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Subject:  Squash growers Club??

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Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Is there enough interest to start a giant Squash growers Club?Dont get the wrong idea here I will never be on a committee again,It's not my gift.Just wondering ,how many folks would pay a 20$ a year membership to support such a Club to promote squash growing.I grew a 640 pd squash in 2011.I would for sure support a new club.Lets take a survey here.Just a survey not a commitment.

10/16/2012 7:03:59 PM

Dutch Brad



10/17/2012 5:10:45 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

my last post on the subject. i never was concerned regarding who agreed and who did not.there will always be detractors and those that dont agree.

my intention was to help generate possible interest in a movement that squash growers might be interested in.
it was not to detract from the gpc efforts but to add to them.
to suggest possibly forming a group that might want to raise the overall interest by raising funds to beef up the cash awards.
my thinking was in turn this could quite possibly get more growers to go with a green or two in their patch. nothing more
Thanks Dutch Brad,I missed that post. I see someone has already tried to help this get going & got kicked in the head for it,Sorry I was just trying to help.The GWG is doing great.I dont understand why the greenie guys dont start promoting the greenies??Oh Well!Walking away scratching my head??

10/17/2012 7:35:46 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

The GPC is a volunteer club there is no way they have time to promote every veggie out there.Dont ask what can the GPC do for my favorite veggie? Ask what can I do to promote my veggie & add to a great effort already in place folks.Stop picking it apart & do something positive to help.This is not directed to any one person.Just saying.

10/17/2012 7:43:45 AM


Freedom Is Just Another Word For Noting Left To Lose

When I went to Andy T's there wasn't a single squash there. I'm hoping to get some seeds that I can plant and change that next year.

10/17/2012 8:31:46 AM

gmasudu(team extreme)

Cedar City, Ut

i would be interested in sq club,, but thats just me ,, i prefer the greenie ,, seem a bit more tolerate to the lower temps in the area i grow in,, just my 2 cents worth

10/17/2012 10:33:38 AM

CountyKid (PECPG)

Picton,ON (j.vincent@xplornet.ca)

I think Brads point here was do we really need seperate growing clubs for all the different veggies?

Personally, I think a squash club would be a great thing. It could adopt the Green Jacket. People would not be forced to join, but the club could use membership and or fundraising to generate additional squash prize money, of which you would not be elligable for unless you were a member, much like the GWG.

Squash can be the poor cousin and thus not a lot of people grow them. Any additional organization can only help.

Just my thoughts


Another nice thing about squash is they generally have a differnt gene pool to the standard ornage AG's. If we were able to get more people concentrating on green, the size would increase and eventually pumpkin growers might use these genetics to cross into pumpkins to widen the narrowing gene pool.

As far as the GPC is concerned, it is difficult to put a lot of enphasis on other catagories. Remember it is the Great PUMPKIN Commonwealth. I am a propnent of squash and stand guard at the gate.

10/17/2012 12:20:03 PM


President - GPC

G can be the PreZ....just a thought..lol

10/17/2012 1:17:12 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

I think we do need a separate clubs for other veggies,Maybe not every single one .We could group some together.It's just to much to expect part time volunteers to take on all veggies & give each one there due respect.I think green squash could be it's own club.If somebody starts one I will throw my 20$ in the hat & help land a few sponsors to help get it going.

10/17/2012 9:00:13 PM

Jeremy Robinson

Buffalo, New York

Count me in....more Haist seeds will be planted here in the future.....rematch Karl?

10/17/2012 9:02:30 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Jimbo I have some great sqush seeds in the freezer if you would like one.Some 905s 1236s 1132s& more.

10/17/2012 9:28:55 PM

Dutch Brad


Here are a few questions which could be asked before we get started with a new club.
1. How will the club get more people involved in growing squash, without using money? Unless squash prize money is equal to pumpkin prize money, non-squash growers will probably not be enticed to grow green. And even then, some just don't like the colour. Green growers already grow squash, regardless of the prize money. So there is little benefit in raising the prize money.
2. What happens to the green jacket if the winner is not part of the club?
3. What are the benefits for a grower to join the squash club?
4. Many of us grow 20-30 types of giant veg. At $20 a veggie, that's up to $600 on club memberships, not including the giant veg clubs we already have. That's six times my growing budget. How are we going to convince growers that much money is well spent?
5. The EGVGA already takes on all veggies and the GVGO takes on quite a few as well. Both clubs are run by a very small number of volunteers and membership costs about $25. In both clubs, squash are very successful and grown in abundance. Until this year, members of these two clubs have won every single green jacket and grown every world record. Therefore shouldn't the promotion of squash start at existing club level?

10/18/2012 4:35:26 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Well maybe we just need more prize money for existing clubs.We could take your top growers from the past few years & have them contact some of the companies of the products they use.You ask them to sponsor the club.Tell them all about the hundreds of people involved on PB.the GPC the EGVGA(thousands)& ask them if they would like a page on a website for X amount of dollars.You raise the purse & they will come.It's like my Baptist preacher always said You serve food they will come.If you offer prize money & rosettes they will show.I would still ask for a 10 to 20$ entry fee,or something but not mandatory.I hope this helps.I will contact companys for you if you like,with the the endorsement on the big growers of Squash.

10/18/2012 7:17:10 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

We need to be creative there is more then one way to skin a kin!

10/18/2012 7:18:21 AM

gmasudu(team extreme)

Cedar City, Ut

the last 2 years i have grown squash more or less fer fun,, and done quite well,, nothing great,,, but i have found i prefer growing them to the pumpkins,,, I, dont know what trying a club, would actually hurt this sport of growing giant AG's either color,, GPC,, has its hand full with what they do, do!,, more will be grown in the future,, here ,, just because our climate seems more suited fer them. i'm all fer it ,, curt saxton

10/18/2012 7:55:22 PM


President - GPC

John Im right next to you at the front gate.... Lets add this to our topic list.... There are all kindZ of colors in an M & M bag. What was missing on the Kelley Show waZ a big greenie! LetZ change that for next year!

10/19/2012 10:01:17 AM

The Pumpkinguru

Cornelius, Oregon

I am all for a sub group to the GPC. I suggest we all be GPC, but to be eligable for say added prize money (ponyed up by the membership dues of a squash club)or other prizes we could get sponsered, you must be a member of the green squad. That way the GPC doesn't have to concern itself with upping the allotted money for squash, and those who don't grow squash also don't have to concern themselves with the added money to squash.

I like the idea of $20 for an entry fee. Its a nice number that adds up at a pretty good clip, but is reasonable for the average grower (always broke) LOL

It would also be nice to do more within the squash group, get more for the 20$... Seed Swap, online meetings in a Bigpumpkins chat room once a month or something to brainstorm and game plan, or whatever else people come up with.

If needed, I would not mind being involved in the organization of this thing. I have been idle too long and ready to step my game back up. We do need to see how many people would like to be part of this to make sure there is more than just 10 crazy squash growers.

Let me know and I will get started.

10/19/2012 1:18:31 PM


President - GPC

Count me IN. Now we areZ cooking with Butter....

10/19/2012 1:49:15 PM

The Pumpkinguru

Cornelius, Oregon

Wiz, I am pretty sure I have your Email address, but first and foremost, I think communication is a key to this venture. What is your email addy so I can add it to the group email list.

Mine is pumpkinguru@gmail.com

10/19/2012 1:57:34 PM


President - GPC


and you know Iceman loveZ green too

10/19/2012 2:59:33 PM

gmasudu(team extreme)

Cedar City, Ut

dont know if this point has been addressed or not,, but if my memory serves me right ,, is Mr.Glenn Andrews is the man thats in charge of the green jacket awards at this time ,, and has anyone considered talking to him about this venture and opinions on this club with conditions on colour, an such,, fer true green squash.. not a bunch of f1, f2, junk cross's.. just my thoughts as we are moving forward with this endeavor!!!!!!!!!!!!!! curt

10/19/2012 3:32:33 PM


President - GPC

gee...you call him Mister? That oughtZ to get an Iceman responZe......Glenn will be eZstatic

10/19/2012 4:09:47 PM

The Pumpkinguru

Cornelius, Oregon

Curt, good point and good reminder. I posted a new thread for color. Does anyone have Glenn's email addy?

10/19/2012 4:10:07 PM

Greenhouse Grower


I would pay $20 for a green club. I agree about defining what the squash color really is. I am a bit confused by what a junk cross is for squash. Almost all of the squash currently grown were originally from pumpkin x squash crosses. What is exactly a "true" squash. :)

10/19/2012 4:35:58 PM

The Pumpkinguru

Cornelius, Oregon

Curt and Greenhouse Grower, what are your email addresses?
Shoot me a quick email.

10/19/2012 4:38:42 PM

gmasudu(team extreme)

Cedar City, Ut

greenhouse grower actually its the other way around,, most of the early AG's that started this sport ,, had green genes in them, to promote the size,,

10/19/2012 8:19:11 PM

gmasudu(team extreme)

Cedar City, Ut

brett,, its curtlave@hotmail.com.. contact me

10/19/2012 8:41:59 PM


Mercersburg, PA

i would pay 20 for seed swap and newsletter. need to have growing green stickers like the GWG has.

10/20/2012 9:03:07 AM

Joe V


I'm in for the squash, but only growing "true" green. I would not be interested in doing pumpkin x squash crosses, or vice versa. A squash club may be interesting.

10/20/2012 12:39:40 PM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Please add me Brett...thank you.

jlwexler at yahoo

10/22/2012 9:11:49 AM

The Pumpkinguru

Cornelius, Oregon

Keep the emails coming. If you haven't already, email me at Pumpkinguru@gmail.com with your email addresses. I will send back a welcome aboard once you are on the list

10/22/2012 11:01:30 AM

The Pumpkinguru

Cornelius, Oregon

Bigbear, Handyhomegrown, Dutch Brad, Jeremy Robinson, Jimbo01, Country kid what are your email addresses? Shoot me a quick email at pumpkinguru@gmail.com

10/22/2012 11:48:30 AM


Sparta, NC

I think a squash club could be a good thing for squash growers. I enjoy growing the greenies as much as anything I grow.

10/23/2012 6:33:40 PM

Bourney(Team Lunatic)

Petrolia,Ontario. Canada

count me in also, grew 1 in 2012 i really enjoyed it


10/23/2012 6:37:07 PM

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