General Discussion
Subject: High Turgor Pressure
Date Posted
Donkin |
How do you know if a plant has High Turgor pressure ? Is it a good thing or no ?
3/7/2021 9:07:06 AM
Donkin |
Reason i'm asking is my 1844 Holub vines last year would stand 4ft high always. It was very hard to get to lay down,Is this a sign of high turgor pressure ? Thank you
3/7/2021 9:51:23 AM
719.5 Pounder |
North Of The Border
Could be genetics...
3/7/2021 11:47:12 AM
Vineman |
Could be too much nitrogen.
3/7/2021 12:08:04 PM
Donkin |
Both greenhouses were amended the same and the same ferts were used . The 2145 plant in the other greenhouse didn't show these characteristics at all so that is why i didn't think it was a nitrogen issue
3/7/2021 3:30:45 PM
BlossomDown |
Welterweights, Wa
Just my own observation... Squash seem a bit less disciplined in their vine/leaf growth habits. In my experience they may have more auxins or something genetically where they seem to like growing their vines and foliage a bit more than pumpkin plants and it's a bit harder to get them to transition into the fruit-fill stage. They seem like the want to be vegetatively dominant.
3/7/2021 3:41:43 PM
cojoe |
The 2009 w thats in that genetic line tends to grow with those cobra vine tips.So my guess would be genetics.
3/7/2021 4:08:52 PM
Twinnie(Micheal) |
Definitely think turgor pressure is a trick we're all missing when it comes to water management of our plants. Theres meters out there that measure it, only thing is they cost a fair bit.
3/9/2021 5:51:07 AM
Fissssh |
Simi valley, ca
My vines would (always)stand up after using 5-1-1 fish. What a huge difference Nitrogen makes .
3/9/2021 8:48:20 PM
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