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Subject:  weigh off photos

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Central Illinois

I may be the only person thats bothered by this and with everything else thats going on its a trivial matter, but I dont like the weigh off scales to be covered by a "state record" or even a "world record" sign and then held up in the air to reveal the weight.

this is just an example I have nothing against anyone in the photo, I think this will just confuse those watching the event and new growers


10/24/2014 8:29:45 AM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

What? It looks like some kid was holding the sign. What does he know? Its just a kid having some fun. And, it was not all that confusing to me. I think the kid probably thought it was funny. He had the "power" for a second or two. You just might be the only person. lol

10/24/2014 9:14:18 AM

Chris S.


Please explain why it's bad to "reveal" a weight?

10/24/2014 9:33:13 AM


Northern California Foothills

It's annoying to wait a minute or so before the mc "reveals" the weight. I think it would be more exciting to watch the weight fluctuate and then eventually settle. However that's just my opinion and I may very well be in the extreme minority on this one.

10/24/2014 10:35:08 AM


Buffalo, MN (Billsbigpumpkins@hotmail.com)

I would carry it out further by rather than just covering the scale by engaging the other growers and the crowd by guessing at the weights of the last ten pumpkins.

10/24/2014 12:01:49 PM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI (mail@gr8pumpkin.net)

I don't like to see the scale it reminds me of being on the biggest loser...Just tell me if it went heavy or light. Then show me the weight

10/24/2014 1:15:43 PM


Central Illinois

I think it could be confusing to see a 1700 pounder and a world record sign by it,I am not singling out these people. The last 5 news articles I have read all had incorrect weights. The last one said the new world record for this year was 1800 pounds.

10/24/2014 7:41:43 PM


Central Illinois

I have no problem at all keeping a weight a secrete to be revealed, just thought the public and new growers would be less confused.

10/24/2014 7:46:01 PM


Central Illinois

To BillF, maybe the person making the closest guess could get a lap dance from shazzy

10/24/2014 7:48:59 PM


East Jordan, MI

we turn the display (not the scale) off between pumpkins, after the pumpkin is settled and nothing is touching it, the display is turned back on. EVERYONE sees the weight at the exact same moment. Its exhilarating, no peaking What an adrenaline rush! (except for the few that pre=weigh and know their weight already) They will never get that rush. They sign is just a different way of concealing the weight,.

10/24/2014 8:03:56 PM


Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com

At Anamosa, we don't have a big display, just a small screen for the judges and official of the state bureau of weights and measures to see. But the same scale company has provided the scales free of charge for 26 straight weigh-offs, so we make do. They were inducted into the club's hall of fame this year. There is a leader board display (computerized the past few years) The weight and grower's name and home town are taped to the pumpkin, and spectators are allowed to wander through to view the pumpkins after weighing, or while in the line waiting to be weighed. The layout of the weigh off site dictates how some things have to be done. The top 20 are announced at the awards ceremony. It works for us and I haven't heard any complaints.

10/24/2014 8:26:56 PM

Big City Grower (Team coming out of retirement )


I can not cut and paste ....

10/24/2014 11:10:44 PM

Farmer Ben

Hinckley MN

using a blank signboard for the reveal would eliminate any confusion over State or World records in photos of the event. Save the record signs for when a record is broken.

10/27/2014 12:47:48 PM


Central NY

Looks like it's gonna be a long winter.....

10/27/2014 1:37:47 PM


Central Illinois

That's all I meant Farmer Ben

10/28/2014 9:21:33 AM

Udo Karkos

Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

I see the piont, but think it will most confuse the press and laymen who see the photo.
At the weigh off this has been just less than a second between waiting and explanation.

11/3/2014 1:06:43 AM



My daughter made a video of the weigh off where this pumpkin was weighed. This pumpkin took first place and was a state record. We are proud of the achievements of our growers. We want to recognize them with a nice photo. Why not have a sign? One side says state record and the other side say World record. We have had both in Wisconsin and want to be ready for what may come. This was an event to celebrate. In all the excitement the sign was backwards, so what! Let's not lose the thrill of the moment in petty details. Watch the video and see what was really going on. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJ8jd2525GA

11/7/2014 11:39:23 PM

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