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Subject:  Indiana (IPGA) Auction Results 2023/2024

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Lot 1. Hoornstra --- 40
a. 1995.5 Hoornstra (2365 Wolf X 1885 Werner)
b. 1842 Hoornstra (1885 Werner X 2365 Wolf)

Lot 2. Scherber --- NS
a. 1650 Scherber
b. 1440 Scherber (1707.5 Caspers X 2243 Daletas)

Lot 3. --- 25
2239.5 Marintzer (2168.5 Werner X 2425 Daletas)

lot 4. --- 30
2184 Marintzer (2425 Daletas X 2168.5 Werner)

lot 5. Jacobs + Courson --- 30
a. 1679 Jacobs (1935 Ford X 2493 Wolf)
b. 1110 Jacobs (2332.5 Paton X 2493 Wolf)
c. 719 Jacobs (1584 Martin X 2069 Stelts)
d. 1805 Courson (2424 Caspers X 1501 VanderWeilen)

Lot 6. Helberg --- 25
a. 1963.5 Helberg (1554 Sperry X 2405 Gunstrom)
b. 1942 Helberg (2405 Gunstrom X 1554 Sperry)

Lot 7. Pritchard --- 25
a. 2140 Pritchard (1620 Pritchard X 1625.5 Gantner)
b. 1789.5 Pritchard (1501 VanderWielen X 1625.5 Gantner)
c. 1145 Pritchard

Lot 8. --- 25
1620 Pritchard (2226 BoonenHerman X 1940 Urena)

Lot 9. Sippel --- 25
a. 1968.5 Sippel (2424 Caspers X Self)
b. 1943 Sippel (2147.5 Sippel X Self)

Lot 10. Ford & Gantner --- 25
a. 2177 Ford (1885 Werner X 1935 Ford)
b. 1629 Gantner (1141.5 Lehrer X 1885 Werner)

3/3/2024 10:07:47 AM


Lot 11. --- 35
1783 New (1676 New X 2365 Wolf)

Lot 12. McCaslin Grafting Kit --- 30
a. 309 McCaslin (4 Seeds)
b. 220.5 Smiley (4 Seeds)
c. Bushel Gourd Rootstock (8 Seeds)

Lot 13. Bushel Gourd #1 --- 25
a. 296 McCaslin (4 Seeds)
b. 208.5 Faust (5 Seeds)

Lot 14. Bushel Gourd 2 --- NS
a. 265 Faust (5 Seeds)
b. 212.5 Harrington (4 Seeds)

Lot 15. Harrington Watermelons (2 Sets) --- 25, NS?
a. 202.5 Harrington (4 Seeds)
b. 171.5 Harrington (4 Seeds)

Lot 16. Faust & Harrington Long Gourds --- NS
a. 142.25” Faust (5 Seeds
b. 120” Harrington (6 Seeds)
c. 116.75” Harrington (6 Seeds)

Lot 17. Petersen Long Gourds --- 25
a. 137.5” (4 Seeds)
b. 131.75” (4 Seeds)
c. 131.25” (4 Seeds)
d. 124.5” (4 Seeds)

lot 18. Harrington Sunflowers --- 25
a. 16’6” (4 Seeds)
b. 15’9” (4 Seeds)

Lot 19. Connolly Bushel Gourds --- 25
a. 317 (3 Seeds)(470.5 Connolly X 470.5 Connolly)
b. 283 (4 Seeds)(200 Lariviere X 200 Lariviere)
c. 273 (4 Seeds)(296.5 Jutras X 296.5 Jutras)

Lot 20. Harnica Mixed Set --- 35
a. 147.75” Long Gourd (5 Seeds)(145.25” GFeller X Self)
b. 137.38” Long Gourd (5 Seeds)(124.5” Harnica X Self)
c. 148.5 Watermelon (5 Seeds)(220.5 Smiley X Open)
d. 138 Marrow (2 Seeds)(235.9 Baggs X Self)
e. 123.5 Field Pumpkin (3 Seeds)(168.7 Baggs X Self)
f. 249 Bushel Gourd (3 Seeds)(470.5 Connolly X Open)
g. 1103.5 Green Squash (2 Seeds)(1109 Jutras X Self)

3/3/2024 10:08:37 AM


Lot 21. Engel Orange - 2 Sets --- 40, 35
a. 1454 (869 Engel X 359 Foss)
b. 1170 (1461 Rodebaugh X 840 Engel)
c. 966 (840 Engel X 1461 Rodebaugh)

Lot 22. Mother, Daughter, BIG thing to come!! --- 40
a. 1964 Friermood (1361 Friermood X 2469 Daletas)
b. 1361 Friermood (1501 VanderWeilen X 2112 Skinner)(1885 Werner Remake)

Lot 23. Jutras Long Gourd --- 35
a. 159” (121” Eaton X 148” Gfeller)(3 Seeds)
b. 149.19” (121” Eaton X 136” LeBlanc)(3 Seeds)
c. 145.88” (115” Eaton X 121” Eaton)(3 Seeds)

Lot 24. Baggs Marrow - 2 Sets --- 30, 25
253.5 (235.9 Baggs X 256 Sjodin)

Lot 25. Baggs Field Pumpkins - 2 Sets --- 65, 65
a. 196.2 (268 Baggs X 218 Baggs)
b. 109.8 (168.7 Baggs X 268 Baggs)

Lot 26. Goodwin Field Pumpkins --- 65
a. 147 (268 Baggs X Open)(3 Seeds)
b. 140 (168 Baggs X Open)(3 Seeds)
c. 132.5 (168 Baggs X Open)(3 Seeds)
d. 118.5 (116.7 Reeb X Open)(3 Seeds)
e. 93.5 (91 Reeb X Open)(3 Seeds)
f. 91 (268 Baggs X Open)(3 Seeds)

Lot 27. Ansems Mixed Lot --- 25
a. 1581 Giant Pumpkin (2262 Stelts X 2424 Caspers)
b. 928 Green Squash (2 Seeds)(1371.5 MacDonald X 1253 Ansems)
c. 663 Green Squash (2 Seeds) (1154 Kline X 1107 Jutras)
d. 265 Bushel Gourd (5 Seeds)(308.5 MacDonald X 347 Ansems)
e. 150” Long Gourd (1 Seed)(173.75”Galon X 154.75” Ansems)
f. 124.75” Long Gourd (5 Seeds)(173.75” Galon X 154.75” Ansems)
g. 121” Long Gourd (5 Seeds)(121” Eaton X Self)

Lot 28. Strickler State Record Tomato (2 Sets) --- 30, 25
a. 8.355 Strickler ‘21 (Grew 7.95 Young)
b. 5.42 Strickler ‘17

Lot 29. Mixed Tomatoes 1 --- 25
a. 6.81 Gantner (5 Seeds)
b. 6.36 Gantner (5 Seeds)
c. 6.2 Gantner (5 Seeds)

Lot 30. Mixed Tomatoes 2 --- 25
a. 6.39 Gantner (5 Seeds)
b. 6.33 Gantner (5 Seeds)
c. 5.64 Petersen (4 Seeds)

3/3/2024 10:09:45 AM


Lot 31. Mixed Tomatoes 3 --- 25
a. 7.28 Jolivette (4 Seeds)
b. 6.55 Rodebaugh (5 Seeds)
c. 6.47 Jolivette (4 Seeds)

Lot 32. Jolivette Tomatoes --- 25
a. 7.44 (4 Seeds)
b. 7.06 (4 Seeds)
c. 5.36 ( 4 Seeds)

Lot 33. Faust Tomatoes 1 --- 35
a. 8.49 (6 Seeds)
b. 7.92 (5 Seeds)
c. 6.31 (5 Seeds)
d. 6.13 (6 Seeds)

Lot 34. Faust Tomatoes 2 --- 30
a. 8.00 (5 Seeds)
b. 6.63 (5 Seeds)
c. 6.25 (5 Seeds)
d. 5.56 (5 Seeds)
e. 5.54 (5 Seeds)

Lot 35. Field Pumpkins --- 30
a. 81.6 Rodebaugh (6 Seeds)
b. and all the Goodwin FP

Lot 36. Mixed Giant Pumpkins --- NS
a. 1655.5 Harrington (1217 Vester X 2287 Sadiq)
b. 1628 Jolivette (2145.5 McMullen X 1965 Brandt)
c. 1453 Faust (2145.5 McMullen X 2006 Wolf)

Lot 37 Tobeck Squash --- 45
a. 1884 (1109 Jutras X 2030 Tobeck)
b. 1500 Est (2030 Jutras X 1997 Tobeck)

Lot 38. Tobeck Pumpkin and Squash --- 40
a. 1953.5 (2365 Wolf X 2425 Daletas)
b. 1592 (1997 Tobeck X 2030 Tobeck)

Lot 39. Caspers 1 --- 25
a. 2088 (1707.5 Caspers X 2365 Wolf)
b. 1516 (2365 Wolf X 2424 Caspers)
c. 1195 (2424 Caspers X Self)

Lot 40. Caspers 2 --- 25
a. 1965 (2424 Caspers X 2365 Wolf)
b. 1935.5 (1707.5 Caspers X 2365 Wolf)

3/3/2024 10:10:13 AM


Lot 41. Wallace --- 40
a. 2344.5 (2365 Wolf X 1707.5 Caspers)
b. 1907 Est (2006 Wolf X 2365 Wolf)

Lot 42. --- 25
2217.5 Jutras (2493 Wolf X 1832.5 Graham)

Lot 43. --- 30
2144 Barron (2183 Mendi X 1885 Werner)

Lot 44 --- 35
2404 Barron (2365 Wolf X Sib)

Lot 45. Sadiq - 2 Sets --- 35, 30
a. 2287 (1885 Werner X 2183 Mendi
b. 1905 (2183 Mendi X 1885 Werner)

Lot 46. --- 100
2266 Kisamore (2365 Wolf X 2147 Sippel)

lot 47. --- 35
2042 Kisamore (2147 Sippel X 2365 Wolf)

lot 48. Big Pumpkins and Squash --- 25
a. 2195 Kisamore (872 Kisamore X Self)
b. 1459 Hodge (872 Kisamore X Self)
c. 1352 Bernstrom (1109 Jutras X Self)

Lot 49. Werner 1 --- 30
a. 1932 (2365 Wolf #2 X Sib)
b. 1912 (2365 Wolf X 2168 Werner)
c. 1865 (1885.5 Werner X 2110 Platte)

Lot 50. Werner 2 --- 25
a. 2081 (1885.5 Werner X Sib)
b. 1997 (2110 Platte X 2365 Wolf #1)

3/3/2024 10:10:57 AM


Lot 51. --- 200
2907 Paton (1885.5 Werner X 2356 Mendi)

Lot 52. Grafe --- 30
a. 2181.5 (2287 Sadiq X 2110 Platte)
b. 1911.4 (2112 Skinner X 2158 Paton)
c. 1830.9 (1911.4 Grafe X Sibb)

lot 53. --- 25
2151.5 Barlow (2147.5 Sippel X 2147 Marshall)

Lot 54. 65
2501 Bernstrom (2560 Gienger X 1989.5 Conway)

Lot 55. 30
2131 Bernstrom (1989.5 Conway X 2560 Gienger)

Lot 56. Smaller yet BIG Mathiowetz --- NS
a. 1974 (1477 Caspers X 1619.2 Mathiowetz)
b. 1938 (1890 Mathiowetz X 2520 Schmit)

Lot 57 --- 35
2420 Mathiowetz (1727 Jacobus X 1890 Mathiowetz)

Lot 58. King of Indiana --- 25
a. 2054 Strickler (2365 Wolf X 1686.5 Stelts)(Indiana State Record, 1st 1 Ton)
b. 1739 Strickler (1989 Daletas X 2226 Boonen)

Lot 59. Mixed Set --- NS
a. 1782 Montsma (2006 Wolf X 2046 Monsma)
b. 1229 Rodebaugh (1526 Burchette X 1965.5 Rodebaugh)

Lot 60. Indiana’s Big Year - 2023 --- 30
a. 2054 Strickler (2365 Wolf X 1686.5 Stelts) State Record
b. 1964 Friermood (1361 Friermood X 2469 Daletas)
c. 1768 Friermood (2469 Daletas X 1361 Friermood)
d. 1753 Hodge (1707.5 Caspers X 2183 Mendi)
e. 1495 Friermood (2114 Wallace X 2469 Daletas)
f. 1243 Ganstine (2493 Wolf X Self)

3/3/2024 10:11:47 AM


Lot 61. --- 75
2356 Mendi (2183 Mendi X 1686.5 Stelts)

Lot 62. --- 40
2360 Montsma (1300 Gienger X 2006 Wolf)

Lot 63. --- 30
2144.5 Rodebaugh (1965 Rodebaugh X 1707.5 Caspers)

Lot 64. --- 75
2319 Stockl (2365 Wolf X Self)

Lot 65. --- 30
2025 Rodebaugh (1707.5 Caspers X 1965 Rodebaugh)

lot 66. --- 120
2222 Gienger (2365 Wolf X Sib)

Lot 67. --- 195
2560 Gienger (1885.5 Werner X Sib)

Lot 68. --- 145
2749 Gienger (2365 Wolf X Sib)

3/3/2024 10:12:21 AM


Well run auction and pace was pretty good at 2min. and 24 sec. per lot

3/3/2024 10:13:42 AM

Total Posts: 8 Current Server Time: 1/12/2025 10:16:54 AM
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