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Subject:  want to impress

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savy (england)

Kent England

hi all im in england and want to grow some squash to impress can anybody help with some seedes

4/14/2010 4:37:59 PM

CountyKid (PECPG)

Picton,ON (j.vincent@xplornet.ca)


You can e-mail me if you wish


4/15/2010 6:19:53 PM

Palm Chicken

McMinnville, Oregon

Savy: I have been looking for the magic cross for my 800 neily? I started J Hesters 750lb 09" 848 sibbed. As I go through my sq box for the umtenth time I always get attracted to a packet that contains a newspaper article about John Perkins of Devizes, Wiltshire with the 03 english squash record 598lb? He was 73 years old at the time,the cross was made with F.650 Loyd 99' x M.642 Glasier & 462 Johnson ? Since these sq were before the 895 Hester 00' I felt these genes might add to the saturated squash pool if they germinate (I soaked two) Anyone heard of these old squash?

4/21/2010 2:44:37 AM


Long Island,New York

Perhaps Chuck Johnson will see this and tell us if it was his cross or not. I know Pete and Cindy Glasier are around also. You need to be careful>>>>>old GPC rules and WPC rules allowed 30-35% green fruit to be squash. There's a good chance the seed your soaking isn't really a green squash but a late season changer. The Lloyd line does that...gets some green on stem and blossom ends at end of season. If memory serves the 642 was a 963 zehr and 567Mombert cross...don't remember which is male....not sure on 462. I remember a 582johnson sq which was a 633Bindel x 522Johnson but dont bet on it..

4/21/2010 6:22:00 AM


Nekoosa, Wisconsin

There was a 598 Perkins 2003 that was a 650 LLoyd pollinated with both the 642 Glacier and 462 Johnson. Granville Perkins was the name of the grower. The Johnson wasn't Chuck but Jeff from California.

4/21/2010 12:19:04 PM

Total Posts: 5 Current Server Time: 3/6/2025 9:47:10 PM
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