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Subject:  Notice of Decision

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Date Posted

Andy W

Western NY

Due to recent questions posed to the GPC regarding the judging of the 1965.0 Brandt weighed at Sturgeon Bay on Saturday, we have been forced to look into the matter. On behalf of the committee, I would like to say that this was not an easy task, nor one that we take lightly.

The GPC committee has decided to revoke the official status of the entry, and instead label the entry as DMG.

This decision was based on the following GPC rules:
-    The specimen must be sound, healthy, and undamaged.
-    A serious soft spot is one that is greater than 3 inches in diameter, and greater than 3 inches deep.
-    If there are more than two soft spots that require material to be removed and measured, the pumpkin will be disqualified even if each is smaller than the definition of 'a serious soft spot'

The fruit had significant damage.

Although the fruit was “cleaned up” prior to the contest, in the picture posted here: http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=247948 the rotten spot was at least five inches deep from the outside of the fruit, and in the photo here (as well as other pictures we have seen of the fruit at the contest) http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=248294 the fruit had multiple, large pieces removed.

In our view, once a pumpkin has reached the point that we would consider it DMG, it cannot then be fixed to become a non-DMG fruit.
We hope that everyone understands our viewpoint as an organization of over 100 sites worldwide with the need to uphold our rules and provide the strictest of credibility for Guinness World Records.

Andy Wolf
GPC President

10/1/2015 9:44:03 AM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

The correct decision was made.

10/1/2015 10:47:42 AM


Home of happy lil plants

a fine pumpkin none the less

10/1/2015 1:50:18 PM


Citrus Heights, CA

Andy, Thank you and the GPC committee for making this decision. While no judge likes to disqualify a fruit it must be done sometimes. I think that your last paragraph sums it up the best. We are a world wide organization and to be credible rules need to be applied the same across all weigh off sites. Ron Root

10/1/2015 2:14:09 PM

Pinnacle Peak

British Columbia, Canada

I really hate to be the one to ask this, but what about the soft spot on the 1921 weston?

10/1/2015 3:09:01 PM

Michigan Masher ( Team Bennett)

Michigan,up North

i thought it was dq if u could poke a stick to the cavity ,,to inside pumpkin

10/1/2015 3:50:15 PM


Honesdale, Pennsylvania

I didn't see it personally but it looks like the 1921 Weston's spot was much smaller than " 3 x 3 inches"

10/1/2015 3:59:03 PM

Tconway (BigStem)

Austin MN

I'm confused it was 100% healed over I was there! I thought if it scabes over it is okay? Isn't a DMG pumpkin one than goes into the cavity?

10/1/2015 4:17:35 PM


San Diego

Why does a soft spot or a missing chunk disqualify a pumpkin? What could have been done to the pumpkin if it does not go through the cavity?

10/1/2015 4:28:05 PM

Q Tip


HI Andy - I am new to this hobby and I apologize if my questions are green, but what defines a soft spot or a serious soft spot? It looked to me that the fruit had healed over meaning it would no longer be soft, but I am unaware of the official definition. Also, if Josiah would not have posted his pictures to BP would he have been disqualified? It just concerns me as a new grower that experienced growers will no longer want to post to BP because of what could happen. Thank you Qtip

10/1/2015 4:39:50 PM

Tree Doctor

Mulino, Oregon

Just so everyone understands this was a decision made by the entire GPC board (11 members)not just Andy Wolf. It was not an easy decision however we all felt it needed to be made to preserve the integrity and intent of the rules.

10/1/2015 4:49:15 PM

Chris S.


For those of you replying to this thread with no knowledge of the GPC rules... Please read the rules. Scroll to "Article 2 Fruit and Growers:


10/1/2015 5:05:09 PM

Q Tip


Thanks Chris -

10/1/2015 5:18:39 PM


D)Judging is to be completed before a fruit is officially weighed.("integrity")

10/1/2015 5:26:12 PM

Q Tip


Once again not looking for an argument but an explanation. Chris, Andy our GPC committee can you explain Article 1 section 5D to me. Based off of the resent decision this would mean this rule is inaccurate and that the decision could be changed by the GPC board members up to 6 days later or more? and when is a pumpkin officially official then? I am just confused by the rules. Also, If I have a pumpkin at day 40 that gets a 4 x 4 soft spot that heals over and I weigh it then at day 90 does that count as DMG because of what happened on day 40? Thanks for the help guys - Maybe I should post these questions on the new growers section :)

10/1/2015 5:32:06 PM

don young

q tip 50 days of healing. in your example would be a lot longer than the couple of days this pumpkin was carved up on then entered

good job gpc a tough decision but needed to be done

10/1/2015 5:45:54 PM

Bcbf (Gary)


It appears to me that the 1965 Brant was incorrectly ruled a sound pumpkin, but according to the rules in article 1 section 5d the pumpkin has to be accepted as official. I believe the rules would have to be ammended to do other wise. I don't think you can start dq pumpkins or squash based off pictures, we have to educate and trust our judges to make the right call as they are the ones looking at the actual fruit.

10/1/2015 6:02:28 PM

Michigan Masher ( Team Bennett)

Michigan,up North

if your saying u cant DQ pumpkins from pictures ,,were all gpc 11 members there at the wiegh off,,who were the judges

10/1/2015 6:11:42 PM

Q Tip


Thanks don - when is the cut off then? Is 40 days enough healing or 30, 20, 10 days? Thanks again

10/1/2015 6:30:37 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

i think this is going to be the biggest controversy of the winter...i personally can see valid points on both sides of the argument. Many valid points...healing, conflicting rules i.e. judging before weighoff etc. Going to be awhile to solve this issue.

10/1/2015 8:32:46 PM

Kevin Snyder (TEAM HAMMER)


BCBF(gary), the selection and education of judges for GPC events will be addressed after the weigh-off season.

10/1/2015 8:36:35 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

The judges need to be trained by the GPC prior to being placed in the field.The people taping kins should be trained also.I have seen a lot of careless & ignorant kins taped and accepted at weigh-offs for the past 19 years.

10/1/2015 8:47:13 PM


Central Minnesota

Michigan masher I was one of the judges at the event and also run this event. I judged this fruit as I do them all based on current GPC rules. I stand behind the decision myself and the other judges made prior to weighing the pumpkin in question.

10/1/2015 8:55:50 PM

Matt W

Marion, Wisconsin

The rule is definenately open to interpretation. I see both sides arguement. I was also there to see it being weighed. It was a debated issue, but I was not a judge.

10/1/2015 9:21:20 PM

Dave & Carol

Team Munson

This issue was handled properly & with out prejudice I commend the GPC Executive Committee for taking their time to make this difficult decision.

This is the first time the GPC has ever had to step in & reverse a judges ruling. The over whelming physical evidence made this unfortunate reversal necessary to uphold the integrity of what the GPC stands for.

For those questioning how Article I section 5 paragraph D was interpreted it is apparent the judges did not have a complete knowledge of all rules and how to implement them fairly.

The GPC has worked very hard to educate the sites & growers how to judge correctly so any grower going to any GPC site will be judged equally. Unfortunately the GPC does not have the money or resources to properly train all the judges world wide. In the end the information is out there & the committee has their contact information available to help avoid this in the future. The time is to work together & to learn, be a part of the solution not a part of the problem.

10/1/2015 9:48:14 PM


Central Minnesota

Dave I appreciate what you are saying but the judges had complete knowledge of the rule as written and consulted with our regional GPC rep before making any ruling on the fruit in question. As judges we used the resources we were given. Again we stand by our decision.

10/1/2015 9:54:54 PM

megakin(Team Illiana)

west central IN/East central IL

my problem is the words "Soft Spot". if its not soft at the time of weighing then, its not a "Soft Spot". if my finger doesn't push through it, it cant be soft. Different wording is needed or better definition.

10/1/2015 9:57:10 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

I have seen stem splits that didn't go into the cavity that healed and that were bigger then 3", both deep and wide, is this also DMG?

I am asking for clarity, as I may need to self identify myself as having a DMG fruit in the past.

10/1/2015 10:49:10 PM


Frankfort Ohio

Unless the gpc is going to make sure a representative from that reagon is at each and every weigh off the judges decision must be final some one high and mighty bitched about this and that's why their had to be a decision from the gpc I feel bad for all involved I know this was no easy issue but we have all seen questional things before and have not always liked the way it was ruled but every weighoff I have been to had the exact same wording on their paperwork JUDGES DECISION FINAL not gpc ruling final no hate towards anyone involved but this ruling will cause more shit than the gpc wants I'm sure

10/1/2015 11:28:00 PM


Citrus Heights, CA

It appears to me based on the comments from both growers and at least one judge from the surrounding area. They do not understand the rules that the other sites follow. The pumpkin in question was a slam dunk disqualification. It troubles me (if true) that the GPC rep agreed that it was a official fruit. Somehow we need to get this part of the country following the same rules as the rest.

10/2/2015 12:13:14 AM

Dale M

Anchorage Alaska

lets turn this around .. when the local judge at a gpc weigh-off makes what I, assume is a wrong call .. I can appeal to the gpc for a different ruling ? just wondering

10/2/2015 12:14:58 AM



Very interesting thread. I realize this is a sensitive subject, and I don't doubt the good intentions of all involved.
One thing I'm wondering: were the previous soft spot areas healed up on Josiahs's pumpkin by weigh off time? If so, then I would think they wouldn't be classified as soft spots at the time of the weigh off. If they were healed, then if it wasn't for Josiah's diary pics of the soft spots, we might not know what originally caused the damage that healed over. It could have looked similar to an area where some animal had feasted on those areas of the pumpkin, and they healed over. Or a healed over area from damage caused by pumpkin vandals.
Please help me to understand. If a previous significant soft spot is no longer a soft spot at the weighoff, would any rules come into play regarding this?

10/2/2015 12:19:12 AM

Josh Scherer

Piqua, Ohio

The spots were bigger than 3"x3". Read the GPC rules. The judges were wrong. End of story. What is so hard for eveyone to understand?

10/2/2015 7:28:43 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Was the spot soft? If it was not then it doesn't matter how big the scar was, what's so hard to understand about that?

10/2/2015 8:07:54 AM


Central Minnesota

Owen there were no rot or soft spots on the pumpkin when we judged it prior to it being weighed. The spots had been cleaned 6 days prior to weighoff and were dry skinned over and hard. In our opinion and the opinion of our GPC rep the day of the weighoff was that spots that were skinned over and hard were no longer soft spots. The rules say nothing about judging from pictures in a diary on BP.

10/2/2015 8:20:39 AM


New England

The pumpkin was ruled a sound entry by the judges at the weigh off. How can you over-rule that especially if those making the over-ruling were not in attendance. The pumpkin was ruled fair at weigh off; that should not be over turned, but yes it should be up for discussion with the judges at the weigh off for future knowledge. Yes Rules are Rules but perhaps this is a rule that should be looked at. How does a soft spot, if not entering the internal cavity, affect the integrity of the pumpkin.

10/2/2015 8:21:41 AM


Upa Creek, Mo

MNFisher, I agree with you 100%. Everyone who was there including you thought it was eligible, but it was overruled later and way after the fact (breaking their own GPC rule). Could you imagine if this happened in another sport? A guy was called safe at home, game over, then the MLB execs decide later on he was actually out? Sounds like his own BP diary pics shot himself in the foot.

10/2/2015 8:29:15 AM

26 West

50 Acres

I know judging isn,t easy. But we all have to be supportive of their decisions made at the time of weigh off. Jim

10/2/2015 9:09:14 AM

Matt W

Marion, Wisconsin

Smallmouth, I wouldn't say "Everyone" thought it was eligible.

10/2/2015 9:13:31 AM

Q Tip


Question for any GPC judge out there - Does part of the training include going through grower diaries on BP prior to weigh offs to determine if there is any soft spots or problem areas on any pumpkin/fruit that might get entered? Just curious as I keep reading about "poor" judging, but it appears to me the "correct" judging came from BP diaries and word of mouth.
I think the judges in question even consulted with their regional GPC committee member and got the "okay" that the fruit was sound. Should the judges ask several regional GPC reps and which GPC rep would have final say?

10/2/2015 9:18:04 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

So, since the pumpkin did not have any soft spots then the rule:

"- A serious soft spot is one that is greater than 3 inches in diameter, and greater than 3 inches deep."

Should not be applied. A freaking 10 year old could understand that.

I said it before, there is something more to this that is not be told to the public.

A sad day for our fantastic hobby and the integrity of it as well.

Whoever wants to can consider it to be DMG, but I for one will always see it as an official WI state record.

10/2/2015 9:19:19 AM



so if a record breaking pumpkin leaks only a few days after it is weighed will it be reviewed as dmg ??

10/2/2015 9:19:32 AM



I'm with Doug on this, very interesting thread, not only for the GPC, but everybody. I like the fact it hasn't gone off the tracks already because there are some great comments that will for sure help with everything going forward.
And Josiah, I hope your next fruit off the 2096 weighs at least 1966

10/2/2015 9:41:24 AM


Upa Creek, Mo

And since the GPC can break their own rule to disqualify a pumpkin after deemed eligible:


10/2/2015 10:01:59 AM

Windy City


Obviously the rule will or should be reworded to provide clarity for the growers and judges..I also interpreted it as if the soft spot heals over...If the intent of the rule was to say once a fruit has a soft spot larger than 3" x 3" its DQ'd, then it should say that..If your own judges and half the growers can't figure out your intent...you need to rewrite it...clarification is important!

10/2/2015 10:29:28 AM

Pumpkinman Dan

Johnston, Iowa

IMHO Something needs to be added to Article II Section 4, a definition or characteristics of a defect that has "healed". Maybe the GPC will rule that any hole at anytime will DQ a pumpkin, regardless if its mushy at the time of the weigh-off or if its long since been healed and is solid? I would like to see more people get into this hobby, but an incident like this is a real turn off. Props to Josiah for moving on.

10/2/2015 11:17:15 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Now the question that needs to be asked,

Who was the GPC rep and what is his or her stand on this?

Whoever it was, I for one think you made the right decision.

BTW, who came up with the 3" rule? Why not 2.75 or 3.25? Stupid rule, soft to the middle of the pumpkin would be enough.

The GPC needs to explain "In Detail" their decision.

As a country boy says, stupid is as stupid does.

10/2/2015 12:42:38 PM



It seems to me that all the agents involved in this incident have acted in good faith believing they were doing the right thing. From the grower to judges, reps and gpc directors I think all believed they were doing the right thing.We need to keep this in mind as we move forward. That being said the bylaws and rules probably need to be amended.

(1) the rules regarding soft spots needs to be clarified
(2) the statements of the finality of a judges needs to be clarified
(3) the statement that communication between the gpc executive committee and growers will flow only thru the club/group rep needs clarification.
(4) the statement that only the gpc executive committee ( five people not eleven) reserves the right of judicial authority needs to be addressed.
(5) there are other areas between the amended rules and the bylaws that need attention

Times change, organizational direction change, and transparency with clarity helps to deal with these difficult issues that will arise.

I offer this thought with best wishes to all and great appreciation of the labor and time involved in growing as well managing an organization.

Mark Rogers

10/3/2015 10:02:07 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Mark, you have some very good suggestions.

I have always been a supporter of the GPC not sure how many emails I

10/3/2015 1:59:57 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

break to many fingers on the keyboard

how many emails that I have sent to the GPC for rule clarification.

those days are behind me now.

and whether Luigi want to attack me as a ass hole, or Mari Lou ever gets an answer to her question of why

10/3/2015 2:06:42 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

that Holland AG was not given more notice.

I am free, GPC do what you want, I know the difference between right and wromg.

10/3/2015 2:10:16 PM

Kevin Snyder (TEAM HAMMER)



"Now the question that needs to be asked,

Who was the GPC rep and what is his or her stand on this?

Whoever it was, I for one think you made the right decision."

You posted this above. Right? If I'm reading this correctly you don't know who the rep was or what their stand was on the fruit. In the very next sentence, however, you say you believe they made the right decision. How can you agree with that person if you don't know who they are or what their stance was?

10/3/2015 3:30:48 PM


SW Ohio

Mnfisher states above their area rep was consulted and gave the fruit the green light in a direct response to owens question. Not to speak for owen but i feel sure that is what he is referring to.

10/3/2015 5:27:27 PM

Kevin Snyder (TEAM HAMMER)



I get that. The point is, someone said what the rep said and now those words will be treated as the reps own? That's hearsay, at best.

10/3/2015 7:06:28 PM



The rule states judges decisions are final. You cant get around that rule and DQ the fruit later.Learn from this GPC. We need to be educated on what constitutes a sound pumpkin.If you want to DQ a fruit after the fact then change that rule. Its wrong to DQ that fruit as the rules are currently. I don't care if bats flew out of it 5 minutes later-the rule states judges decisions are final-nuf said

10/3/2015 7:35:52 PM

Kevin Snyder (TEAM HAMMER)



What if bats flew out of a giant hole 5 minutes before it was weighed but the judge let it be an official fruit anyway, do you still think the judge's decision should be final?

10/3/2015 7:38:58 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Kevin is right, I used pictures to make my decision.

Doesn't change my stance on the decision made by the GPC.

10/3/2015 8:18:51 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

BTW Matt W obviously has either more info or his on opinion I for one would really like to hear it.

10/3/2015 8:21:00 PM


Kentucky, U.S.A.

Well Kevin, that does happen, like it or not. That's called a venue's reputation. Don't go back!

10/3/2015 8:30:17 PM



If the rule is judges decisions are final- yes. I realize the GPC committee is trying to do the right thing.I'm not convinced the pumpkin was damaged. If it scabbed over I think that's a sound fruit-cause its still growing. it was was ruled as such. Theres bias cause we all saw the diary before he scooped it out. We all need to go to school on whats soud and whats not. Its a grey area and rules need to address this subject.GPC rules suggest judges decisions are final. That has to be looked at also. Its a grey area on that fruit soundness,it was ruled sound-that's gotta stand

10/3/2015 8:33:37 PM



a decision made to disqualify a fruit from the viewing of pics in a diary.This just blows my mind

10/3/2015 8:55:55 PM


SW Ohio

Kevin Snyder:
Yes, I get that about hearsay. Hearsay is never a good thing to go by. Probably best to see something in person before you make up your mind about it.

10/3/2015 9:10:28 PM


Freedom Is Just Another Word For Noting Left To Lose

This is going to be as ugly as the voting chads in Florida. Does anyone see the relation or have any relation?

10/3/2015 9:24:46 PM

Kevin Snyder (TEAM HAMMER)



Going forward that's exactly what we need to avoid, the rules weren't followed, that can't be allowed.

10/3/2015 9:28:01 PM


East Jordan, MI


unverified, unofficial information gained or acquired from another and not part of one's direct knowledge:

HMMMMM, sound familiar?

10/3/2015 9:42:29 PM


Freedom Is Just Another Word For Noting Left To Lose

Vanessa Williams was judged on pictures too.

10/3/2015 9:52:54 PM

Kevin Snyder (TEAM HAMMER)


Cecil, I understood the dentition when I posted that.


So, a photo displayed by the grower with a measuring tool in the photo is considered hearsay?

10/4/2015 12:36:16 AM



The rule about decisions being final was probably written to protect the authority of judges while on site, and not to prevent GPC officials from having all abilities to correct an error.

10/4/2015 8:09:06 AM

mellowpumpkin(Josiah Brandt)


Everyone I want to give my opinion on this and explain why this fruit was DQ by the GPC, First of all Scott and the judges were 100% right to make the call this was a sound fruit, the reason the GPC DQ this fruit is because it would not be presentable on stage if it were to go on t.v. or on display for people to see, even though it was healed over and sound, that is why the gpc DQ's fruit with rot spots 3x3 even if they dont make it to the cavity, which I think is absolutely BS if I grew a 2500 pumpkin that was damaged and scared but was sound I'd be made as hell they took The WR away from me after all the work I put into the fruit, WHY? Just because it's not pleaseing to the eyes? Really? Its about weight not looks, this is why the rules need to be changed. I strongly disagree with the way the GPC haddled this, they should have posted this on BP.com, before making contact with me first

10/4/2015 8:48:34 AM


East Jordan, MI

I have been in this hobby for a short 6 years.
At least 2 times that I can recall a grower lobbied the GPC committee for a reversal of a decision made at a weigh off.

The answer was,
The judges decision is final.

If the committee felt that it was a bad decision, they should have contacted the site and the judges and had a conversation on why they made the decision.

Which is posted above from MnFisher

"The spots had been cleaned 6 days prior to weighoff and were dry skinned over and hard. In our opinion and the opinion of our GPC rep the day of the weighoff was that spots that were skinned over and hard were no longer soft spots."

Then with that information, the committee has to better define the intent of the rule, which really is, No serious DAMAGE, and then CLEARLY define the definition of "serious damage" for the future -- not overturn the decision.

What needs to come from this is:

If a pumpkin gets damaged and heals, what is the definition of "healed"

They must keep in mind that the really big ones often get stem splits that create an opening in the shoulders of the pumpkin that can be more than 3 inches deep.

They must also determine if a pumpkin starts splitting along a rib as it grows how to judge that.

10/4/2015 9:22:52 AM


Central Minnesota

Kevin I have submitted an official appeal to the GPC and I am sure you received it also. While the GPC has no process for appeal they also have no process for over ruling a judges decision. I also have the transcript of my conversation with the GPC Central region rep prior to the weighoff at Sturgeon Bay. I have provided the Appeal letter and pictures. If the GPC really was looking into this I would assume they would be doing their due diligence and gathering all the facts.

10/4/2015 10:45:32 AM

Bcbf (Gary)


Do I understand this right? The GPC did not consult with the official judges before overturning there decision.

10/4/2015 12:20:42 PM


Tenino, WA.

Killdear, I believe that you are correct about protecting the judges. Here is the closing statement in the GPC rules section.


Every provision of these amendments to the GPC Rules shall take effect February 28, 2010. The provisions of the GPC Rules shall be enforced throughout the family of GPC sanctioned sites. The GPC Executive Committee reserves the right of judicial authority to govern all sanctioned GPC sites according to these rules.

I would be surprised if the GPC committee did not contact both the local GPC rep and the judge before making their decision.

10/5/2015 3:59:30 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

1068 ever had a 3" split in a stem that was judged ok?

If not I would be very surprised.

Why even have a rule that the judges decision is final if what you state above is correct? Final, sure as long as the good ol boys agree and it looks good on TV.

10/5/2015 4:15:49 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

What about multiple animal bits 1068, no mice deer, squirrels or whatever in WA?

10/5/2015 4:18:10 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

replace 1064 with 1068 above

10/5/2015 4:19:20 PM

Chris S.


Owen I had to check on this to confirm, but stems are not included in the judging. You don't even need a stem.

10/5/2015 4:21:37 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

OMG, what will I do next year? Probably have lots of fun, enjoy myself and laugh my ass off as the GPC upholds its integrity.

10/5/2015 4:22:10 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

So the stem is not part of the pumpkin?

That makes this even more rediculus.

10/5/2015 4:23:14 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

I guess TV don't care about stem.

10/5/2015 4:23:58 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

BTW Chris S. with who did you check? Let me guess.....

10/5/2015 4:29:29 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

And the crazy part is I agree, no stem no big deal, 3-6" inches across...as long as it is healed and not soft. the whole idea.

healed fruit is exactly that, I have said it before give the rules to a 10 year old and a scabbed over fruit that was not soft or mushy that didn't need anything scraped away should be legal.

10/5/2015 4:33:26 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Transparency, courage, honesty.

10/5/2015 4:36:10 PM



Just wondering, how about any kind of foreign material on the fruit?
Anyone mentioned this aspect in the course of this discussion (which is scattered over a couple of threads) yet?

It should be interesting for all growers to know how large the area treated with some kind of chemical needs to be before a fruit will be ruled DMG...a removed blossom nub treated with some sulfur dust...foreign material?...on a part of the fruit? Some little cracks and splits, perfectly dry, but had been dusted with sulfur a month earlier...any problem here? Any fungicides used which can´t be spotted by the human eye (but chemical analysis would reveal their presence on the scar)...any problem here?

A big crack in the fruit (even if deeper than 3" and wider than 3") would probably be ruled a sound fruit in the case the wound dries perfectly fine without any chemicals added, wouldn´t it? (Not trying to say that this is possible, but I also can´t say that it is impossible.) This points at the problem of more than 2 soft spots smaller than 3" (it would correspond to more than 2 cracks smaller than 3"), and you all will agree that there are many many pumpkins out there with more than just 2 little cracks which are perfectly dry and the fruit is then ruled a sound fruit.

10/5/2015 4:48:12 PM



I have a question for you
As a past GPC board member, I can remember on several occasions where you were asked to join the GPC and represent the growers, every time the same answer was given and that was NO. But now and a few other times in the past you have all these questions and or answers, So if you have so much to say and want to make a difference, why not put your name up to become part of the Executive

Just asking!!!!
and an FYI I've been asked by several growers what I think of all this, my answer will remain the same, I don't have all the info, nor am I privy to it, so until such a time as everything is disclosed, I reserve comment.

10/5/2015 5:06:11 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Eddy, the GPC is and has always been a great idea. I have said that in the past though it may not appear I feel that way now.

I had problems understanding the rules years ago, but through the mentorship of the president back then I tried hard to understand.

I decided it was best for me to just let go and tried to help others in Europe to take over my responsibilities.

The "soft spot" rule back then was always something that was determined at the weighoff, in other words, if the AG had a soft spot, and you had to dig 3" or more to clean it out it was DMG.

If it came scarred or scabbed over it was ok.

Just answering.

10/5/2015 5:19:02 PM


President - GPC

Exactly Eddy.....Lets be part of the solution, instead of part of the problem or adding fuel onto the fire...

10/5/2015 5:20:57 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Is this a world record?


10/5/2015 5:23:05 PM



good point Owen!!!!

10/5/2015 5:24:36 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

So many examples of the judges decision being final, why is the GPC fighting this?

10/5/2015 5:26:09 PM


Tenino, WA.

Hi Owen, Yes After 30+ years of growing these giant I have had a stem split or two that was more than 3" X 3" that healed itself and was ruled sound. However most of the time if it splits I lose the fruit just bad luck I guess. I have a terrible time trying to stop them.

Yes Owen this is in the GPC rules all I did was a copy and paste.

"Every provision of these amendments to the GPC Rules shall take effect February 28, 2010. The provisions of the GPC Rules shall be enforced throughout the family of GPC sanctioned sites. The GPC Executive Committee reserves the right of judicial authority to govern all sanctioned GPC sites according to these rules"

They probably have this clause in place in case there is a compliant about a ruling. That would give the committee the opportunity to review the case and make a decision.

I have no idea how each member of the GPC committee voted on this issue. I understand that all 11 members were in on the decision. Maybe it is a good old boys club but I doubt that the committee is composed of 11 members from the United States, Canada and Europe.

10/5/2015 5:34:01 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Thank you 1064.

10/5/2015 5:36:53 PM

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