General Discussion
Subject: GPC Questions for Virtual Webinar Professor Wolf
Date Posted
WiZZy |
President - GPC
List questions here to ask Professor Wolf about Pumpkin Growing 101. This webinar will be held Friday night, 19th of Feb. This will also serve as a setup night prior to the Main Webinar Saturday the 20th.
2/8/2021 11:41:39 AM
WiZZy |
President - GPC
All Times listed are Eastern Time Zone
FRIDAY February 19th 8:00 EST pm - 8:30 pm Welcome to the GPC Virtual Show Test Run for participants prior to Saturday’s Event 8:30 EST pm – 9:45 pm > Professor Andy Wolf - Pumpkins 101 Q & A to follow
2/8/2021 1:15:22 PM
Moby Mike Pumpkins |
Whats the number one mistake new growers make? What can we as more experienced growers due to help new growers be successful in getting a fruit to the end?
2/10/2021 3:18:06 AM
Craig G |
Reading, Pennsylvania
fungicides and pesticides are essential, but confusing to a lot of growers, can you share with us what you did and products you used in your spray program to achieve your banner year in 2020?
2/12/2021 6:16:13 AM
Ruger |
Deering, NH
At DAP 29 (pumpkin taping 392 lbs), necrotic lesions began to appear on my leaves and fruit growth slowed dramatically. Weather was in the 90s and high humidity. Some experts said I had alternaria leaf spot and gummy stem blight. The plant pathologist report from U. Massachusetts said No pathogenic fungi or bacteria were found on the 11 giant pumpkin leaves. The pathologist said they are finding that fish fertilizer emulsion spray (I utilized fish/seaweed emulsion) likely causes lesions that look similar to a disease. I tried to only spray the underside of the leaves however, some spray would reach the topside of the leaves. Question: Have other growers had similar experiences and difficulty distinguishing between disease versus chemical burn? Would it be safer to just apply liquid seaweed only?
2/18/2021 9:27:55 AM
Total Posts: 5 |
Current Server Time: 1/23/2025 8:19:54 AM |