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Subject:  Southern New England GPG Auction 24/25

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Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Southern New England Giant Pumpkin Growers
Friday, January 10, 2025

LOT 1 – 2 LOTS A+B Jolivette TOMATO PACK 1 -- 30 15
10.20 Jolivette ‘24 (7.83 Sjobin x Open) (4 seeds) Largest Tomato in 2024 )
7.06 Jolivette ‘23 (5.32 H/J x Open) (5 seeds)
6.34 Jolivette ‘24 (7.83 Sjobin x Open) (5 seeds)
6.10 Jolivette ‘24 DMG (7.06 Jolivette x Open) (5 seeds)
5.92 Jolivette ‘24 (7.06 Jolivette x Open) (5 seeds)
5.36 Jolivette ‘24 (7.28 Jolivette x Open UOW) (4 seeds)

LOT 2 – 2 LOTS A+B Jolivette TOMATO PACK 2 -- 25 20
7.44 Jolivette ‘23 (11.65 Faust x Open) (4 seeds)
7.28 Jolivette ‘23 (11.65 Faust x Open UOW DMG) (5 seeds)
6.47 Jolivette ‘23 (8.40 Marley x Open) ( 4 seeds)
6.16 Jolivette ‘24 (7.28 Jolivette x Open UOW) (5 seeds)
5.97 Jolivette ’24 ( 7.44 Jolivette x Open) (4 seeds)
5.50 Jolivette ‘24 (7.28 Jolivette x Open) (4 seeds)
5.32 Jolivette ‘24 (7.28 Jolivette x Open UOW) (5 seeds)

LOT 3 – 2 LOTS A+B Clayton/Lariviere TOMATO Lot -- 30 25
9.50 Clayton ’24 (6.25 Clayton dmg x Open (2 seeds) #2 in the world in 2024
8.68 Clayton ’24 (5.04 Clayton x Open) (2 seeds) #3 in the world in 2024
7.69 Clayton ‘23 (12 seeds)
6.25 Clayton ’23 (6 seeds)
5.00 Clayton ’23 (25 seeds)
5.95 Lariviere ’24 (8.80 Daho x self) (4 seeds) New Connecticut Record

LOT 4 – LOTS A + B Neptunes Watermelon/Bushel Gourd Combo. -- 30 30
294.5 Neptune Bushel Gourd ’24 (343 Kaminski x Self) (2 seeds)
289.4 Neptune Watermelon ’24 (341 Vial x 272.5 Neptune) (4 seeds)
245 Neptune Watermelon ’24 (291 Kent x 272.5 Neptune) (4 seeds)
221.5 Neptune Watermelon ’24 (272.5 Neptune x 291 Kent) (4 seeds)

LOT 5 – 2 LOTS A+B Werner Bushel Gourd GOTY Seed -- 35 35
450 Werner ’24 (323 Steiner x Sibb) (3 seeds) (Largest BG in 2024) 16% over chart

1/10/2025 9:11:38 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


LOT 6 – 2 LOTS A+B – McCaslins GOTY Lot- of Giant Watermelons -- 35 35
309.5 McCaslin ‘24 (242 Wolf x Self) GOTY (4 seeds)
276.2 McCaslin ’24 (276.8 Miller x Self) GOTY (4 seeds)
262.2 McCaslin ‘24 (309 McCaslin x Self) GOTY (4 seeds)
256.0 McCaslin ’24 (146.5 Young x Self) (4 seeds)

LOT 7 – 1 LOT –Jutras, Jolivette and Werner Giant Squash Seeds PACK 1 -- 75
1935.5 Jutras SQ ’19 (1844.5 Holub x self) (1 seed)
1838 Jutras SQ ’20 (1109 Jutras x self) (1 seed)
1778 Jutras SQ ’24 (1109 Jutras x Self) (1 seed)
1738 Werner SQ ’24 (1838 Jutras x Self) (1 seed)
1401 Jutras SQ ’16 (1445.5 Jutras x 1445.5 Jutras (1 seed)
475 Jutras SQ DMG ’23 (810 Cantrell x 1109 Jutras) (1 seed)
988.5 Jolivette ’24 (1264 Pierpont x self) (1 seed)

LOT 8 – 1 LOT –Jutras, Jolivette and Werner Giant Squash Seeds PACK 2 -- 80
1778 Jutras SQ ’24 (1109 Jutras x Self) (1 seed)
1738 Werner SQ ’24 (1838 Jutras x Self) (1 seed)
2118 Jutras WR SQ ’17 (1844 Holub x self) (1 seed)
1701 Jutras SQ ’17 (1844.5 Holub x 1445 Jutras (1 seed)
1415 Jolivette ’24 (1109 Jutras x 1264 Pierpont) ( 1 seed)
927 Jutras SQ ’18 (1701 Jutras x 2118 Jutras) (1 seed)
475 Jutras SQ DMG ’23 (810 Cantrell x 1109 Jutras) (1 seed)

LOT 9 – 2 LOTS A+B – Some of the Trombley Giants Lot -- 35 30
2201 Trombley ‘24 Giant Pumpkin (2042 Kisamore x 2501 Bernstrom) ( 2 seeds)
1978 Trombley ’24 Giant Pumpkin (2424 Caspers x 2501 Bernstrom) (2 seeds)
1677 Trombley ’24 Giant Pumpkin (2273 Trombley x 2424 Caspers) (2 seeds)
414 Trombley ’24 Bushel Gourd (313 Trombley x self) #2 in World this year) (4 seeds)
313 Trombley ’21 Bushel Gourd (384 Terry x 470.5 Connolly) (4 seeds) Grew the 414
7.91 Trombley ’24 Tomato (6.48 Young x Open) (4 seeds)

1/10/2025 9:13:01 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


LOT 10 – 2 LOTS A+B The 150 Challenge Lot -- 20 15
1448 Bongers ’24 (1965 Rodebaugh x 2287 Sadiq) WR (2 seeds)
1293.5 Cleveland ’24 ( 2168.5 Werner x 2465 Sperry) (1 seed)
1028 Connolly ’24 (1017 Rondeau x self) (2 seeds) Beautiful Bright Orange
873 Lariviere ’24 (2154 Sperry x 2239.5 Marintzer) (1 seed)

LOT 11 – 2 LOTS A+B The Alex Noel Connecticut Lot -- 50 45
2471 Noel DMG ’24 (2198 Sperry x 2234 Noel) 1 seed 20% over chart
1925.5 Noel ’24 (1468 Urena x 2234 Noel) (1 seed)
1921 Noel ’24 (2234 Noel x 2198 Sperry) 1 seed

LOT 12 - 2 LOTS A+B The New England NEW 2K Growers Club seeds -- 30 25
2141 Arruda ’24 (2154 Sperry x 2465 Sperry) (1 seed)
2032 Scott ’24 (2465 Sperry x 1904.5 Sperry) (1 seed)
2014.5 Leonzi ’24 ( 2560 Gienger x 2344 Wallce) (1 seed)
2190.5 Kaczenski ’24 (1885 Werner x 122 Kaczenski) (1 seed)

LOT 13 – 2 LOTS A+B – The Big Zappa Lot -- 25 20
2196 Zappa ‘24 (839 Zandercock x 2144 Barron) (1 seed)
1692.5 Zappa ‘24 (2315 Zappa x 1321 Sandercock) (1 seed)
2315 Zappa dmg ’23 (2144 Barron x 2404 Gunstrom) (1 seed)

LOT 14 – 1 LOT The Wolf/Lariviere lot -- 80
2225.5 Wolf ’24 (2266 Kisamore x 839 Sandercock) (1 seed)
1917 Wolf ’23 dmg (839 Sandercock x 2006 Wolf) (1 seed) Grew the 1727 Nelson- HD
1733 Lariviere ’24 (2154 Sperry 2239.5 Marintzer (1 seed) Winner of Woodstock Fair

LOT 15 – 2 LOTS A+B The Sperry / Jutras Pumpkin Lot -- 30 25
2237 Sperry ‘24 (2198 Sperry x 2465 Sperry (1 seed) Winner of Frerichs Farm
1864 Sperry ‘24 (2447 Cutrupi x 2465 Sperry) (1 seed) 10% Heavy
1671 Jutras ’24 (2501 Bernstrom x 2465 Sperry) (1 seed) 9% Heavy

LOT 16 – 1 LOT – Faust GOTY Long Gourd PACK 1 -- 40
159.25 Faust ’24 Long Gourd (142.25 Faust x 144 Faust) (4 seeds) GOTY
131.03 Faust ’24 Long Gourd (144 Faust x 142.4 Faust) (6 seeds)

1/10/2025 9:13:50 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


LOT 16 – 1 LOT – Faust GOTY Long Gourd PACK 1 -- 40
159.25 Faust ’24 Long Gourd (142.25 Faust x 144 Faust) (4 seeds) GOTY
131.03 Faust ’24 Long Gourd (144 Faust x 142.4 Faust) (6 seeds)
128.65 Faust ’24 Long Gourd (142.25 Faust x 144 Faust) (5 seeds)

LOT 17 – 1 LOT – Faust GOTY Long Gourd PACK 2 -- 30
150.0 Faust ’24 Long Gourd (144 Faust x 142.25 Faust (5 seeds) GOTY
132.5 Faust ’24 Long Gourd (142.25 Faust x 144 Faust) (5 seeds) GOTY
129.5 Faust ’24 Long Gourd (144 Faust x 142.25 Faust) (5 seeds)

LOT 18 – 2 LOTS A+B – Jutras Long Gourd Lot -- 30 25
159 Jutras ’23 (121 Eaton x 148 Gfeller) (2 seeds)
135.19 Jutras ’24 LONG GOURD (121 Eaton x 159 Jutras) (3 seeds)
145.88 Jutras ’23 (115 Eaton x 121 Eaton) (3 seeds)
146.13 Jutras ’19 (138.5 Eaton x self) (3 seeds)
146.19 Jutras ’23 (121 Eaton x 136 LeBlanc) (2 seeds)

LOT 19 – 2 LOTS A+B – Steve Connolly’s Pumpkin Crop -- 25 20
2211 Connolly ‘24 (2501 Bernstrom x 2222 Gienger) (1 seed) 6% Over Chart
1955.5 Connolly ’24 (2465 Sperry x 2222 Gienger) (1 seed)
1811 Connolly ’24 dmg (2222 Gienger x 2501 Bernstrom) (1 seed)

LOT 20 - 2 LOTS A+B – The Wallace Collection -- 55 35
2207 Wallace ’24 (2344.5 Wallace x 2365 Wolf) (1seed)
2125.5 Wallace‘24 (2365 Wolf x 2344.5 Wallace) (1 seed)

LOT 21 - 2 LOTS A+B The Charlie Lopresti New and Proven Lot from Maine -- 40 35
2365.5 Lopresti ‘24 (2080 Lopresti x sib) (1 seed)
2070 Lopresti ’24 (2080 Lopresti x sib) (1 seed)
2080 Lopresti ’22 (2365 Wolf x 1959 St Laurent) (1 seed) Grew the 2365 Lopresti

LOT 22 – 1 LOT Faust Giant Tomato’s PACK 1 -- 35
7.10 Faust Tomato ’24 (11.65 Faust x Open) (5 seeds)
6.49 Faust Tomato ’24 (7.94 LaRue x Open) (5 seeds)
5.93 Faust Tomato ’24 (8.51 LaRue x Open) (5 seeds)

LOT 23 - 1 LOT Faust Giant Tomato’

1/10/2025 9:14:22 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


LOT 23 - 1 LOT Faust Giant Tomato’s PACK 2 -- 20
6.97 Faust Tomato ’24 (8.32 Faust x Open) (5 seeds)
6.72 Faust Tomato ’24 (7.94 LaRue x Open) (5 seeds)
6.44 Faust Tomato ’24 (7.92 Faust x Open) (4 seeds)

LOT 24 – 2 LOTS A+ B The Ed Pappas 1.9K and Sam Felton 2.3 K seed -- 30 25
2376 Felton ’24 (2222 Gienger x 2147 Marshall) (1 seed) 12% Over Chart)
. 1917 Pappas ‘24 (2344 Wallace x 2465 Sperry) (1 seed)

LOT 25– 2 LOTS A+ B Steve Daletas and grandson Parker Wiltermood Giant Pumpkin Lot -- 30 30
2387 Daletas ’24 (1885 Werner x 1357 Wolf) (1 seed)
1938 Daletas ’24 (2365 Wolf x 1357 Wolf) (1 seed)
1794.5 Wiltermood ’24 (1953 Daletas x 1357 Wolf) (1 seed)

LOT 26 - 2 LOTS A+B The POWERFUL Mendi RETRO Lots -- 55 50
2552 Mendi ’20 (2183.7 Mendi x self) (1 seed)
2517.7 Mendi ’21 (2183.7 x 2552 Mendi) (1 seed)
2356.7 Mendi ’21 (2183.7 1686 Stelts) (1 seed) Grew the 2332 Paton, 2240 Connolly,
1989 Tanner.
2009.7 Mendi ’22 dmg (2183.7 Mendi x self) (1 seed)

LOT 27 – 2 LOTS A+ B Urena / Hazeltine Monster Pumpkin -- 35 30
2390 Urena ’24 (2365 Wolf x 2447 Cutrupi) (1 seed) 12% Heavy
1986 Urena ’24 DMG (1940 Urena x 2365 Wolf) (1 seed)
2018 Hazeltine ’24 (2365 Wolf x 839 Sandercock) (1 seed)

LOT 28 –1 LOT – Werners Pennsylvania Giants -- 100
2369.5 Werner ’24 (1865 Werner x 2447.1 Cutrupi) (1 seed) 22% Over Chart
. 2297 Werner ’24 (1885.5 Werner x 2560 Gienger) (1 seed)

LOT 29 – 2 LOTS A+B Sherwoods HD Winner and Bongers HD Producer -- 45 40
2453 Sherwood ’24 (2069 Stelts x 1620 Pritchard) (1 seed) Hard Rock Casino Winner
2024 Bongers ’23 (2006 Wolf x 2554 Andrusz) (2 seeds) Produced 898 Williams

1/10/2025 10:04:16 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


LOT 30 – 2 LOTS A+B The LeBlanc/King Winners -- 45 40
2457 LeBlanc ’24 (2147 Marshall x 2222 Gienger) (1 seed) 19% over Chart
2036.5 King ’24 (2006 Wolf x Self) (1 seed) Very nice Orange genetics in this one

LOT 31 – 2 LOTS A+B New Double Pack! STELTS Giants from PA -- 40 35
2464 Stelts (2365 Wolf x 2376 Stelts) (1 seed)
2381 Stelts (2266 Kisamore x 2143 Stelts) (1 seed) 10% Heavy

LOT 32 – 1 LOT –Barron PROVEN POWER Lot -- 100
2144 Barron ’22 PROVEN SEED (2183 Mendi x 1885 Werner) (1 seed) Grew the 2731
. Stelts, 2283 Trombley, 2035.5 Holland, 1914 Daho
2404 Barron ’23 (2365 Wolf x Sib) (1 seed) Grew thre 2252 Chan and 1871 Miller

LOT 33 2 LOTS A + B - Crackin 2.3K and 2.2K Pumpkins grown by Russ Pugh -- 30 NS
2301 Pugh ’24 (2560 Gienger x 2501 Bernstrom) (1 seed)
2250 DMG Pugh ’24 (2501 Bernstrom x 1620 Pritchard) (1 seed)

LOT 34 – 2 LOTS (A+B) Ginormous Jacobus Combo Lot -- 55 50
2419 Jacobus ’24 (1727 Jacobus x sibb) (1 seed)
2357 Jacobus ’24 (1727 Jacobus x sibb) (1 seed)
2210 Jacobus ’22 (2520 Schmidt x 2702 Cutrupi) (1 seed)

LOT 35 – 2 LOTS A+B Dawson hit this one out of the Park! Plus Bongers pumpkin -- 30 30
. 2465 Dawson (2560 Gienger x 2006 Wolf) (1 seed)
. 1758 Bongers (2554 Andrusz x 1747.5 Handy) (2 seeds)

1/10/2025 10:04:54 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


LOT 36 – 1 LOT The Bernstrom NEW and PROVEN Seeds -- 50
2501 Bernstrom ’23 (2560 Gienger x 1989 Conway) (1 seed) Grew the 2250 Schmidt,
2211 Connolly, 2020 Bernstrom, 1904 Sexton, 1814 Turner, 1683 Barret, 1672 Morse,
1623 Butler, 1553 Roof and more…
2080 Bernstrom ’24 (2365 Wolf x 2501 Bernstrom) (1 seed)
2004 Bernstrom ’24 (2749 Gienger x 2501 Bernstrom) (1 seed)
2070 Bernstrom ’24 (2501 Bernstrom x 2749 Gienger) (1seed)

LOT 37 – 1 LOT A+B – Stelts PROVEN Pumpkin Producers -- 90
2376 Stelts ’23 (2342 Stelts #3 x 1912 Stelts #8) (1 seed) Grew the 2531 Stelts
. 2069 Stelts ’22 (1953 Daletas #1 x 2350 Gienger) (1 seed) Grew the 2453 Sherwood

LOT 38 – 2 LOTS A+B – Fantastic FORD Pumpkins from Wisconsin -- 85 85
2551 Ford ’24 (2177 Ford x 2042 Kisamore) (1 seed) 26% Heavy
2048 Ford ’24 (2042 Kisamore x 1727 Jacobus) (1 seed)
1977 Ford ’24 (1727 Jacobus x 2177 Ford) (1 seed)

LOT 39 – 1 LOT – Another new Travis Gienger Power Seed -- 50
2471 Gienger ’24 (2365 Wolf x 2222 Gienger) (1 seed)
1783 Gienger ’24 (2222 Gienger x 2560 Gienger) (1 seed)

LOT 40 - 2 LOTS A+B – Vanheuckelom/Boonen/Vangeel/Ressel Seeds from Europe -- 45 40
. 2557, 4 Vangeel ’24 (2560 Gienger x 2209 Boonen Herman (1 seed)
. 2282,8 DMG Boonen Herman ’24 (2749 Gienger x 1433 Boonen Paul) (1seed)
. 2077,9 DMG Boonen Herman ’24 (2209 Boonen Herman x 2365 Wolf) (1seed)
. 1849,7 Vanheuckelom ’24 (1829,8 Vanheuckelom x 2749 Gienger (2 seeds)
. 702,8 Ressel ’24 (2023 Andrusz x 421 Ressel) (2 seeds) Beautiful Orange color

LOT 41 – 1 Lot Patons UK Monster Seeds Pack 1 -- 80
2020 Paton ’23 PROVEN (2365 Wolf x 2907 Paton (1 seed) Grew the 2641.1 Paton
2641.1 Paton ’24 (2020 Paton x 1727 Jacobus) (1 seed)
2257 Paton ’24 (2365 Wolf x 1727 Jacobus) (1 seed)
2158.3 Paton ’24 (1727 Jacobus x 2907 Pato

1/10/2025 10:06:17 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


LOT 42 – 1 Lot Patons UK Monster Seeds Pack 2 -- 75
2641.1 Paton ’24 (2020 Paton x 1727 Jacobus) (1 seed)
2639.4 Paton ’24 (1727 Jacobus x 2907 Paton) (1 seed)
2257 Paton ’24 (2365 Wolf x 1727 Jacobus) (1 seed)
2158.3 Paton ’24 (1727 Jacobus x 2907 Paton) (1 seed)

LOT 43 – 2 LOTS A+B Thompson Michigan Giant. The newest BIG on the Block. -- 70 70
2670 Thompson ’24 (2465 Sperry x 2560 Gienger) (1 seed) Look at the awesome
Genetics !

LOT 44 – 1 LOT – The PROVEN Jutras Squash Seed Donated by Joe. -- 625
1109 Jutras ‘19 (927 Jutras x 1844.5 Holub) (1 seed) Grew the 2164 WR Skinner, 2030
. Tobeck, 1997 Tobeck, 1944 Jutras, 1844 Tobeck, 1838 Jutras, 1778 Jutras, 1464
. Harnica, 1438 Pierpont, 1353.5 Kline, 1298.5 Yohe

LOT 45 – 2 LOTS A+B –Jim FORD’s proven seed that grow a monster Pumpkin -- 125 125
2177 Ford ’23 (1885.5 Werner x 1935 Ford) 1 seed) Grew the 2551 Ford

LOT 46 - 2 LOTS A+B The PROVEN JACOBUS Monster maker -- 115 110
. 1724 Jacobus ’22 (2702 Cutrupi x 2520 Schmidt) (1 seed)

LOT 47 - 2 LOTS A+B The Maverick LOT by Travis Gienger -- 200 200
2560 Gienger ’23 (1885.5 Werner x sibb) (1 seed)

LOT 48 – 2 LOTS A+ B Dave Stelts new Massive Pennsylvania Power Seed -- 105 100
2731 Stelts (2144 Barron x 2143 Stelts) (1 seed) 18% Heavy

LOT 49 – 2 LOTS A + B – The PROVEN Sperry Seed -- 300 300
2465.5 Sperry ’23 (2365 Wolf x 1832 Graham) (1 seed)
2198 Sperry ’23 (1832 Graham x 2365 Wolf) (1 seed)
(9% heavy)
2154 Sperry ’23 (1904.4 Sperry x 2365 Wolf) (1 seed)

1/10/2025 10:35:43 PM

Total Posts: 8 Current Server Time: 1/12/2025 6:44:40 AM
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