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Subject:  Feed my hypothetical pumpkin plant

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Ironton, ohio

I guess the question is serving sizes/per sqft of plant. How far does one tblsp per gallon spread? Suppose a 400sqft plant all vines terminated pumpkin is dap 25ish. Soluble 20-20-20 is your fertilizer, feed rate is 1tblsp per gallon. How do u feed this plant?

8/17/2021 4:15:50 PM



You put it in your watering system ..Either through a drip tape if you are watering that way or a syphon mixing tank that attaches to your garden house.One tblsp/gallon seems like too much. id try 25%of that every three days and see how things proceed.

8/17/2021 5:37:16 PM



I would estimate how many gallons I put down per watering and work from there.

8/18/2021 12:17:54 AM


Syracuse, NY

If it were MY plant, I'd add 55 tbsp. to a measuring cup and see/write down what that is and mix it into my 55-gallon barrel full of water and water the entire plant with that through my pump/whizzer sprinkler until it's all gone, at least once a week, maybe twice, depending on the *(InStRuCtIoNs)* - writing the amount in the cup down is to be able to quickly scoop up that same amount every time; If you go the hose-end sprayer route, what, 9-10 dollars at a Home Depot or Wal-mart, fill it and set it for 1.5 oz./gallon (research what a tbsp. is in ounces, probably ?.? oz.) and let 'er rip all over the entire plant with some extra time spent to give the soil a dose of it as well, but only use it all up if you want to and have time. It's too late for slow and steady, at least for me, lol---eg

8/18/2021 2:37:20 AM


Central Illinois

I added a total of 2 TBSP of Epsom salts to 1000sqft twice per week and the next soil test said I was very high in magnesium

8/18/2021 6:10:26 AM


Ironton, ohio

Hose end sprayer has been my method this season. Since around dap 25 ive been feeding approximately every other day. 3oz of Neptune tom/veg, 3oz kelp, 3oz humic acid. Put that down across patch with 10-12gal of water, since dap 40 also been including some 0-0-60. Every 10th day ive given 4 scoops of 18-18-21 in same fashion. Sprinkler puts down another 30-40 galllon of water a day. Just trying to get a feel for if im doing enough, nobody wants to miss out on any pounds. Thanks guys, Grow Big!

8/18/2021 6:16:44 AM


Ironton, ohio

I worry about that too baitman. Im sure soil will be jacked by the end. Ill have to fix that over winter/spring

8/18/2021 6:25:54 AM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

pumpkinpal2, just so you know that 16 tablespoons is 1 cup therefore your formula is almost 3 1/2 cups for 55 gallons of water...wow, that is excessive in my opinion. But my personal best is only 1362 lbs.

8/18/2021 11:09:02 PM

Moby Mike Pumpkins


1/4 cup or less would be ok, I personally would prefer a mix with less N and more K

8/19/2021 9:40:53 AM


Syracuse, NY

I'm trying to portray 1 TBSP. per gallon H2O, which is what is normally the dosage for SOME but not all water-soluble fertilizers, which is why I said 'depending on the (instructions)' for emphasis.
If I ever break 1362, we'll talk more (no worries THIS year, lol!) and even the labels online and on the BAG for Ureamate have little discrepancies to be made note of, while I've got you on the line, here. Like the dosage for Vegetable crops - physical label says like 1- 7.5 lbs./acre and the online says at one point 10 lbs./acre, like you/we are going by. Just FYI'in' and will maybe validate myself further later but for now, the label on the fertilizer X 55 in a measuring cup(s?), remembering for next time and I'd be fine with that on MY plant at 20-20-20. Just no time at the moment - thanks for looking closely, though---eric g

8/19/2021 1:37:47 PM


Syracuse, NY

In lieu of anything on the fertilizer dosage, I will say that there is a TREmendous calculator built into all our Windows 10 or thereabouts operating systems - CHeck it out; ANYthing can be compared/equated to ANYthing, pretty much. I was messing with it and determining that my amount of ANY water-soluble if recommended at 1 TBSP. per gallon will be abouuuuuuut that mentioned 3.5 cups of material (cannot check here - my other computer is the Windows 10 and out in the kitchen - long live Windows XP Professional in here!) and I did get my Ureamate but cannot yet even USE it because of INSANE amounts of rain in CNY this week! I brought that upon myself because I: 1. Got my car washed Sunday 2. Got oil for my lawnmower Monday and 3. Got my Ureamate last Friday - all good reasons for flooding rains to come my weigh. Plants are all healthy after Mildew Cure treatment, though---eg

8/20/2021 2:58:30 AM

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