from European Growers the GPC decided to allow European growers who could prove COVID travel restriction hardship to weigh multiple fruits at their weigh off sites providing they claim their hardship to the site coordinator for verification with approval from their GPC rep/Committee. This went out to all site coordinators in masse to Europe only.
The US does not have the any travel restrictions within states. Growers can freely travel to any weigh off site this year with only mask restrictions at some sites. The GPC decided that due to these differences there should be no ONE FIT FOR ALL exemption however, we needed to be sensitive to hardships based on Pandemic restrictions in other countries. ”

We (Canadians) are not permitted to travel to the United States and it definitely stops us from entering GPC Weighoffs in neighbouring States.

The British Columbia Weighoff deserves an exemption.

Please confirm Wizzy.

9/29/2021 12:16:00 PM


Centennial Colorado

Would Ross Bowman not get a jacket? That would be a shame after all the work he put in. Utah has only one weighoff and the next closest is a far ways away, especially for an 87 year old. I am personally not a fan of the exhibition rule, but want it to be equal for all. I for example can only enter 2 weighoff's and the other 2 I enter with my team grow partner. That means I have to attend all 4 weighoff's and travel over 500 miles to get the most fruit counted as possible. The other problem is the risk. A grower in my area had a cable snap on a similar route to the one I have to take to a weighoff due to construction. That was in a 65 mph zone. He was fortunate that there was a garden center nearby and patient and attentive drivers as well. I now have to take that same route with a larger pumpkin and an older trailer with my team grow partner. I do see the other side though. I at least am aloud to go to 4 weighoff's.

9/29/2021 12:45:12 PM



Thank you Ruben, truckTech and Glenn
Glenn the nearest weigh off I have is yours, 11 hour drive, or I can go in the other direction 11 hours, so yes you have every right to question this as another grower affected. The bothersome part is zero transparency with the GPC and not representing each and every grower.
The GPC has robbed the fine senior grower from Utah from his Goty standing, his jacket and his patches.
I am formally asking the GPC to update their rules immediately to encompass all growers all over the world

9/29/2021 12:46:54 PM


Littlerock, WA

In order to achieve a more equitable outcome for European growers, the GPC committee listened to, and responded to valid concerns on a case-by-case basis. I disagree that in this case the rules should be the same for all. We are still navigating a difficult situation with Covid. The GPC has the task of balancing the needs of sites for support and fruit, as well as the concerns of growers who may not be able to travel within Europe. I am honored to work on a volunteer committee of people who seek equitable solutions with the best of intentions. It is very disheartening to read comments from misinformed people who make assumptions about the motives of the committee members. The intent of the decision was, and always has been one of equity and understanding for individual circumstances.

9/29/2021 1:03:10 PM


Littlerock, WA

And futhermore, Glen, your concerns are absolutely legitimate, however, this is not the forum to seek approval. Ruben reached out directly to committee members so that we could better understand his situation. He didn't want to publicly air his grievances on the message board; I suggest you do the same.

9/29/2021 1:07:21 PM



Cindy why is this all about European growers???? We already understand the rule change for European growers. you are not the EUPC (European Pumpkin Commonwealth) you are the GPC and should endeavor to represent all.
As far as you telling Glenn to go the proper channels!! I can tell you for a fact, I have sent 2 emails to my rep with ZERO response. So yes at least here I get a response.
Again I am asking for an all inclusive rule change to include all growers

9/29/2021 1:24:26 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Thanks Cindy, I knew you’d understand.

As we speak, the local B.C. grower I am referring to is contacting Laverne and Gary to provide the facts associated.

I don’t believe I was airing a grievance and apologize if it came across that way.

9/29/2021 1:25:50 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

I will say however, that it is pretty concerning to me, when a governing body approves a change for all of Europe because of one unvaccinated participant.

9/29/2021 1:29:06 PM


Nova Scotia

My experience is that many growers do not have the luxury of GPC sites within reasonable distance to get their pumpkins officially weighed. I do agree GPC rules should be followed by all sanctioned sites. It would be nice to allow growers to get more than one officially weighed for stat purposes, etc. However here's the tricky part, that grower prior to contest has to decide which one they want to officially enter for prizes and awards. After the official weigh off, their other one(s) could be weighed maybe? And have them deemed as stat purposes only and an "Exhibition" class. Because we already have a "Damaged" class. Lots to think about and more paperwork for all the volunteers, sorry lol.

9/29/2021 2:59:22 PM


Upper Strasburg, PA

Anyone else here enjoy watching the three stooges?

9/29/2021 4:14:51 PM


Rhode Island

Airing our dirty laundry and agendas on BP certainly presents a very poor image of our hobby, especially for its newer growers.
How come we always have issues with site winning entries and never with the lower tier growers and weights?
what about little Tommy Tiptoe who has three 200 pounders to weigh? Does anyone care? nope.
I will always support the GPC and its directors no matter who.
It is a thankless work for free ,take a lot of abuse type of job especially for who ever is in charge.

9/29/2021 4:30:29 PM



Pap love ya like a brother, only thing I will say is that this has nothing to do with winning pumpkins, it has do with a 2 tier rule system being used. Again we only want equality for all growers.

9/29/2021 4:48:10 PM


Millville, UT

In Ross's case I don't understand why all 3 can't count towards the jacket. I know he would be ok with only one counting towards prize money because most years he just gives the money back to the club anyway.

9/29/2021 4:54:20 PM


Radda in Chianti (SI) Italy

In Italy we have 3 weighoff site. Two of these required me the green pass (covid pass, that means to be vaccinated) to enter my pumpkin in the ring. That's why i ask to GPC to officially weigh my pumpkins in a single site. It's not that easy to go around. Not easy as you read on the official site.
As already the rules aloud a grower to enter multiple fruit in a single weighoff i can not understand why those can not be listed on the GPC ranking as official fruit. Probably is to give to the sites the chance to get more pumpkins. Remember that transport is expensive and here in Italy in certain weighoff you can never refund it even if you winn the competition. Here is not like other countries. In my opinion the limit of officially weighed pumpkin in a single site for a grower may be removed.

9/29/2021 5:31:39 PM

Dale M

Anchorage Alaska

I personally , would love to see the 1 entry rule , revised in some manner , for alaska the next closes gpc event is in Canada, a 4000 mile round trip , down the Al-Can, into another country.. so that is not happening .. I dont think its good for the hobby if you can potentially grow 2 ,2000 lb pumpkins and only 1 is going to count , because of logistics, especially in small remote venues like ours

9/30/2021 12:56:22 AM


South Dakota

Again, just because someone refuses to get vaccinated for whatever reason, and it is a long way to weigh offs, did they not see this coming when they chose to not get vaccinated? Was COVID not in full swing at planting time this year? Lack of proper preparation on one persons part should not constitute an emergancy on anothers. Look what this ill-advised decision has caused, in way creating at least an aura of unfairness. I believe if things would have been left alone, we would not have nearly the number of pissed off members. Oh an by the way, be sure to hide all your grievances from the public boards because young and new members will see the true way things are handled at GPC.

9/30/2021 7:57:45 AM



So I have patiently waited for the GPC to respond to me privately as Cindy suggested, and crickets. I have however received 8 messages from other growers that wish to not get involved in this thread but have sent in questions and or concerns to the GPC and have had zero response. So I guess that plan isn't as effective as it should be.
So I will post again: I am asking for Equality to all growers with any and all rules set out by the GPC including weighing multiple fruit at any weigh off of the growers choice with all weighs recorded to be official, and to back date this rule to encompass weigh offs already completed.

I will await your response

9/30/2021 9:48:34 AM



Just to make sure: my email address is posted to the left of this note. Also at the request of growers they have asked to see what I receive privately. So if you respond, it will be shared to any one that wants it.

9/30/2021 10:07:23 AM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

To be fair, Cindy did say “The intent of the decision was, and always has been one of equity and understanding for individual circumstances“

The key takeaway for me was “individual circumstances” like the border is closed to Canadians entering the USA and it makes it impossible for a British Columbian grower to attend 3 weighoffs with 3 fruit as our entire Province has only 1 GPC event.

I would encourage other growers to contact their GPC representative individually and on a case-by-case basis. If there is a legitimate reason, then the may consider an exemption.

Maybe going forward the GPC will consider the 1 pumpkin per GPC site, and I agree that this is not the place to get it done. While I understand the GPC wants the growers to “earn” the jacket and the coveted 4000 lb patch, by travelling or attending 3 different events. For me to do that I will have considerable travel and accommodation expenses that are just out of reach for a retired Vancouver Island pumpkin grower like myself, and will likely remain out of reach unless I am allowed to officially weigh all 3 of my pumpkins in one spot, the only GPC spot in our Province.


9/30/2021 11:08:10 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Eddy, I wish you would ask for changes/exemptions on behalf of Canadian growers, not on behalf of all growers. I dont think you're in a position to represent ALL growers. Maybe some growers are supportive of the current rules and enforcement thereof. We've got four weigh offs where I'm at... I think you should let my region separately decide & petition the GPC for what best for pumpkin growing in my region rather than lumping us into this. Said I wouldnt speak up again but kinda forced to... but I do hope your concerns are not ignored just would ask you to not paint with a wider brush than is required. We need inclusivity of all viewpoints.

9/30/2021 11:09:11 AM



Hey Glenn, Yes as Cindy said individual circumstances, But Garry posts "This went out to all site coordinators in masse to Europe only"
Each and every European grower or their co coordinators new of this rule change, But in the same breathe you only found out about it yesterday on this thread, and from what I understand is that your Weigh off has already been given its exemption.
This is exactly the base of this whole thread and I am glad it helped.
If this same option offered to the Europeans would have been offered to all clubs, this whole thread would have never happened. and all would be sunshine and unicorns.
Gritty 8 years as a GPC board member, 5 years as a GPC corporate sponsor, I have a vested interest as I always have and will support each and every grower and club for the betterment of the Sport/Hobby. What are your qualifications?
And again all I'm asking for is equality for all growers and I will voice concerns on behalf of anyone, anywhere, that will never change until I die or leave.

9/30/2021 11:47:13 AM


Westmoreland, KS

Don't die or leave Eddy

9/30/2021 12:24:26 PM


Tenino, WA.

The grower of the year award (GOTY) was created to acknowledge the growers who traveled to and enter fruit at three different GPC events. It is a special award for growers who attend 3 different GPC events. If a grower chooses to only attend one GPC event they have chosen to not participate for this award. To qualify for the GOTY the rule does allow a grower to enter a pumpkin and a squash at one GPC event and both will count towards the GOTY. When a grower has entered a pumpkin and a squash at one GPC event they only need to attend and enter a pumpkin or squash at a different GPC site. If a grower attends and enters multiple GPC sites (3,4,5...) his/ hers heaviest 3 entries will count toward the GOTY award. Again the GOTY is a special award like the Master Gardener award meant only for the growers who choose to go after it.

9/30/2021 1:35:18 PM


Nova Scotia

Oh the growing pains, of not only trying to grow a giant, but to run a weigh-off and/or organization World wide. This is definitely a subject that needs to be solved with input from all regions as so many growers do face legitimate challenges. Alaska, BC, Canadian prairie provinces, Midwest U.S., and other countries come to mind? As I stated earlier many do not have the luxury of say 3 to 4 GPC sites in their home state/province. But I still say it is not right/fair that 1 grower could go to a weigh off and win say all top 3 places/awards in a class. Lots to think about.

9/30/2021 1:44:10 PM


President - GPC

This will be the last response from the GPC on this thread.

After end of year weigh offs, the GPC reviews all rules that need updating or concern. We will review the 1 fruit per site rule at that time to consider any changes, if any.
The GPC doesn’t respond to this type of bullying tactics from any grower. There are no travel restrictions in the US, outside of the northern and southern borders. A grower doesn’t need a green card to go from Colorado to Utah, like from Spain, Italy or other European countries. We were waiting on Canada, as rumors had the border opening up however, was again extended last week. WE are trying to be fair to everyone, but there will always be exceptions.
In changing it to one size fits all may be fair to the grower, it would not be unfair to our sites. Sites that depend upon fruits to draw crowds, sell products, tickets to events so that they can provide top prize moneys to any grower that shows up with a fruit, and to pay down places. How do you think we went from 25 sites to over 105? Sites that allow growers to choose and have options. Site fees that go to pay for awards/ trophies and coats. That's the logic behind the one fruit per weigh off that counts towards GPC awards and its a win for growers and sites. The GPC has received correspondence from several sites regarding their concerns, to too many fruits to too few of fruits. And several US growers asked about the option of weighing all their fruits at one US site. We told them for the US no.

9/30/2021 2:10:23 PM


President - GPC

I do find it not believable that Eddy's emails have been ignored so his only option was to use BP as his bully pulpit. We won’t be manipulated that way, with strong arm taticss. Our contact us works well and was listed earlier in this thread and has not used by Mr Z., nor have we ignored other growers who use this as it goes to every GPC Rep, but that doesn’t fit his narrative to stir the pot.

WE applauded Eddy for his efforts towards the hobby commendable at times, but shameful at other times. Going after our all of sponsors to ditch us because the GPC didn’t acquiesce to your demands. How does that support our growers? To get threatening obscene phone calls demanding I kick people off the committee for comments made on Facebook? We don’t work that way. If people don’t agree with you Eddy, you attack them like you have done with Gritty. I expect more attacks on me and the committee now that you have again been told NO.
The needs of the many, out weigh the wants of the few, or the one.

9/30/2021 2:10:34 PM

Spudley (Scott)


A one pumpkin rule is about fairness.
Spreading the prizes and awards around to as many "different" growers as possible. How does a COVID-19 hardship rule trump fairness? Our Giant Cabbage Weigh Off rules only allow one cabbage per physical address. Same goes for our Midnight Sun pumpkin weigh off.

9/30/2021 2:34:42 PM



such an eloquent and expected response. I have ASKED for a change and equality for all growers, Noted, Attack on Gritty hmmm no attack, he asked for my qualifications, I gave them and inturn asked for his.
Actually Gary, this is the first time you said NO, not again. so just correcting your statement.
Mud slinging etc, not remotely in any mood to play to that level with you. Please keep me in your sites and as long as it deflects from other growers, Ill take that as a win.
I commend all the GPC members for their hard work but do question their leader.
As for the emails, come on gary your a tech, you know I would have copy's.
May the Pumpkin God's be in everybody's favor in the coming days and you all get a Personal Best

9/30/2021 2:45:45 PM

Spudley (Scott)


If you're giving out hardship exemptions what about areas of the world where someone like Dale Marshall had to spend thousands of dollars to build greenhouses with in ground heat in order to compete with the heavy hitters. Alaska is cabbage growing country not pumpkin. What Dale does is extraordinary and very expensive. I'm sure it would be nice to clean house take all 3 big money spots. But Dale realizes if you want to foster and encourage others to get involved you have to have a one pumpkin rule. Dale usually brings at least 2 pumpkins to the weigh off one is exhibition. This shouldn't be that hard GPC management.

9/30/2021 2:52:33 PM

Andy W

Western NY

Scott - this discussion isn't about taking multiple local prizes. It's about the listing (or not) of the 2nd (or 3rd, 4th..) of a grower's fruit as EXH and whether they're counted into the GPC awards.

9/30/2021 3:05:59 PM


Nova Scotia

Actually Wizzy GPC went from the original 4. 105 truly amazing! Well done. Howard Dill (Windsor), Hugh Wiberg (Topsfield), Tom Norlin(Anamosa) and Mike Green(Nut Tree), would be so proud how far the GPC has grown and developed. We have dealt with weigh-off issues for a very long time since the 1980s, trust me! But eventually everything gets settled. Peace and best to all growers. Danny.

9/30/2021 3:07:40 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Dale I don't know what you mean by it wouldn't count. Providing it's sound it will. However it shouldn't bump out any up and coming growers from place and prize money. I thought we grew for possible WR recognition and personal best. Not total domination.

9/30/2021 3:15:32 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Thanks for the clarification Andy. I still think the recognition needs to be spread around. Weither it's monetary a jacket a gold cup or whatever. There are those who have the land and resources to dominate the sport. It should enough to say I grew the biggest not pound your chest about how awesome you are for having grown more than one big pumpkin. Trust me everybody already knows who the top growers are. Just saying.

9/30/2021 3:33:12 PM

Spudley (Scott)


It should be enough to say I grew the biggest. That's what I meant to say.

9/30/2021 3:38:11 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Not qualified to help resolve this. I tell my kids life's not equal/fair and I make zero effort to make it equal/fair. "I care... But I do not make things fair." Six kids here... so I believe my attempts at fairness would create as many problems as they would solve. That's my perspective.

10/1/2021 12:08:21 AM


South Dakota

Gritty, just like what happened here. Created far more animosity than if the established rules would have been followed. That is why rules are made and supposed to be followed. I know if I was a new or young grower and I worked my ass off growing a PB that would have made the prize catagory if it were not for the "professional" grower who took several top spots, I would be mad, discouraged, confused and probably say f--- it. Now that is the way to promote the hobby and show the newbie what GPC fairness is all about. This stinks to high heaven. Fairness to all my butt. Fairness to some, what's your reputation, how much money do you make, do you personally know the GPC officers, then you have got your edge. Just because someone is a volunteer, if they are doing a horrible job, they need to move along before the whole organization is effected and faulters because of it. If this would have been addressed anytime before the season began, there would be no problem. COVID has been going on for over two years now, why was this not addressed before planting season? Poor administration is what I think, should have seen this coming, especially in Europe. If you can't stand the heat. get out of the kitchen. Maybe the bylaws need to be changed to remove the rule making authority it gives the officers. Too much power for just the governing body. Rule changes and modifications should have to be approved by a vote of the membership after ample time for review.

10/1/2021 7:57:26 AM

Andy W

Western NY

LJ - nobody takes several top spots at a weighoff. Ever. That's not what this is about.

10/1/2021 7:59:45 AM



Bullying lolololololololololol

10/1/2021 8:32:15 AM


Upa Creek, Mo

I have no fight in this, but anyone reading this, you need to read all from top to bottom.

Wiz, in no way at all did Eddy attack Gritty. That is very 2021 of you and quite frankly, weak.

10/1/2021 9:15:22 AM

Don Crews


I wrote a long angry post. Then I wrote this. Letting some growers weigh multiple fruits at a weigh off without letting all growers do the same is wrong,wrong,wrong. Its very hard for me to not be completely disillusioned to the point I don’t know if I will plant a seed next season. What’s the point. None of us will have place to weigh anyway and we will never be able qualify for those special awards. Don’t get me started about what is “fair”.

10/1/2021 9:15:31 AM



This will be my last post on this tread
First of all Gary, you bringing up personal past issues with me is a sign of deflection knowing you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar. I understand something would have been done to rectify this problem had it not came from me, So growers, I apologize for forcing the hard hand of the GPC. I am personally OK with this though as it does show true colors. You do have to remember this, I have communication from one of your own as I stated in a previous post, that this whole deal was a screw up from the start. with your own stating the fact no one at any of these weigh offs wore masks and had people from other country's attending. Again not from me but from your own!
The fact that you require everyone to follow specific guide lines to bring up grievances is a form of you manipulating the outcome. This open form is available for all to see and make their own judgement on fairness and equality. Kinda fits the narrative when you are here to represent all. This also does not give anyone a chance to loose an email. and to thing all I asked for was to have all growers treated equally and fairly and I'm the bully!!! I did get somewhat of a complement yesterday from a grower and I quote, Your kinda like Trump in the fact that you don't care what people think of you. Guilty as charged.

10/1/2021 9:38:10 AM

McMillin Giants

Salem Ohio

If the purpose of the one pumpkin rule was to expand GPC weigh off sites, here’s a suggestion that I believe will still benefit GPC site growth as well as new growers, old growers, American growers , Canadian growers , European growers , Italian growers, etc. (if I forgot anyone, sorry).

One fruit per category per site qualifies for placement at the weigh off and prize money, all others count towards GPC records, jackets, and grower of year awards.

The prize money is what motivates Giant growers to travel to other sites and expand the GPC sites!

As a new growers, I feel the need to comment peacefully on this message board, New growers would not be at a disadvantage towards prize money or placing at their local weigh this way.

New growers currently are more disappointed by having to drive hundreds of miles to different weigh off sites, taking multiple days off work, and most importantly the reason I will not travel to 3 different locations is time away from my precious wife and kids to weigh multiple pumpkins to receive a jacket.

Please consider this suggestion. This would also greatly benefit Canadian, Italian, European, etc, as well as US growers with only one weigh off site within hundreds of miles from their homes!

10/1/2021 9:51:42 AM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

But, on the negative side, it diminishes one of the stated reasons for the one pumpkin rule: To benefit other weigh-offs needing pumpkins in numbers to draw sponsors and prize money.

10/1/2021 10:16:17 AM

McMillin Giants

Salem Ohio

It doesn’t diminish as you stated, because I didn’t take my other pumpkins to other weigh offs. I choose to spend my week days that other further away weigh offs were held at my job not calling off work. And for the other further away weigh offs that were on weekends I spent those weekends with my wife and kids at soccer, volleyball, dance,etc. The Giant growers that want prize money will travel to other GPC sites either way. It’s simple they put in the time, money, research, and effort and are willing to travel to recoup some money back for their hard work and efforts.

What it does diminish is my chance at ever receiving a jacket, grower award, or GPC recognition for my other plants grown.

As well as Italian,European,Canadian, all other countries not mentioned from the same, from the GPC due to the one plant rule.

That’s all I was peacefully trying to express without causing any offense to others with my suggestion that I strongly believe will benefit all. Thanks to all for listening to my thoughts and opinions and may God Bless.

10/1/2021 12:22:03 PM


Westmoreland, KS

So I guess since everybody else is putting their two cents in I might as well. To echo what Eddie is saying my question would be if it wasn’t Ruben and it was Kenneth asking for his three fruits to be weighed in one Spain weighoff would that have been allowed if the answer is yes then I guess it’s no big deal. If the Question would go on unanswered Or the answer would have been no because it was Kenneth asking and not Ruben then we have a problem.

10/1/2021 1:25:19 PM



Eddie post was about making exceptions to a rule that smelt of favoritism/ bumpy play ground..All this other stuff is about the rule itself which wasnt the topic.If you dont like the rules post about it and talk with your GPC rep.They can always review them and nothings set in stone.

10/1/2021 1:37:22 PM


Hopedale Ohio

Thanks WIZZy

10/1/2021 1:54:18 PM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Is the GPC implying that sites have grown from 25 to over 105 simply because this one fruit rule is in place? There's enough pumpkins to go around without "forcing" growers to different weigh offs to stack the numbers. Has anyone from the GPC looked at how many fruit are showing up at each weigh off?! It's an antiquated rule.

Let's not kid ourselves, a lot of growers chase multiple sites for the payout. They're going to chase as many weigh offs as they have the potential to score the top payouts. The one pumpkin rule doesn't apply to them but it makes us feel better when we can stand behind the one fruit rule as if we are forced to attend multiple sites. It chaps my backside to see a grower travel from let's say Michigan to North Carolina to squeeze that alternate weigh off site in. That's freaking hilarious! It's about the benjamins. Therein lies a ton of inequitably in this hobby.

Adjusting the rules to side step Covid protocol is a poor excuse. As mentioned earlier, the grower should have conformed or stayed home, simple. Can't have our cake and eat it too. If said grower was having a mediocre/failed year, it's a non-issue...again...bejamins.

Bring as many fruit as you want, one counts for prize pool, the others count as exhibition and remain eligible for GPC end of year awards/jackets.

All weigh off sites should declare their payouts, send that amount of money to the GPC and then GPC redistribute that money equally to all 105 sites. All 105 sites have the same payout from 1st to 20th. All growers stay motivated and plenty of fruit show up year after year.

I'm really embarrassed by the GPC's last two replies to this thread.

10/1/2021 2:02:29 PM


Radda in Chianti (SI) Italy

I'm completely Agree with McMillin Giants vision and partially agree with Team Wexler. GPC should listen growers suggestion and then change the rules.
Speaking about my experience i have lost the chance to get the jacket in 2012 and 2015 due to the one fruit rule. It doesen't have to happen to anyone anymore.

10/1/2021 5:27:25 PM


Deer Park WA

Allowing any grower to bring multiple fruit to a single weighoff and counting them all towards the coveted growers jacket certainly diminishes the achievment for all the growers that actually played by the "GPC" rules and earned their 4000+ club jackets the hard way, one pumpkin, one weighoff at a time.

10/1/2021 11:00:35 PM



I think we are in difficult times and we all need to show some understanding and pull together. Kazzy and I went to Valtierra to support the show unfortunately without a pumpkin this year. In my opinion because Rubin has not been able to have a vacation yet, he did have a valid reason why he could only do the two Spanish shows. In the past he has driven to shows in other European countries which demonstrates to me that given the choice he would have made the effort.
Just for the record, Rubin and his wife Annabelle made the whole of there brand new 6 bedroom hotel available to any growers including Kazzy and me to stay for free. They even put on a new barrel of beer, filled the hotel fridge up for us and organised a bbq he and his club bought 6kg of special steak at €100 a kg Outstanding; and it’s not the first time.
Next year pumpkins grown in UK because of Europe will probably have to get a plant passport which will cost around £200. In will be difficult for us to weigh three pumpkins but despite this I think we should go back to the old rules. Our own weigh off already offers £200 bonus to the first three pumpkins coming from Europe and pinetops nursery office team can help with plant passports for people coming from Europe, plus great prize money, so no excuses.

10/3/2021 6:24:17 AM

colorado giants

StuP, shame on you for bragging about going.
you did not wear a mask did you and interacted with several people.
Shame on the GPC for getting railroaded into catering to friends and not fixing this.
you have lost all credibility

10/6/2021 10:13:50 AM



We had our covid passports and did wear our mask when appropriate and asked to by the police in the square and absolutely did not break any covid rules

10/7/2021 9:29:00 AM


Joliet, IL

I have taken a break from growing until I retire, but I am still a lurker on this site. And I see things are the same as usual. And that is not meant sarcastically. Many years ago when I first started growing in 2002 there was the "Squmpkin" debate. Heated exchanges over the percent of orange color needed to be considered a pumpkin. Once I was accused of behind the scenes of trading fake seeds. A grower sent a pic of a seed I bought in an auction and traded with him Tremor who said the seed was a fake, only for everyone to back track how the seeds were packaged 2 different ways in envelopes and the grower forgot until my buddy with same packaging of seed I sent had proof. There was drama when I got into the hobby, drama especially every winter on BP.com when people had lots of time on their hands. There is drama today and will be more down the road. Passionate people we are who grow these...nice way of saying a little nuts. And that is ok. So new growers should not be put off by this, old growers will either cling to contempt or get over it, solve legitimate concerns, and life goes on. With that said, hi guys and ladies...hope you are all doing well!

10/7/2021 11:08:46 AM


Nova Scotia

Well said shazzy. We have been at this great hobby since the 1970s of course and experienced/seen it all. Some take it to the "extremes" shall I say sometimes?

10/7/2021 11:16:51 AM


Millville, UT

I just think there needs to be some sort of distance/hardship clause that if you don't live within a reasonable distance of 3 weigh offs you can weigh more than one at a weighoff that can go towards the gpc awards but not towards the weigh off site placements.

10/7/2021 12:47:00 PM



Hey Shazzy, glad to hear your doing well.I believe your post adds some appropriate perspective.At the end of the day,it is just giant vegetable.

10/7/2021 12:48:59 PM


Joliet, IL

Hey Andrew and Joe!!! Long time. I guess what I am saying is have empathy for everyone's point of view. The growers too far from 3 weigh offs, the crazy covid situation and how each country or state has different protocols, the GPC reps who voulenteer to try keep a world wide system that pleases everyone (impossible), Eddy for putting his neck out there to not stir the pot in my opinion, but to voice a legit concern that can help moving forward for clarity sakes. Nothing wrong with a dust up once in a while either...we are all human. But if nothing good comes out of it, then just a waste of hot air.

As the old very common bigpumpkin.com saying went every time about this year, "Man, it's gonna be a long winter around here!" PS...it all comes out in the wash

10/7/2021 1:29:31 PM

Pinnacle Peak

British Columbia, Canada

Hi shazzy

10/7/2021 2:44:07 PM


Joliet, IL

Hey Jordan!

10/7/2021 2:57:50 PM

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