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Subject:  Leonard Stellpflug Award

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How about implementing a squash equivalent to the Howard Dill Award for pumpkins?

11/3/2012 9:18:29 AM


Mount Vision, NY

I always thought this would be a good idea. Anything to get the squash more towards the same level as pumpkins and maybe get more growers interested in growing squash. I doubt I'll ever win at a weigh off, but my chances of getting the HDA are much better.
Two things come to mind though. It might be hard getting everyone to agree on "prettiest" squash. Here's the GPC rules for the HDA, quite simple and straight to the ponit...

"This award will be given to the grower of the prettiest, symmetric, orange or orange-red pumpkin at each Intermediate and Premium Level site. How the winner is decided based on this description will be up to each site coordinator."

Some people may be more partial to dark green, while others to light green or possibly blue/gray squash.

Second thought, there are many weigh offs with few if any squash entered. Do you hand the award to the "best of the bunch" even if they aren't really any entries worthy of it? Maybe add that the squash has to be worthy of such an award?

11/3/2012 5:38:28 PM

Jeremy Robinson

Buffalo, New York

Some weighoffs do have a prettiest squash award....I know Oswego atleast did :)

Never doubt yourself shouck......that is the biggest thing I learned this year.

11/3/2012 5:49:57 PM


Mount Vision, NY

Jeremy, you earned your 1221... the hard way. I know you had some heart break in years past. Great job and you deserved it.

11/3/2012 6:28:24 PM


churchville, ny

Len is a great guy and has done much for this sport and the people involved in it!!

11/4/2012 9:40:06 PM

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