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Subject:  Grower Diary

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I wish the growers diary had an interactive message board so that you could ask questions, see comments. Here is a link to my entry. Any general thoughts, comments, guess on final weight?


8/18/2020 9:51:14 PM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI (mail@gr8pumpkin.net)

Not going to happen

8/19/2020 7:25:25 AM


South Dakota

I too would enjoy an interactive dairy. Positive feedback being the biggest benefit to new growers. More immediate feedback would also be very advantageous to the new grower when running into unfamiliar issues. I've been on other sites that allow interactive diaries and it can sometimes turn ugly, but I don't think pumpkin growers would purposely flame anyone, try to turn everything political, yes, but not personal attacks. Well, not many. LOL

8/19/2020 8:05:48 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Max pounds per day x 40 = pumpkin weight. If you can get her up to 15 lbs per day you should hit 600.

8/19/2020 2:13:15 PM


Plymouth, MN

Facebook has several communities for giant pumpkin growing and you can often get excellent feedback from experienced growers rapidly. I appreciate the current diary format here because it's minimalist and gives me a quick way to review other growers and I are performing on a given date and/or year.

8/19/2020 2:48:23 PM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

While I don't know all the details, my understanding is that adding features to this site would increase the cost for Ken D.

8/19/2020 3:39:29 PM


Central NY

General thoughts- welcome to the madness...it’s fun isn’t it?...hard to tell it’s potential from the pic but it should start ramping up its growth soon. Leaves I see look ok...hope your checking out all the other grower journals here...so many to learn from. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. And good luck!..

8/19/2020 4:55:59 PM

Captain 97

Stanwood, Washington

This site is borderline unusable. I rarely come on here anymore because its such a pain. It takes about 30 seconds for the message board to even come up after you click on the link. When I try to post anything from my phone its nothing but error messages. It was designed in the last century and hasn't changed a bit in over 20 years. I wouldn't expect it to start changing now.

8/19/2020 6:32:31 PM



It's one man with limited time and funds. Ken does deserve a life of his own. Appreciate what he does for this community and stop your whining. That's what Facebook's for.

8/19/2020 6:49:28 PM


Central NY

The folks on this site made me a champion. Trump 2020

8/19/2020 9:08:02 PM



All off this is interesting context guys and thanks for the input. I was just curious about the format of the site and appreciate the feedback. I'm just glad this resource and community is here for help. Thank you

8/19/2020 10:10:49 PM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

Welcome Aboard, Minnesota Grower!

Thank you for the website, Ken! Couldn't have made it through the pandemic without it!

8/19/2020 11:53:18 PM

Gerald UK

Watlington, UK

One of the best features of this site is the Grower Diaries. I agree they would be so much better if they could be edited or accept comments etc. Facebook doesn't have diaries. As it is it's a good resource but it could be so much better. It's by far the most ancient site I can think of. I don't know how it is run or who is responsible for it, but isn't there a budget available for improvements, like there is with any other organisation? If not, why not?

8/20/2020 3:27:04 AM


South Dakota

Finances could partially be addressed by fixing the Premium Members link so people could continue to contribute to the cause. I know the link has been down for months and I remember a couple people wondering what was up. Can't withdraw funds if the bank is not open. Just saying, no bitch with the site the way it is, but would be nice to have other options.

8/20/2020 8:46:27 AM

719.5 Pounder

North Of The Border

Wow, Captain 97, just Wow. If you want it to run faster, why don't you donate the money, that can help it get the updates to run faster? The truth is you don't really care. Not with that attitude. I do think that big pumpkins, as a site, should have a seed sale, to raise money, but other than that, what can they do?

In response to MN GROWER, you might get something big, the most important thing you can do for the plant, is keep it healthy. Spray fungicides, and stop powdery mildew, and keep it warm into the fall, and you should get something big. Just keep the plant grpwing, and it'll grow for you.

8/20/2020 11:33:08 AM

Gerald UK

Watlington, UK

Grower216, what can they do? The people responsible for this website have the power update the site. Nobody else does. To pay for it they can use donations, subscriptions or ads just like other websites do. At the moment I myself and probably many many other people have no idea who runs it, who is responsible or how it's funded. It's just 'here' and that's it. Considering the growers here are at the cutting edge of growing tech, it's such a shame that the website tech is literally last century.

8/20/2020 2:29:46 PM


Central NY

Be careful...that’s our buddy ken.. it’s one guy....you should read his mission statement...I’m thankful I can interact in any kind of way with these world class growers..when in doubt, more questions, less bitching...sorry you the tech is working slow captain, I can fly through this website...everything but the chat. Old school...Just like me...there’s Facebook, Instagram, tictok..many great social media sites...but you have to wade through the garbage...this site is where the rubber hits the road. Thanks ken.

8/20/2020 5:26:15 PM



i have an idea, lets all mail ken $25.00 for membership! for a free site some of you expect the world, ken is limited on what this site provides, he has a normal job first, the money he does charge for ads and auctions go to upgrading his servers ,what do you all expect for a free site??? there is more info on this site from the past decade and more, all for free! pay up or shut up!

8/20/2020 5:51:12 PM


President - GPC

Ken does a fantastic Job, Not only does he keep this site going (bet you missed it when the storm took down the site)he also has to setup software for the weigh offs. Ken is priceless and I hope the man is immortal. Leif your problem is on your end, between the seat and the keyboard.

8/20/2020 6:20:17 PM


South Dakota

I think only one idiot flamed the web site and not Ken personally. You can't fix stupid. The other few, me included, were just conversing about advantages/disadvantages of options seen on other sites. People around this site are, how do I put it, SHUT IN!! I agree everyone should send Ken 25.00 and if I can do it through PayPal, I will do just that. Like I said earlier, I have no bitches with the site the way it is now, and hope I did not infer such from any of my posts. Nothing, I mean nothing stays on topic on here.

8/20/2020 7:45:13 PM


South Dakota

You know, on other sites similar to this, idiots can be kicked out and not allowed to log back in. Again, I know nothing as to what this would involve or cost, just saying that could be tool to use here. Are there official moderators here?

8/20/2020 7:52:44 PM

Captain 97

Stanwood, Washington

First off I am grateful for this site. The People on it taught me everything I know about Growing Giants. That doesn't mean that there isn't room for constructive criticism.

In this day and age you can do just about anything as far as a website goes for very little cost. With the amount of traffic this site generates you could run a google add banner and probably pay for everything with money left over. I doubt that Andy Corbin has much more funds available than Ken does but he has created a phenomenal site with Pumpkin fanatic.

There really is no reason to be running 20th century webdesign in 2020 other than just not wanting to spend the time to do it. That's fine, Ken owes us nothing. He created the site and that's his prerogative.

However since this is the de facto gathering place for Giant Pumpkin growers, I would suggest that if Ken does not have the time or money to dedicate to the site perhaps he should consider seeking a collaboration with the GPC. It seems like fostering communication between growers would be something that would be in the GPC's Interest and they have the resources that could really make this site exceptional.

8/20/2020 8:02:10 PM



Me likey bigpumpkins.com. When people come on and suggest how they want a free site to operate I just find the ignore option and block them.

8/20/2020 9:46:52 PM

Gerald UK

Watlington, UK

WiZZy, yes Ken does do a good job at maintaining this site. We have no problem with that, as a free resource it's priceless. What I am saying, and as Captain 97 has put so well, is what about the future? Upgrades? Improvements? If we are to attract more people into the hobby - younger people - surely there has to be some thought given to this, or a discussion by senior GPC members, at the very least?

8/21/2020 3:14:10 PM


President - GPC

Yes we already planned on discussing in Sundays meeting however, the GPC is a tenant of BP, Ken is the Landlord. What you all want, I understand, but it wont come for free, and is not the GPC's to take over.

8/21/2020 6:06:56 PM


Centennial Colorado

Dear Wiz,
I am sorry I appeared to be rude. The point I was trying to make did not come across as it should have. I want to be a role model to young people like me. The point I tried to make was we can't trust the internet/pictures. I would hope that as a Christian I did not offend you.

8/21/2020 11:12:57 PM

Gerald UK

Watlington, UK

That's good to hear there will be a discussion on Sunday. Perhaps you could start an official thread to ask our members for their input and ideas? Among the many growers here will be potential developers, moderators, advertisers and tech people. There are 1000s of message boards like this on the net, most are funded by ads. I spend $$$ every year on equipment, ferts etc, and I am sure many others do too. It's an advertisers dream :) Otherwise subs, or a combination of both. Why not ask your members what they would be happy with? The possibilities for a website like this, with the information and resources available and with more to come, are endless.

8/22/2020 4:06:42 AM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

Ummmm, has anyone checked in with Ken and asked what he would like to do?

8/22/2020 2:27:49 PM


Western NY

The site is great the way it is! I don't need or want BS pop up ads or any other distractions to wade through. If you like that stuff you can go to just about any other site.

8/22/2020 7:27:12 PM


North Pole,Alaska

I'm with you fisherray. This is about the only place on the web where I can go and not get inundated with pop ups. IF and only IF Ken wants to spend even more of his personal time to do upgrades, I think a simple notice to followers asking for contributions would be well received. Anybody consider the fact that Ken probably hasn't had a real vacation (away from this site) in years?

8/23/2020 11:22:42 AM


South Dakota

Most people on here never heard of Ken, nor know how the web site functions, or who does what for what. Maybe Ken would jump at the chance to be paid to maintain and keep the site up just as he has been doing for free, but getting paid. Ken has never chimed in. Everybody is jumping in with some kind of defense for Ken, when I don't see where anyone said anything about Ken not doing a great job?? Try to even converse about change on here, and you get the old timers jumping all over your shit because they think everyone knows what they know about the functioning of the site. People need to be more nonaggressive in their replies.

I don't want pop ups or banner ads. I will gladly pay an annual membership fee and renewal.

8/23/2020 11:50:48 AM


Central NY

“Most people on here never heard of ken?”....errr...uhhhh....I don’t think that’s true....but for clarification, which ones are the ol timers?...

8/23/2020 2:47:26 PM


South Dakota

I've been on here 3 years now, and I did not know who Ken was or is, how and why would I know? If it were not for the recent posts during the hurricane outage, I still would not have known who Ken is. Because everything runs so smoothly, why would I need to know who is behind the scenes. I come and I go. Yeah, Porkchop, I am pretty sure you qualify for an old timer, not saying you reamed anybody, on purpose anyway. LOL

8/23/2020 6:16:46 PM



All But The Young Whipper Snapper's! Ken is one man who is and always has been extremely supportive of this community.He is a one man show who has always done his best to provide a site for Giant Vegetable Growers in spite of his limited time and resources. He does monitor this site and if he felt he wanted to update HIS SITE which he allows you to use he would. Be thankful for the service he provides all of us even if it hasn't been updated to your your standards.

8/23/2020 6:21:16 PM


Look at bottom of page.

8/23/2020 8:10:47 PM


Syracuse, NY

ha ha i just want an edit button - it'd get used a lot on this page, i would hope - ps>>>watch your language, as you are in total control of what you type---eg

8/24/2020 4:27:07 AM

Gerald UK

Watlington, UK

Nobody is saying we want a site with popups - besides, haven't haven't you heard of Adblock?
The purpose of this site is first and foremost to promote giant pumpkin growing. It does this on the most basic level possible, with a simple message board and diaries. The format may be ok for some, but young people will not be interested and the future is young people. Upside down pics and errors that cannot be edited out are frustrating to say the least. Many of the articles are years out of date.
As Ken is the sole person responsible for this site he doesn't have to answer to anyone which is not a good way for anything to be run. What happened at the meeting Wizzy?

8/26/2020 9:22:56 AM


North Pole,Alaska

I'm an Old Timer. Although I can't speak for other Old Timers,here's my OLD perspective.
I LIKE this site. I'm comfortable with it. Most older people I know are frustrated with having to keep up with new tech. As soon as you get comfortable with a format, it changes, and you have to relearn.Why should the younger generation care about the frustrations of a few old growers? Because that is where the bulk of the pertinent knowledge lies if you really want to learn how to grow a world class plant.
People complain that not enough old timers visit this site often enough and pass on knowledge. You encourage participation by making it convenient. You don't ask the Sage to climb down the mountain for YOUR convenience. You make the effort to climb the mountain in the hope of receiving knowledge.
As for years out of date info, you learn as much, or more from old info, and the path taken, as you do from current. Excuse me for getting frustrated by a generation that feels "entitled".
As for your knock about Ken having sole responsibility? Congrats. After years of being on this site, you are the first person I will be blocking. A man puts his heart and soul into something and you don't feel it's right to have full control of his success????
And before you write me off as an old grower set in his ways and stuck in the past, here's a tidbit for you.I'm taking off next season to build a custom Smart home and new 16,000 sq ft custom greenhouse complex for state of the art aeroponics systems of my own design. The following season I will be doing a couple of research projects in collaboration with the University of Alaska.
I will only be posting on THIS website, and will continue to help any growers who respectfully reach out to me off site.
Again, I can only speak for myself, one Old Timer. Sorry for the Rant.

8/30/2020 12:04:09 PM

Gerald UK

Watlington, UK

Self-censorship, putting your head the sand or 'blocking', rather than engaging in debate, will never end in consensus or enlightenment. As an old timer I would have thought you'd have learned that by now.
And I'm not knocking Ken, where did I say that? It is his site and he can do what he wants. What concerns me is why the GPC have allowed their main outlet of news and information ie this website, to be controlled by a single person? Why be a tenant when you can be a landlord?
Just asking questions, that's all.
What happened at the meeting Wizzy?

8/30/2020 5:39:58 PM


Rhode Island

be it not for ken and big pumpkins site many, many, growers would not be involved today. we can all thank bp,ken,howard dill and the extended growth of the gpc and it officers over the past fifteen years for what we have in this hobby today.

9/4/2020 7:32:12 PM

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