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Subject:  Covering your squash...

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Snake Oil

Pumpkintown, SC

Does anyone here purposely leave your squash(the fruit itself) uncovered or with a % shade cloth specifically to allow the fruit to photosynthesize? BF

7/20/2007 12:40:29 AM

Dutch Brad


I use a large umbrella (up to about day 35) which allows early morning light, but not during the rest of the day.

7/20/2007 2:28:56 AM


Long Island,New York

yes...got an email Ill send a pic

7/20/2007 5:25:47 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Does the fruit photosynthesize ? I thought it was just the color, like orange is in the pumpkins.

7/21/2007 1:20:51 AM

geo. napa ca

Napa Valley, CA

smoky mtn.......at a growers seminar in the Northwest about 5 or 6 years ago, the speaker, a plant specialist from Oregon State told us that the squash itself will photosynthesize.

dutch brad...... I also use a large umbrella. Why do you remove yours about day 35 ?
Most of the time I keep the squash covered with a towel (when they are smaller) or a sheet when they get larger. True, it will not photosynthesize when covered but if I leave it uncovered I worry about the sun on hot days hardening the skin. I fear this may lead to cracking or splitting.

7/21/2007 4:13:56 AM

Dutch Brad


The umbrella is not big enough. After that I use a white sheet.

7/21/2007 4:39:19 AM

Snake Oil

Pumpkintown, SC

Yes George. Maybe most don't know that the fruit will conduct photosynthesis itself. I'm wondering whether anyone thinks this might out-weight(pun intended) the advantages of covering the fruit? Just thinking out loud...

7/21/2007 4:38:27 PM

geo. napa ca

Napa Valley, CA

Brian, I have often wondered about that also.
The speaker at the seminar did not know the answer to that one either.

7/21/2007 7:08:32 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

My guess would be not, I think its better to cover. Surface area would equal just a few leaves, at least till it got really big. So i'm covering.

7/21/2007 10:14:08 PM


Long Island,New York

squash sunscald easier than pkns and get real hot when not shaded.

7/21/2007 10:54:14 PM

Snake Oil

Pumpkintown, SC

...ok, what about using a % shade cloth to prevent sunscald...or, maybe just shade the direct rays leaving the fruit open to as much diffused light as possible? This would still allow it to photosynthesize wouldn't it? BF

7/22/2007 12:02:43 AM


Long Island,New York

I use a 65-70% shade cloth canopy with open sides or just a cover/tent but allow extra space for reflective sunlight.

7/22/2007 7:10:57 AM

Big Kahuna 26

Ontario, Canada.

There is some research that concurs with the comments listed above. Follow the link below.


7/22/2007 8:55:51 PM

Total Posts: 13 Current Server Time: 3/6/2025 10:16:49 PM
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