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Subject:  Growing competition for kids

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Gerald UK

Watlington, UK

Can we start one? For Under 16s? It seems odd that my 13 year old son has to compete with adults and professionals.

1/9/2021 6:18:36 AM

Down to Earth

Cadott wi

We would be interested. My 7 yr old loves to grow his own giant

1/9/2021 7:26:06 AM


Centennial Colorado

If you want I can help with it. Wish one was around when I was that age. I started at the age of 8 and didn't have any goal due to lack of help. Finally in 2016 at 12 I got in contact with a garden center and they gave me some seeds. That year I grew a 73 and was so happy. Then 97 lbs the next year and my name on this site has never changed since that was when I finally got help. Then 177 the next year, 511 the next year, and now 817 at 16.

1/9/2021 10:04:06 AM



I am pretty sure there was an informal youth challenge a few years ago.

1/9/2021 10:53:50 AM


Central Ca

Sounds like fun. I’m sure my kids would love to participate.

1/9/2021 12:35:43 PM

Gerald UK

Watlington, UK

It would be great if the GPC could come up with some kind of official U16 competition. I can only see the benefits.

1/9/2021 2:07:07 PM


Syracuse, NY

What would the seeds' requirements be? eg

1/9/2021 5:50:21 PM


Centennial Colorado

The key would be asking them questions. Like what was the seed, how many sqft, when did you start it. You can tell quickly who has and hasn't. I remember the first year I went to a weighoff- 2016 when I was 12. Chad New asked this one kid claiming to have grown his what seed it was off of. He didn't know. When it was planted. Didn't know. When I was asked what the world record was I answered 2323. He replied .7. The look on his face told the story. If someone has grown the pumpkin they will know even at a young age. If we had a standard seed I would say my 511. May not be the best, but I have a lot of them and they are easy to grow. It also grows constistantly over 200 lbs. 10 times so far. That would help with standardization.

1/9/2021 6:18:59 PM


Syracuse, NY

How old was 'this one kid', 6? Ha Ha Ha His parents probably started it. No shameless plug, there, on yer 511, lol---but, I was thinking the same thing about my 188 = 540.6 so far, lol. Ha Ha, you're not a kid anymore, so, we're both out. That's all interesting but the question was for anyone putting something together, but we got 'em out there---eg

1/9/2021 7:00:31 PM


Syracuse, NY

Ahhh, I do see more of it now, having read some of that post from Spudder - eg - I gotta go get me some subs and a movie, lol---hmmm...seed auction? that'll go great together! later.

1/9/2021 7:07:50 PM


Centennial Colorado

He was 10. Now that I think of it, why limit to a seed. Maybe general rule of AG. Mainly have experience growing at a young age. I think it is important to encourage youth. I just lucked out in talking to the right person at the right time. I only have grown by myself all these years. Like Gerald said, competing against adults is unreasonable at under 16. There is only one I know of who did that being Milan Lukes.

1/9/2021 7:20:01 PM


Keaau, Hawaii (Big Island)

I would totally support doing something like this! I am a county extension agent that works with 4-Hers...I started a giant fruit and vegetable contest a few years ago over here. I do "sometimes" wonder how much of the work was done kid vs parents... but realize too that it does or might need to happen...asking questions is good but I do have as part of our contest a photo diary/journal/record book that I ask our kids to submit...it documents when they work in their gardens, they document the current weather, pests observed, etc., plus they include photos showing them working with their plants...if GPC ever wanted to do something like this I would for sure love to help in any way I could!

1/10/2021 9:40:54 AM


Jericho Vermont

Getting kids and any non growers interested is all a great thing but we have to be careful. We do not want 8 yr olds spraying fungicides and insecticides or doing other unsafe parts of the growing. We also would need to keep it as fun as possible and it seems like using the words competition and fun in the same sentence is difficult. How many parents have taken over the pinewood derby to ensure their child wins? We could also get into what percentage of the growing did the child do? Our club only gives out awards to junior members and happily gives them credit regardless of their % of participation. I don't believe this would need to fit under GPC but we could have something here dedicated to the youth and to show off their accomplishments. Instead of an HD growers diary it could be a youth growers diary where pictures and award photos be entered. Just my thoughts.

1/10/2021 10:37:08 AM


President - GPC

The GPC encourages clubs to create their own local kids growing opportunities in their areas. We do not have the resources to administer an International structure at this time.

1/11/2021 12:35:14 PM


Spring Hope, N.C. - USA

here in North Carolina I am looking into 4h, clubs,weigh off sites, State fair as to how we can make something work at state level first.Hope other states will do the same. Then we can come together for a country wide contest. Baby steps first . Any ideas welcome. Not looking for what we can not do. Just what we can,

1/13/2021 7:19:46 AM


First thing I would suggest is rules
Then put out feelers to gauge level of interest to give you an idea of what you might be dealing with.
What we did here a couple of years ago for our anniversary was to start plants and give them out allowing that people would not be starting under plastic. Plus we waived the entry fees and for our little non GPC weigh off we had a good response and a lot of those actually showed up.

1/13/2021 7:38:13 AM


First thing I would suggest is rules
Then put out feelers to gauge level of interest to give you an idea of what you might be dealing with.
What we did here a couple of years ago for our anniversary was to start plants and give them out allowing that people would not be starting under plastic. Plus we waived the entry fees and for our little non GPC weigh off we had a good response and a lot of those actually showed up.

1/13/2021 7:38:13 AM

Gerald UK

Watlington, UK

With regards to rules, there will inevitably have to be some self-policing, in much the same that the 150 sq ft contest is done.
I also don't think that prize money should be involved, because a promise of financial rewards would tempt cheating more than anything else.
There can be some basic rules of course, for example the contestant has to be age 16 or under on the competition weighing date?

1/13/2021 7:23:45 PM


Keaau, Hawaii (Big Island)

If anyone is interested to see how we do our contest contact me at settlage@hawaii.edu. Because we let "big kids" (aka adult) participate, a few years ago, it was suggested that I just use GPC rules (basically so I wouldn't have to "reinvent the wheel") and so far that has worked out fine...I don't worry about if parents help out...because again, we don't want kids doing anything not age appropriate. We have 3 divisions...youth, family and adult...we just use a honor system that if they enter the youth division that they have helped in some way. And because I work with kids, we don't suggest any kine of chemical use...if their parents use something then that is on them...but I would bet that 95% if not more use natural or organic ways for treating pests and such...because most will eat what they grow later on. I start all the plants for our contest (literally 100's) so everyone is on the same playing field at the start of the contest...we hold a seminar prior to the start of the contest and last year we started holding monthly talk story sessions to help them out plus started a Facebook group page too and it got daily action. We still have lots to learn, but overall I think we've done okay...especially thanks to all the support and help from many wonderful giant growers...anyway, again if I help in anyway, please let me know.

1/13/2021 10:47:34 PM


Spring Hope, N.C. - USA

thanks for input .we are looking into interest now. The program is a infant now.so we are on page one. Hope other states will do the same. It should be great way for adults to connect with kids. Ideas please email me at dvestvestd@gmail.com

1/14/2021 6:08:44 AM

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