Seed Auctions/Raffles
Subject: New Hampshire aution Results(NHGPGA)
Date Posted
spudder |
Lot #1 (If you’re bargaining for big you wanna go Barron!)---30 2118 Barron -19 (1984 Barron x 2416 Haist) 1-seed 1840 Barron -20 (2118 Barron x self) 1-seed 325BG Barron-20 (246 Sherwood x self) 3-seeds 363BG Barron-20 (246 Sherwood x self) 3-seeds
Lot #2 (Your pick should include a Paton… here’s your chance!)---60 2433 Paton -18 (1875 Mendi x 2145 McMullen) 1-seed 2183 Paton -19 (1911 Urena x 1875 Mendi) 1 seed 2034 Paton -18 (2363 Holland x 2624 Willemijns) 1 seed 1984 Paton -18 (2145 McMullen x 2624 Willemijns) 1 seed 1789 Paton -18 (2145 McMullen x 2363 Holland) 1 seed
Lot #3 (Who’s up for some Ceja magic!)---20 1957 Ceja -20 (2145 McMullen x 2005 Haist) 2-seeds
Lot #4 (Here’s your Bernstrom bombs!)---50 1990 Bernstrom -20 (2469 Daletas x 2416 Haist) 2-seeds 1653 Bernstrom -20 (2416 Haist x 2469 Daletas) 2-seeds 1533 Bernstrom-20 (2114 Wallace x 2416 Haist) 2-seeds
Lot #5 (Gotta love this Lieber!!!)---35 2276 Lieber -20 (2114 Wallace x self) 1-seed
Lot #6 (A “Cheery” Sperry collection!)---80 2021 Sperry- 20 (1938 Sperry x 2517 Haist) 2-seeds 1986 Sperry -20 (2114 Wallace x 2517 Haist) 2-seeds 1931 Sperry -20 (2241 Vangeel x 1938 Sperry) 2-seeds 1846 Sperry -20 (2517 Haist x 2241 Vangeel) 2 seeds 1938 Sperry -17 (1944 Connolly x 1961 Sperry) 2 seeds 1806 Sperry -18 (1970 Sperry x 2362 Holland) 2 seeds
Lot #7 (Your Big Bad Bushel Gourd Bonanza!)---45 470.5 Connolly BG -20 (320 Connolly x 320 Connolly) 2 seeds World Record 320.5 Connolly BG (189 Flemming x 384 Terry) 2 seeds 245.5 Connolly BG (245.5 Connolly x 245.5 Connolly) 2 seeds
2/2/2021 12:29:40 PM
spudder |
Lot #8 (Your Big and Orange, possible Howard Dill award connection…)---105 1552 Young-20 (1215 Young x 1297 Young) 1 seed 1469 Young-20 (1297 Young x 1080 Young) 1 seed 1455uow Young-20 (1080 Young x 1297 Young) 1 seed 800 uow Young-20 (532 Young x 1215 Young) 1 seed 1215 Young-19 (1297 Young x self) 1 seed 1080 Young-19 (1501 VanderWielen x 1297 Young) 1 seed
Lot #9 (Cutrupi’s Magic and one of it’s makers!)---45 2026 Cutrupi-20 (2226 Boonen x self) 2-seeds 2008 Cutrupi-20 (727 Garofano x self) 2 seeds 727 Garofano-19 (1810 Werner x 1495 Stelts) 2 seeds
Lot #10 (Get a Skinner and be winner!!)---40 1994 Skinner -20 (2112 Skinner x sibbed) 1-seed 1809 Skinner -20 (2112 Skinner x 2005 Haist) 1-seed 1778 Skinner-20 (2005 Haist x 2112 Skinner) 1-seed
Lot #11 (Ole MacDonald had a farm… with winning giant Tomatoes!)---100 1665 MacDonald -20 (1215 Young x self) 2-seeds 8.105dmg GT MacDonald (5.71 lambchop x open) 5-seeds 8.1 GT MacDonald -20 (5.70 MacDonald x open) 5-seeds 7.72 GT MacDonald -20 (5.17MacDonald x open) 5-seeds 5.70 GT MacDonald (4.67 MacDonald x open) 5 seeds
Lot #12 (Your Canadian connection… we’ve got it!)---25 1939 Hunt/Lyons -20 (2005 Haist x 1984 Barron) 2-seeds 1597 Hunt/Lyons -20 (1984 Barron x 2005 Haist) 2-seeds 6.76 Lyons GT-20 (5.71 Lambchop x open) 5 seeds
Lot #13 (Who’s up for a little Mendi Magic?)---150 2552 Mendi -20 (2183 Mendi x self) 1-seed 2081dmg Mendi -20 (2183 Mendi x 2469 Daletas) 1-seed 2026 Mendi -20 (1911 Urena x self) 1-seed
Lot #14 (Marintzer is Make’n more magic!)---50 1990 Marintzer -20 (1989 Daletas x 2416 Haist) 2-seeds 1612 Marintzer -20 (2416 Haist x 1989 Daletas) 1-seed
2/2/2021 12:30:48 PM
spudder |
Lot #15 (A Blend of Belgium Beauties Boonen, Berrens, Leysen, Vanheuckelom and Vangeel!)---85 1935 Boonen -20 (2016 Boonen x 2164 Vanheuckelom) 1-seed 1793 Berrens -20 (2226dmg Boonen x self) 1 seed 1762 Vangeel -20 (2226dmg Boonen x 1997 Boonen) 1 seed 1511 Vangeel -20 (1997 Boonen x 2241 Vangeel) 1 seed 1632 Leysen -20 (1997 Boonen x 1542 Urena) 1 seed 2040 Vanheuckelom -20 (2241 Vangeel x 2164 Vanheuckelom) 1-seed 1915 Vanheuckelom -20 (2164 Vanheuckelom x 2241 Vangeel) 1-seed
Lot #16 (Jumpin Joe Jutras… a former Master Gardner Package!)---65 2032 Jutras -20 (1989 Daletas x 2517 Haist) 2-seeds 1954 Jutras -20 (2517 Haist x 1989 Daletas) 2-seeds 244.5 Jutras BG -20 (296.5 Jutras x 263) 3-seeds 266.5 Jutras BG -20 (263 Jutras x self) 2-seeds 146.13 Jutras LG -19 (138.5 Eaton x self) 3 seeds 126.5 Jutras LG -20 (155,7 Laxic x self) 3 seeds
Lot #17 (A Nice Collection of California Classics!)---100 1940 Urena -20 (2517 Haist x 1911 Urena) 2-seeds 1805 Urena -20 (2145 McMullen x 1911 Urena) 2-seeds 1692 Urena -20 (1938 Urena x 2517 Haist) 2-seeds 1938 Urena -19 (2145 McMullen x 2624 Willemijns) 2-seeds
Lot #18 (Your chance to Steal a Stelts!!)---55 1883 Stelts -20 (2226 Boonen x 1927 Daletas) 2-seeds 1686 Stelts -19 (1412 Hazelton x 2469 Daletas) 2 seeds
Lot #19 (Your Ford fix starts here!)---50 2015 Ford -20 (1938 Sperry x 1872 Sipple) 2-seeds 1785 Ford -20 (1911 Urena x 2261 Schmidt) 2-seeds
Lot #20 (A top pick Thompson !!)---50 2089 Thompson -20 (1806 Sperry x self) 2-seeds
2/2/2021 12:31:58 PM
spudder |
Lot #15 (A Blend of Belgium Beauties Boonen, Berrens, Leysen, Vanheuckelom and Vangeel!)---85 1935 Boonen -20 (2016 Boonen x 2164 Vanheuckelom) 1-seed 1793 Berrens -20 (2226dmg Boonen x self) 1 seed 1762 Vangeel -20 (2226dmg Boonen x 1997 Boonen) 1 seed 1511 Vangeel -20 (1997 Boonen x 2241 Vangeel) 1 seed 1632 Leysen -20 (1997 Boonen x 1542 Urena) 1 seed 2040 Vanheuckelom -20 (2241 Vangeel x 2164 Vanheuckelom) 1-seed 1915 Vanheuckelom -20 (2164 Vanheuckelom x 2241 Vangeel) 1-seed
Lot #16 (Jumpin Joe Jutras… a former Master Gardner Package!)---65 2032 Jutras -20 (1989 Daletas x 2517 Haist) 2-seeds 1954 Jutras -20 (2517 Haist x 1989 Daletas) 2-seeds 244.5 Jutras BG -20 (296.5 Jutras x 263) 3-seeds 266.5 Jutras BG -20 (263 Jutras x self) 2-seeds 146.13 Jutras LG -19 (138.5 Eaton x self) 3 seeds 126.5 Jutras LG -20 (155,7 Laxic x self) 3 seeds
Lot #17 (A Nice Collection of California Classics!)---100 1940 Urena -20 (2517 Haist x 1911 Urena) 2-seeds 1805 Urena -20 (2145 McMullen x 1911 Urena) 2-seeds 1692 Urena -20 (1938 Urena x 2517 Haist) 2-seeds 1938 Urena -19 (2145 McMullen x 2624 Willemijns) 2-seeds
Lot #18 (Your chance to Steal a Stelts!!)---55 1883 Stelts -20 (2226 Boonen x 1927 Daletas) 2-seeds 1686 Stelts -19 (1412 Hazelton x 2469 Daletas) 2 seeds
Lot #19 (Your Ford fix starts here!)---50 2015 Ford -20 (1938 Sperry x 1872 Sipple) 2-seeds 1785 Ford -20 (1911 Urena x 2261 Schmidt) 2-seeds
Lot #20 (A top pick Thompson !!)---50 2089 Thompson -20 (1806 Sperry x self) 2-seeds
2/2/2021 12:31:58 PM
spudder |
Lot #21 (A Dynamite Daletas Delivery!)---130 2174 Daletas -20 (2624 Willemijns x 2114 Wallace) 1-seed 2047 Daletas -20 (1928 Daletas x 2624 Willemijns) 1-seed 1959 Daletas -20 (1875 Mendi x 2624 2624 Willemijns) 1-seed 1953 Daletas -20 (2114 Wallace x 2624 Willemijns ) 1-seed 1928 Daletas-17 (2145 McMullen x 1756 Howell/Jolivette) 1-seed 1893 Daletas-20 (2469 Daletas x 2624 Willemijns) 1 seed 1857 Daletas-20 (1911 Urena x 2624 Willemijns) 1 seed 1744 Daletas-20 (1989 Daletas x 2624 Willemijns) 1 seed 1648 Daletas-20 (2226 Boonen x 2624 Willemijns) 1 seed
Lot #22 (Cruisin with Kruszyna… get it now!)---60 2045 Kruszyna -20 (2051 Marshall x 2005 Haist) 2-seeds 1770 Kruszyna -20 (1936 Keenan x 2005 Haist) 2-seeds 1396 Kruszyna -20 (1867 Barron x 2051 Marshall) 2 seeds
Lot # 23 (Your Chance for the “Big ‘n Orange” Maker!)---190 1501 VanderWielen -17 (2004 VanderWielen x 2145 McMullen) 1 seed
Lot #24 (The Travis Gienger to remember!)---100 2350 Gienger -20 (1501VanderWielen x self) 1-seed
Lot #25 (Your Mix of Mace for 2020!)---25 1285 Mace -20 (2230 Wallace x 1625 Ganter) 3-seeds 1028 sq Mace (1701 Jutras x 2096 Meier) 3-seeds 528 Mace -20 (1028 Mace sq x self) 6 seeds 248 BG Mace -19 (384 Terry x self) 2 seeds 243 BG Mace -19 (384 Terry x self) 2 seeds 129.63 LG Mace-19 (137.5 Ansems x self) 2 seeds 5.14 GT Mace (6.88 MacCoy x open) 5 seeds 114 WM Mace (316 Edwards x self) 2 seeds 17’-6” Mace Tall Corn 4 seeds 21’-2” Mace Sunflower 5 seeds 21’-11” Mace sunflower 5 seeds 22’-2” Mace Sunflower 5 seeds 23’-7” Mace sunflower 5 seeds
Lot #26 (Look’n for LeBlanc… we got it!!)---55(+ free phone consultation with Barry0 2268 LeBlanc- 20 (2294 Noel x self) 2 seeds 146.5 LG LeBlanc-20 (136.88 LeBlanc x self) 4 seeds 143 LG LeBlanc-20 (139.5 LeBlanc x 136.8 LeBlanc) 4 seeds 136.8 LG LeBlanc-18 (125 LeBlanc x 125 LeBlanc) 4 seeds 136.75 LG- L
2/2/2021 12:32:45 PM
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Lot #27 (Your Wallace Wonder Seed)--70 2114 Wallace-18 (2145 McMullen x 2624 Willemijns) 1-seed
Lot #28 (Your Jutras – Zappa -Mace squash selection…)---40 1838 Jutras sq -20 (1109 Jutras-sq x self) 2-seeds 1652 Zappa sq -20 (1407 Jutras-sq x self) 2 seeds 1144 Mace sq (1844 Holub x 1514 Jacobus) 3 seeds
Lot #29 (Handy Andy was busy in 2020 collection)---45 2200 Wolfe -20 (1885 Werner x sibbed) 2-seeds 1982 Wolf -20 (2003 Haist x 2005 Haist) 2-seeds 1371 Wolf -20 (1911 Wolf x 2003 Haist) 2 seeds 1240 Wolf -20 (1884 Crews x 2517 Haist) 2 seeds 172 WM Wolf -20 (321 Glasgow x 202 Crews) 4 seeds 242 WM Wolf -20 (202 Crews x self) 4 seeds 258 BG Wolf -20 (250 Wexler x self) 3 seeds 1645 Hazeltine -20 (2005 Haist x 1824 Hazeltine) 2 seeds
Lot #30 (Be a winner with a Wallace!!)---65 2054 Wallace -20 (2226 Boonen x 2114Wallace) 2-seeds 1459 Wallace -20 (2005 Haist x 2114 Wallace) 2-seeds 1412 Wallace -20 (1875 Mendi x 2114 Wallace) 2 seeds
Lot #31 (Your Geddes 1 ton collection including the North American Record!)---200(+phone or zoom call with SGeddes) 2528 Geddes -18 (1911 Urena x 1803 Gadberry) 2-seeds NH & US Record 2158 Geddes -19 (1852 VanderWielen x 2004 VanderWielen) 2-seeds 2304 Geddes 20 (1542 Urena x self) 2 seeds 2200est Geddes-20 (1450 fifolt x 1542 Urena) 2 seeds 1450 Fifolt-19 (2528 Geddes x 1989 Daletas) 1 seed
Lot #32 (The Leonardo legend makers, it takes the best to make the best!)---170 1911 Urena -17 (2066 Geddes x 1631dmg Urena) 1-seed 1542 Urena -19 (1875 Mendi x 2624 Willemijns) 1 seed
2/2/2021 12:33:22 PM
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Lot #27 (Your Wallace Wonder Seed)--70 2114 Wallace-18 (2145 McMullen x 2624 Willemijns) 1-seed
Lot #28 (Your Jutras – Zappa -Mace squash selection…)---40 1838 Jutras sq -20 (1109 Jutras-sq x self) 2-seeds 1652 Zappa sq -20 (1407 Jutras-sq x self) 2 seeds 1144 Mace sq (1844 Holub x 1514 Jacobus) 3 seeds
Lot #29 (Handy Andy was busy in 2020 collection)---45 2200 Wolfe -20 (1885 Werner x sibbed) 2-seeds 1982 Wolf -20 (2003 Haist x 2005 Haist) 2-seeds 1371 Wolf -20 (1911 Wolf x 2003 Haist) 2 seeds 1240 Wolf -20 (1884 Crews x 2517 Haist) 2 seeds 172 WM Wolf -20 (321 Glasgow x 202 Crews) 4 seeds 242 WM Wolf -20 (202 Crews x self) 4 seeds 258 BG Wolf -20 (250 Wexler x self) 3 seeds 1645 Hazeltine -20 (2005 Haist x 1824 Hazeltine) 2 seeds
Lot #30 (Be a winner with a Wallace!!)---65 2054 Wallace -20 (2226 Boonen x 2114Wallace) 2-seeds 1459 Wallace -20 (2005 Haist x 2114 Wallace) 2-seeds 1412 Wallace -20 (1875 Mendi x 2114 Wallace) 2 seeds
Lot #31 (Your Geddes 1 ton collection including the North American Record!)---200(+phone or zoom call with SGeddes) 2528 Geddes -18 (1911 Urena x 1803 Gadberry) 2-seeds NH & US Record 2158 Geddes -19 (1852 VanderWielen x 2004 VanderWielen) 2-seeds 2304 Geddes 20 (1542 Urena x self) 2 seeds 2200est Geddes-20 (1450 fifolt x 1542 Urena) 2 seeds 1450 Fifolt-19 (2528 Geddes x 1989 Daletas) 1 seed
Lot #32 (The Leonardo legend makers, it takes the best to make the best!)---170 1911 Urena -17 (2066 Geddes x 1631dmg Urena) 1-seed 1542 Urena -19 (1875 Mendi x 2624 Willemijns) 1 seed
2/2/2021 12:33:22 PM
Total Posts: 7 |
Current Server Time: 1/30/2025 6:29:33 PM |