GPC News
Subject: Overturn Decision
Date Posted
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
Dear GPC Committee,
your desire to keep our hobby fair for all has gotten out of hand. rules need to be upheld, but new interpretations of the rules need to be discussed by all of our community members, not just a select few behind closed doors, or emails or Skype. (maybe a open invite to your meetings might help)
As a result of the GPC determining that an ugly scar is now a soft spot, apples and oranges, I will not attend a GPC event with a official fruit ever again if this decision is not overturned.
Biting off my nose despite my face? I doubt it, it is called the courage to stand up for what is right.
10/2/2015 6:42:32 PM
Luigi |
Charlotte, MI
Really! You jack a-- this pumpkin was chemically skinned over in six days. Not a scar from mice OR hail. I would not have taken this fruit to a GPC site. bye bye Owen,
10/2/2015 10:35:05 PM
mellowpumpkin(Josiah Brandt) |
Uncalled for Luigi, Owen keep growing man, theres bigger and better thing out there then pumpkins, no worries & Luigi the pumpkin was cleaned up a bit later then 6 days, I normally have a few days of delay on the pictures in my diary. Best regards Josiah B.
10/2/2015 10:57:35 PM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
LOL, Luigi why didn't you at least finish spelling ass.
Josiah, I do not know you nor any of the judges at the event. This is not about sticking up for you, it is all about the wording and description in the rule. If this was taken to a court of law obviously the GPC would not have a leg to stand on. The spot was not soft, and the site judges should have had the final word, either that or the GPC rules mean nothing.
BTW, I did not say I would stop growing, no one could ever take that joy away from me, but I do not need to go to a GPC sponsored event, that is not what this hobby is about, look at the last entry in my diary, that is what this hobby is about.
Funny but sad fact is that another grower and I are responsible for bringing the GPC to Europe, how ironic.
10/2/2015 11:55:03 PM
Bart |
Whether you agree with Owen or not he deserves your respect. He has been a long time strong supporter of the GPC. If you read his recent post you will see that he ask several questions trying to understand the course of events and facts around this issue. Owen didn’t resort to an attack on anyone or even the GPC. Nobody gets to vote for their rep or the rules so instead he took the only action available to him to support his position with action.
It’s a sad commentary that any question about the GPC or its’ actions are always meet with a site wide attack. Only questions and critique lead to progress not lemmings.
My hat is off to you Owen.
10/3/2015 9:11:27 AM
Smallmouth |
Upa Creek, Mo
Well said Bart. Lemmings...
10/3/2015 9:49:21 AM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
I do not need nor want the support of other giant pumpkin growers, let your consciences be your guide, the GPC has stepped with both feet into a cow patty.
So, now that I have set myself free from future GPC weighoffs I intend to ask Guinness how and why the GPC is the holder of the rules.
Monopooly is a game we played as youth, not something we should have as adults and giant pumpkin growers.
10/3/2015 1:37:10 PM
Richard |
I know nothing about this, but, were all the GPC officials consulted? or Should it be given to the growers to vote on?
10/3/2015 6:31:05 PM
Matt W |
Marion, Wisconsin
And if the opposite had happened, and nothing was done, people would have been upset also. Once this fruit was "official" the metaphorical can was open. I considered this fruit damaged when I saw it in person. I questioned how it would be judged. That being said, I also feel a judges ruling should be final if ruled sound. Kind of like "double jeopardy" law. Appeals should be able to be made though if ruled "DMG". IMHO.
10/4/2015 10:17:12 PM
sirpumpkin |
Frankfort Ohio
It is sad it went this far my understanding is that coordinators or someone elected as a pumpkin grower for few years but whom ever had the final judge vote should be the only one that should be yelled at they know the rules and if they said it was sound then it should have been pictures are not evidence should have had a GPC committee member went to see it in person this is a shame just my opinion
10/5/2015 2:52:55 PM
Nic Welty |
That State Up North
Josiah How many pounds did you shave off? Do you think it was a 2000+ had you not had this issue? 30+% heavy? That is remarkable genetics or technique if this is the case.
10/8/2015 8:19:49 PM
mellowpumpkin(Josiah Brandt) |
No more then 5 pounds nic, I do think it would have been over 2000 pounds had I not stopped watering the plant because I wanted to control the rot.
10/8/2015 10:44:08 PM
Big City Grower (Team coming out of retirement ) |
5 pounds hmm.
10/9/2015 9:14:05 AM
mellowpumpkin(Josiah Brandt) |
Lol 50 pounds is alot of flesh garry, what I took out was not even close to that number, the splits just looked big because they were already opened up from the growth the fruit put on in the fall, I still have what I cut out in a bucket, I'll weigh it when I get home, but it's definitely no where near the 50 pound number some people have been saying.. 5 pounds is about what I took out.
10/9/2015 9:55:54 AM
don young |
lets drop rules all together run what ya brung fill em up weighem down stab forks thru it call it loading error no rules no bitchin either
10/9/2015 3:25:57 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
sounds like the world of comp....where is that weighoff?
10/9/2015 5:50:06 PM
Donkin |
Lesson # 1. Never and i mean never show a pic of a questionable area in a diary!
10/9/2015 5:53:07 PM
Big City Grower (Team coming out of retirement ) |
I didn't say 50 pounds...
10/9/2015 10:38:01 PM
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