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Subject:  Please check out update to the GPC Weigh Off Rules

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President - GPC

Your GPC Committee has been hard at work updating the website and All GPC Rules and Bylaws. Please checkout the updated verbose, we really worked towards making it easier with more information to make it easier to judge a fruit at the weigh off. This will also help Growers as well to help guide them to a successful season.

Big Thanks goes out to Andy Corbin who worked countless hours behind the scene updating the site. BIG THANK YOU Andy Corbin!!
While hitting the links below, please checkout our fine website for our growers >

Growers GPC Handbook - a must have for each weigh off site. > https://gpc1.org/about/rules/

GPC Bylaws > https://gpc1.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/The-GPC-Bylaws-2021.pdf

GPC Site - Fees and Awards > https://gpc1.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Site-Fees-and-Awards-Structure.pdf

Your GPC Committee


3/9/2021 11:16:33 AM


Centennial Colorado

I have 3 issues. First is the morrow. Orange is a natural trait that does show up even without cross pollination. Shape is what you should be concerned about. A morrow has a long shape, while field pumpkin has a short and stocky shape. Second is tomato. It is unclear as to when the early weighoff deadline is and how to get a state record. Third, 4 year terms for the executive committee? I remember it being 2 years the last time I checked. I will get out the old bylaws that I printed and check. 8 years seems too long as this could cause history to happen again with a power hungry president causing a divide in the community. Lets think back to what happened with the WPC and Ray Waterman. From what I have heard, Ray was more in the commercialism of the sport rather than the sport itself. As such, the GPC formed. Now we have Gary Grande as the president who is once again power hungry and not in it for the sport, but rather the fame. I do have concern with Gary Grande being president of the GPC and question his qualification as president with his abuse of power.

3/9/2021 12:02:26 PM


Upper Strasburg, PA

The term length seems alright to me. It is hard to find reliable volunteers, so we could end up depleted of officers with too much turnover. If you're concerned about the individual running for re-election, there is a way to address that in Article VI §5: "If an officer decides to run for a second term, Representatives from the region they
represent will first approve or disapprove." Maybe that could be expanded to include all GPC growers, rather than just the GPC representatives.

3/9/2021 12:39:10 PM


Centennial Colorado

I can tell you that RMGVG is doing a 2 year term limit and limited to 2 terms. It has worked out great and we don't even have a large club. If our club of 50 can sustain it, surely one of about 1000 can sustain it. I hope we are in fact contacted as his unfortunate region of representation. We did not approve of him when we went into office and even more strongly don't now. In regards of the abuse of power: Dave Stelts was told he couldn't go to the GPC Las Vegas Big Show from Gary Grande. Furthermore was threatened to be sued for an action that Gary Grande had previously approved. As I am sure most are aware, the NYBG hosts a pumpkin event for the GPC. Dave Stelts wanted to help out another event and asked for approval of hanging a banner to support the GPC. Gary Grande approves. After this event, Mr. Stelts is essentially blackmailed by Gary Grande to force him to give the pumpkins at this event in Pennsylvania to the GPC. This is where the threat of a lawsuit and not getting to go to the GPC convention comes in. I would say that is an abuse of power. One of many reasons I would say Gary Grande should not be the GPC president.

3/9/2021 1:13:11 PM


President - GPC

You have a great deal of things mixed up. Not sure whom you have talked to, you certainly never have talked to me at all. If you were so concerned you could of talked to me this past Saturday when I picked up my pre orders from the club. However you would rather dither in false statements, manufactured info and drama to fit your story. Bottom line Dave was never told by me or anyone on the committee to stay away from Vegas... Thats Laughable. Another laugher....
" We did not approve of him when we went into office and even more strongly don't now.". Hmmm you where 6 years old when I joined the committee, that recommendation came from Joe Scherber whom I replaced. Please research your information and make sure its accurate because you are far from the truth.... Certainly laughable, I do it for the fame, not for the sport..... How do you know, you have never had a conversation with me,.....ever.
You can contact me at anytime, but I doubt you will. You strive for the drama.

The sad part is, everyone on the committee works hard, and gets little if any credit. No one is power hungry, we vote by committee forum, everyone gets to vote but the president, AND EVERYONE gets an equally representation to speak. Everything is represented fairly, and I take pride in how this committee is run, all the improvements made and those who give up their free time to make it happen, really you dont have a clue, but that doesnt stop you from commenting and making false statements. Sad indeed.. But it also will not deter me from what I do on the committee for the growers...

3/9/2021 2:32:13 PM

wile coyote

On a cliff in the desert

I agree with Wizzy completely. I have been the president of a volunteer organization and have had false accusations made at me to try to smear my good name. When I confronted the accusers to present facts about the accusations, they were quickly dropped.

I have no problems with the current term limits. In today's world it is hard to get people to volunteer their time to be in a leadership position. Look at how many VFWs and American Legions have closed due to members dying and no one stepping up to the leadership positions.

Leif, where do you get the idea that marrows are naturally orange? I have grown marrows from Mark Baggs and Kevin Fortey and I haven't seen any orange on my marrows unless a female flower was open pollinated. Don't grow open pollinated marrow seeds and you won't have a problem with orange. The seeds of Mark and Kevin have been selectively bred over the years to get out the orange trait.

3/9/2021 3:09:03 PM

719.5 Pounder

North Of The Border

If I read it right, and I am not saying I did, a green field pumpkin isn t allowed? From what I know, which isn t much, the field pumpkins are green, and turn orange when ripe. Does this mean a field pumpkin must be brought to a weigh off completely ripe?

Also, you said something DQ'd from one category, even for colour isn t allowed in another. Does this mean a squash that has been DQ'ed because of too much orange can't be entered as a pumpkin instead?

Just clarifying.

3/9/2021 3:34:40 PM

wile coyote

On a cliff in the desert

A marrowkin isn't allowed into the field pumpkin category so the genetics are kept pure. Green is ok in field pumpkin category.

3/9/2021 3:50:13 PM

wile coyote

On a cliff in the desert

Squash are considered pumpkins if they don't meet the criteria for squash.

3/9/2021 3:54:09 PM


President - GPC

In the case of a Squash being not allowed as a squash, it could then qualify as a pumpkin, and should be allowed. But for any other fruit NO. IE. A marrow that was DQ'd for being a cross, cannot enter into the field pumpkin category because its not true FP either. Wile is right. Same with LG's that have been crossed with a bushel or a bird house gourd. Bottom line, make sure your crosses are pure. Green FP's are allowed always have been and still do.

3/9/2021 3:57:25 PM


Upper Strasburg, PA

What is the whole story with the pumpkins from the Pittsburgh event and the GPC banner deal? I haven’t heard anything about this from anyone in Pennsylvania. It would be interesting to learn more about this since we do give Dave Stelts an opportunity to promote the event and encourage people to sell pumpkins - if that’s something they want to do - at the PGPGA weigh-off. My understanding is that the Pittsburgh event has included the PGPGA by allowing the club to set up a booth at the event. Can we get Dave’s side of the story?

3/9/2021 4:41:38 PM


Upper Strasburg, PA

Just to clarify why I am curious about the Pittsburgh deal: we have multiple buyers at the PGPGA weigh-off and some growers might choose to sell at a lower price with the idea of supporting the Pittsburgh event. Those growers deserve to know if the GPC will subsequently take ownership of the pumpkins and if those pumpkins will be displayed at the NYBG event. In my opinion, the growers deserve to be paid in a way that reflects the GPC & NYBG demand for those pumpkins.

3/9/2021 4:50:55 PM


President - GPC

Fact: The GPC has never taken ownership of any growers pumpkin without consent- EVER. And we never will because we don't own them. Anything/anyone saying otherwise is BS.

Fact: Anyone can contact the entire GPC Committee at anytime via>

3/9/2021 5:42:40 PM

Orange U. Glad


This thread went sideways in a hurry. lol

3/9/2021 7:51:25 PM


Peosta, Iowa

Leif you emailed last fall about the early tomato deadline needing a extension for covid, with you having a possible record.I brought this to the committee and it got extended thanks to you. I don't know what your grudge is nor do I care. I volunteer countless hours and don't need to hear it. Plenty of thankful growers out there to cancel the negative ones.

3/9/2021 8:40:17 PM


Centennial Colorado

Let me report what I am happy about as that was just the negative. Sorry to start out with the negative. Positive: I like that we are holding squash more accountable in that true green could come back again. I do need some clarification that if a pumpkin does in fact turn green it can be ruled as a squash like the young squash. I think that is only fair, since squash usually doesn't get as good of a name to begin with. I appreciate all of the work of the GPC committee as I know how much time it takes to be involved in an organization. I know this being in 5 honors societies. I like that we are trying to encourage giant rather than just average in the case of the lgXbg. Unfortunately this brings up the reason why wiz and I don't talk and I do not have respect from him or think he is a credible source. That Young squash would have been ruled as a pumpkin at the weigh-off I went to by wiz. My friend and future growing partner was the victim of this. She grew a squash off of a pumpkin that the wiz grew. Wiz took it upon himself to rule it as a pumpkin when it had no white and only blue and green. What a disappointment to be let down by an already hard growing season with 3 hail storms. The other example is once again an unfortunate example of wiz being mean and rude. The president of our club grew what she thought would be a bushel gourd and turned out to be a mix of the two. Under this new rule she would not get any recognition for the fruit she thought she was growing. Instead of marking as damaged as this is incorrect, exh would be the correct terminology. If your skin lets say turned blue, would you say that it was damaged? Not that I have ever heard of. Fortunately she was just made fun of and being told this would "always place last in both categories". That being said I have respect and appreciate the rest of the GPC committee. I think my only complaint would be terminology of these abnormal fruits.

3/9/2021 8:54:13 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

No transveggies allowed. Cavemans clubs dont get to choose their gender. They are compost.

3/9/2021 9:47:52 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Wait... I have an idea... they can join the exotic seed exchange :) We can start a small "alternative veggie" prize pool Lief. Prizes for all shapes and sizes ;)
Hopefully the GPC will allow our lovely freaks to be weighed before being banished.

3/9/2021 9:57:20 PM


Centennial Colorado

I do not want any other GPC members to feel their work is not paying off. I agree this needs addressed. I thought of a better example. Painting a wall. If it is painted a wrong color, you would not say it is damaged, but rather it is not exhibiting a desirable trait. If a hole were poked in the process, then you would call it damaged. This means an orange morrow is not exhibiting the color we want it to exhibit, but calling it damaged is a stretch.

3/9/2021 10:27:45 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I agree Leif in terms of your logic I think the GPC wants them out of the gene pool. It cant really be called exhibition either... so a new word is needed like non-conforming? I mean it just depends if DMG can be an umbrella term for all non-conforming entries. It does have a harshness to it. A non-conformity "NC" label would be less of a downer.

3/9/2021 10:58:31 PM


Centennial Colorado

One last rule that I am not fond of is the exhibition rule for pumpkin. Why does the grower have to mark which one is exhibition before they weigh it? If you don't know which one is heavier, why do you have to guess before it is weighed? This has happened several times where the larger one is considered exhibition. Common sense would say that the heavier one is the one that gets the ribbon, prize money, and credit.

3/9/2021 11:14:12 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

The GPC just wants them out of the gene pool and DMG achieves that. But yes it will be a downer to bring a non-conforming entry and have it be labelled DMG.
Up to the GPC if they want to come up with other terms, like "unacceptable" or "non-conforming".

---> It would be very useful to record these entries and their lineage in order to give growers a better idea of WHICH SEEDS to NOT plant <----

3/9/2021 11:16:20 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

The DMG label doesnt convey that this seed has a genetic issue it is too ambiguous. If DMG is used then it will not allow discernment between physical damage with genetic non-conformity.
This could hinder the breeding of marrows because they are subject to both DMG and non-conformity. We wont know which of these was the actual issue if we just label everything DMG? Maybe the GPC will add some affixes: like HDA? and for non-conforming, unacceptable:
NOC or N/C or UAC...??? to DMG and EXH and then growers will have a good amount of info to search when choosing their lineup.

3/9/2021 11:34:48 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Anyhow, perhaps the whole complaining thing really needs it's own message board. The point of Wizzy's post was simple... the new rules are up. Was he soliciting for other advice? No... but yeah there is no message board for complaining so this is what happens lol.

3/9/2021 11:51:23 PM


Long Island,New York

If you ask me....and you didn't.....by allowing a squash to be entered as a squash and after disqualification for color allowing as a pumpkin you are putting undo stress on a judging system that is difficult at best. Anyone with a big fruit near the squash color allowability will enter and hope they pass. Last I remember the grower had to decide what he was and take his chances. Upon personal review of his own fruit and perhaps seeking opinions prior to entry he will (or she)(or whatever the person identifies as that morning) will gain an understanding of the color rules. Its too much stress on a more-often-than-not unaware day of the event pick for judge.

3/10/2021 7:59:35 AM


President - GPC

RTFR... Here is one snippet from the GPC Handbook.

"Any Bushel Gourds resembling traits
of other gourd species shall be marked as DQ".

The rules do not say the fruits in question are marked damaged or DMG. They are marked as DisQualified or DQ as they DO NOT MEET the Specified Criteria for the competition.

A different way of thinking about it > All fruits that show up at the entrance gate prior to weigh off competition start as DISQAULIFIED. Until the fruit meets the inspection rules and is properly judged according to the all GPC criteria (HandBook GPC Rules V item g,) by a minimum consensus of at least 3 judges will it be considered as a qualified fruit.

The last qualifying factor is judging the bottom of the fruit as it is lifted prior to setting on the scale for a final weight. Once the judges give a thumbs up, then the fruit is marked as a qualifying fruit for the competition. PLEASE READ THE RULES COMPLETLY.

3/10/2021 9:22:09 AM



The word used in the rules is disqualified not damaged. Two entirely different things. Please read carefully.

3/10/2021 9:24:44 AM


President - GPC

@ Leif Ritter, you have made many false, disparaging, and inaccurate posts on this site. From attacking Ken and the BP site to negative comments about the GPC Vegas Show. You like to use words like "WE and NOBODY and EVERYBODY to perpetuate your inaccurate posts. A Biproduct of today’s CANCEL CULTURE.
At 17 years old, you already know it all. Your comments are mean, rude, and slanderous at best. I suggest you re-question your sources as they are highly inaccurate and false before you attack a person’s character or make false assumptions. Statements made like Joe Sherber was a founder of the GPC, Dave Stelts was told he couldn’t attend the Vegas Show, Dave was blackmailed, NOBODY enjoyed Vegas and the GPC commandeered pumpkins from Growers for the NYBG Show. Posts that are abusive, hateful mean, and totally false.
I will wait for your apology that I expect will never come from your unwarranted attack on me. There are always two sides to every story, and you neglected to give due diligence or even speak to me even once, before you spoke about me...but rest assured, as sad as it is, I will lose no sleep over it.
Folks, check out the below posts made, enough said!


GROW FORWARD and GROW BIG and leave the manure in the garden.

3/10/2021 11:27:31 AM


Central NY

Lief stole club money to buy dogecoin..... He paints marrows green and He cheated in our tomato contest .....he has a criminal record and his parents are alcoholics.

3/10/2021 3:03:19 PM


Central NY

Lemme know if you get yers wiz...and I’ll give mine...otherwise piss poor representation from the RMGVG.

3/10/2021 3:04:28 PM


Upper Strasburg, PA

Gary says the accusations against him regarding dealings with Dave Stelts and the Pittsburgh pumpkins are categorically false. I’ll take his word for that unless I hear otherwise from a more credible source than Leif, who clearly has an axe to grind for personal reasons.

3/10/2021 4:49:16 PM


President - GPC

Truckin> Email me at Wiz@GPC1.org if you want further clarification.

3/10/2021 5:02:46 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Website salt rubber & grillmaster on deck. Salute!

3/10/2021 6:23:58 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I shoulda joined the military... Love it.

3/10/2021 6:31:27 PM


Upper Strasburg, PA

Sure thing, Wiz.

3/10/2021 6:49:28 PM


Deer Park WA

Yikes! Come on spring....

3/11/2021 12:01:15 AM


President - GPC

As one can see from the posts after Vegas, whatever issues we had were worked out, many handshakes and hugs followed, so the Dave thing is much to do now about nothing.....We moved forward....

3/11/2021 9:55:58 AM


Centennial Colorado

I am going to apologize for some of my post, but not all of it. First of all, the reason why I posted this concern is I did not know how to get in contact with the wiz. Obviously this is not the appropriate way to get in contact, but after hearing about this from my source, I felt there needed to be some accountability. I still have yet to hear weather this did in fact happen from wiz. I know now they don't claim to own pumpkins, but do they harass people to eventually own them? That being said I also apologize for some of my wording. You are right, I did not know about you when I was 6, which is why I was referring to you being president in 2018. Now as I have apologized for my wrong doings, I expect wiz to as well. I have asked for him to apologize to 8 people. They are Joe Scherber, Chad New, Teresa Rodriguez, Andrew Pilger, Will Pierce, Joel Lambe, Lance Hoffa, and me. The me is hurting my friends feelings and with these inflamitory posts against me, actually me as well. I do not claim to know everything, other wise I would not have posted to begin with. With regards to my concern about morrow's, I am a judge and have a responsibility to know the rules and enforce them. Especially as about 20 of my friends will be growing morrow's. I am proposing the GPC to write once more page about how to enforce these rules without harassing the judges and entrants. I have been cursed at for these rules and do think that there needs to be a handbook for how to handle these situations.

3/11/2021 11:10:26 AM


Central NY


3/11/2021 5:17:03 PM


Westmoreland, KS

That's one to many dots chop!

3/11/2021 10:38:44 PM


Denver, CO

Hello, my name is Teresa Rodriquez and I am the RMGVG president. In all honesty I am at a loss for words here-I have never posted on any message board before including the BP site.

Whizzy, you do not owe me an apology. I appreciate your gusto Lief, but nobody was being rude or making fun of me when I grew those caveman clubs in 2019, I readily laughed at my-self for not realizing that those little long fat ghords would not turn round eventually! And I invited other members to laugh with me – lesson learned – and those ugly clubs were definitely composted!

I would also like to state that the RMGVG organization supports the GPC, the committee and the rules; a paper copy of the rules is always on site at all weigh-offs; the updated rules will not be an exception.

Thank you Andy Corbin – I have much respect for you and all the hard work you put forth for the pumpkin growing community.

Thanks to you Whizzy and the entire GPC board – as club president – the volunteer hours sometimes seem endless – we all work full time jobs and volunteer in our limited spare time - I understand your frustration with this message board turn of events.

Lief I respectfully ask that you discontinue these posts – we are all adults and able to express our disappoints and/or frustrations in a more appropriate setting.

3/11/2021 10:49:18 PM


Denver, CO

I would like to add that Lief is a good kid, good club secretary and good member of the RMGVG pumpkin growing community. We will continue to support his growing endeavors in the pumpkin patch and the bigger outside world as he transitions from high-school to college.

3/11/2021 10:50:13 PM


Denver, CO

We are hunkering down for the blizzard of the century here in Colorado – I share Gads sentiments – Come on Spring!

3/11/2021 10:58:50 PM


Central NY

Ya see that leif? ....that’s called throwing your friends under the bus and putting them in an uncomfortable position....Sorry for MY idiotic comments T-rod... my apologies to you and the RMGVG, and best wishes for the 2021 season.

3/12/2021 7:45:54 AM


Denver, CO

Received with much thanks Porkchop; apology accepted and much appreciated. We have not met in person – but I was lucky enough to see you “live” on the big screen at both the Vegas and Virtual conventions. The plan is to attend the 2023 convention – hope to see you there!

I do not grow tomatoes for competition – but I do support the City of Denver household composting endeavors.

I have been obsessed with ghords since the Portland (or the Green Bay) convention where I saw a 101 presentation. Last year I grew a 331 Brown and came in third place at 211 in CO; this year the plan is to grow a 470.5 Connolly with a goal of doubling my personal best.

Did I mention a blizzard is headed towards CO? I am off to spread some fertilizer on the grass before the snow hits.

Wishing everybody health, wealth and giant pumpkins this 2021 grow season!

3/12/2021 8:59:24 AM


Central NY

I’m rooting for you!!!...hunker down!...spring is on the way!

3/12/2021 9:16:12 AM

Dutch Brad


Leif, you wrote: "First is the morrow. Orange is a natural trait that does show up even without cross pollination. Shape is what you should be concerned about. A morrow has a long shape, while field pumpkin has a short and stocky shape."

I'm not sure what a "morrow" is, but I know the chap they asked to help write the marrow rules pretty good. He's really smart and a bit odd but other than that a pretty nice guy if he likes you. I believe he's been growing giant veg since the late 80s (I was just a kid back then). In any case he knows what he is talking about and he says British growers have been growing competition marrows since the 19th century and there have never been orange traits in them without cross pollination with something else at some point in its family tree.

The second issue he had with your statement (I asked him to look at it) is that a regular marrow can have a width to length ratio of as little as 10:12 which is shorter and stockier than some field pumpkins that have won weigh-offs. He also remembers a weigh-off in 2009 where two marrow/fp crosses showed up that were extremely long and completely orange.

3/12/2021 12:54:14 PM



Overall I think the new rules are a step in the right direction. I think the emphasis on avoiding hybrids is wise.The picture examples help clarify the intent.Marrows are new to me but seem to have a unique shape.I'm looking forward to growing one this.

3/12/2021 1:58:34 PM



"this year"

3/12/2021 1:59:29 PM


Parker, Co

Leif is a fine young man. He is courteous, polite, inquisitive and intelligent. He made a mistake and he apologized for it. In the four years we have been back in Colorado we have seen Leif (and his parents) at every weigh off and event helping in any way they can. Just last month he hand delivered some seeds to us in a bubble envelope at night! The Rocky Mountain group is very fortunate to have Leif as a member. Keep up the good work Leif!

3/13/2021 1:02:08 PM


Central NY

Hi tumbleweeds!!!...I miss you guys!!!....leif?...meh... he’s aiight...been a few jerky posts this last year or so..I’m gonna take your word for it though....I do know The GPC are great people who don’t blacklist growers, steal pumpkins ,10 pound tomato’s or CHEAT while judging a contest.

3/13/2021 4:27:54 PM


Rhode Island

Reading most of the posts and complaints uttered by 97 pounder i can honestly say "SHAME ON YOU"

You have not been around this great hobby long enough to warrent anyone listening to your rants and raves.
You should be ashamed of yourself for running down people whom without ? there would not even be a Colorado club.

I know because Gary worked so hard getting your club established many years ago-(probably when you were still nursing i might add)

Grow up -no one wants to hear your banter.
Dick "Pap" Wallace
2008 gpc hof

3/29/2021 5:12:32 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Leif is still a kid. If for no other reason than that... cut him a little more slack and a little less flack, please.

3/30/2021 12:05:02 AM

719.5 Pounder

North Of The Border

Still, I would recommend, think before you post.
Is it, kind, true or necessary...

3/30/2021 5:02:56 PM


Rhode Island

It is when you run down a friend of ours

3/31/2021 2:21:18 PM

719.5 Pounder

North Of The Border

Sorry pap, that wasn't pointed at you, it was in response to G.Kins, saying that even kids should think before posting...

3/31/2021 3:30:59 PM

719.5 Pounder

North Of The Border

I was saying that everyone should respect others, and post only thoughtful things (and I think proofreading is good too...)

3/31/2021 3:31:59 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Wiz can handle it :)

3/31/2021 7:15:05 PM

Total Posts: 58 Current Server Time: 1/12/2025 8:54:21 AM
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